'24 FL CB Cai Bates (FSU Commit)

Number 1 corner in the state they wanted him but never had a lot of traction with the coaching change was mainly a UT Vs Texas battle but lsu was still actively recruiting him.

Reports I got was LSU took him for granted
Who can blame them tbh. I feel like they are one of the main schools that, historically, could ignore a kid all cycle and then offer him last minute and he'd still commit to them.

Definitely.. they have notoriously done that with local kids because they knew they could pull them later if needed.
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Recruiting isn't the issue.. His ability to develop it.. if it wasn't he would've gotten a raise and extension like the other Coach's. This is clearly an improve with development or get replaced type season.
Agreed but you also have to think dbs have it harder than anyone else in this Tennessee system. Itā€™s been subpar but havenā€™t been terrible, putting clamps on receivers would put this defense over the edge imo
Number 1 corner in the state they wanted him but never had a lot of traction with the coaching change was mainly a UT Vs Texas battle but lsu was still actively recruiting him.
I knew it came down to Tennessee and Texas and we kind of came in the back door to steal him, late. Just didn't remember LSU being heavily involved. Coaching change makes some sense as to why they weren't greatly considered.

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