Im on the west side of Florida right now. Nobody cares. Florida was built for this. The brunt of the storm will hit swamp land. It will drain quickly. There is a chance that Jose right behind Irma does a circle and hits the same areas again and that would be quite a hit, but this is not Harvey. Tennessee may get harder then Florida TBH.
Im on the west side of Florida right now. Nobody cares. Florida was built for this. The brunt of the storm will hit swamp land. It will drain quickly. There is a chance that Jose right behind Irma does a circle and hits the same areas again and that would be quite a hit, but this is not Harvey. Tennessee may get harder then Florida TBH.
Granted, I'm not a meteorologist but I feel like I can say with a decent amount of certainty that Florida will be hit harder than Tennessee. Which model are you looking at?