Florida Quarterback arrested on child porn charges

Really? How about all the politicians involved with the political people involved with Epstein. How about all the child molesters working at Disney. How about all the Hollywood movies that feature rape, child molestation, murders, shooting people and on and on and on. You don’t think kids watch this crap??
Everybody knows what you mean, and everyone knows what I mean.
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Really? How about all the politicians involved with the political people involved with Epstein. How about all the child molesters working at Disney. How about all the Hollywood movies that feature rape, child molestation, murders, shooting people and on and on and on. You don’t think kids watch this crap??

Uuuuuhhhhh gator, isn't all that Disney stuff happening next to your campus in Gainesville?
There's a lot of sick crap in the Bible too, maybe kids shouldn't read that either.
Not that I expect you to believe this, but bible scholars will tell you that much of it was written with deliberately inserted historical cultural context. What that means is, for example, had it been written about America in later times, much would have been included about slavery. It would not imply that slavery was good, but a facet of life at a particular period of time. A great deal of what is actually in the Bible is not promoted by Christianity, but was laying what was going on at the times as a backdrop. No historical writing would have been complete without that cultural layer.
So the guy is 19. Was this racy pics of his 16-year old ex gf or is this what we traditionally think of as kiddie porn type stuff?
Sounds like the bad stuff.

"The Gainesville Police Department received a cyber tip about a user of the Discord messaging system sharing an image of “child sexual abuse material,” the department said in a press release. The investigation led police to Kitna’s Gainesville residence."

"Kitna, 19, told police he shared them but thought they were legal because he found them online. He then said he should not have shared them, according to Gainesville police. An initial search of his electronic devices found three more images. "
Thank you
As a Gator fan I am appalled by what he did.
He deserves punishment and it will come.
What people who make comments that are vulgar, reprehensible and downright disgusting need to realize is there are parents on both sides of this issue. The parents of the children involved, the parents of Kitna who are absolutely devastated right now. Lives are shattered, reputations are destroyed and there will be no getting over of this by any of the people involved. You never know what life will bring to you and you never really know the people you think you know. So before the comments you write please just keep in mind what if it were your child that was involved. He made a horrible decision but he made that decision outside of the University, he made it outside of his coaches, he made it outside of his teammates and he made it outside of his family yet in doing so it still involves them. Unwarranted or not it involves them. So please take a minute Please take a breath and Please take a moment to thank God it wasn’t someone you know, someone you’re associated with. Thanks to the ones on here who have the mentality to think before commenting.
Thank you
As a Gator fan I am appalled by what he did.
He deserves punishment and it will come.
What people who make comments that are vulgar, reprehensible and downright disgusting need to realize is there are parents on both sides of this issue. The parents of the children involved, the parents of Kitna who are absolutely devastated right now. Lives are shattered, reputations are destroyed and there will be no getting over of this by any of the people involved. You never know what life will bring to you and you never really know the people you think you know. So before the comments you write please just keep in mind what if it were your child that was involved. He made a horrible decision but he made that decision outside of the University, he made it outside of his coaches, he made it outside of his teammates and he made it outside of his family yet in doing so it still involves them. Unwarranted or not it involves them. So please take a minute Please take a breath and Please take a moment to thank God it wasn’t someone you know, someone you’re associated with. Thanks to the ones on here who have the mentality to think before commenting.

So you aren't thanking yourself then.
Thank you
As a Gator fan I am appalled by what he did.
He deserves punishment and it will come.
What people who make comments that are vulgar, reprehensible and downright disgusting need to realize is there are parents on both sides of this issue. The parents of the children involved, the parents of Kitna who are absolutely devastated right now. Lives are shattered, reputations are destroyed and there will be no getting over of this by any of the people involved. You never know what life will bring to you and you never really know the people you think you know. So before the comments you write please just keep in mind what if it were your child that was involved. He made a horrible decision but he made that decision outside of the University, he made it outside of his coaches, he made it outside of his teammates and he made it outside of his family yet in doing so it still involves them. Unwarranted or not it involves them. So please take a minute Please take a breath and Please take a moment to thank God it wasn’t someone you know, someone you’re associated with. Thanks to the ones on here who have the mentality to think before commenting.
Not defending anyone, but I don’t think a Gator fan needs to come on a Tennessee board and give advice on how they should or shouldn’t act, it’s very condescending.
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Not that I expect you to believe this, but bible scholars will tell you that much of it was written with deliberately inserted historical cultural context. What that means is, for example, had it been written about America in later times, much would have been included about slavery. It would not imply that slavery was good, but a facet of life at a particular period of time. A great deal of what is actually in the Bible is not promoted by Christianity, but was laying what was going on at the times as a backdrop. No historical writing would have been complete without that cultural layer.
Yes it is called context.
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Thank you
As a Gator fan I am appalled by what he did.
He deserves punishment and it will come.
What people who make comments that are vulgar, reprehensible and downright disgusting need to realize is there are parents on both sides of this issue. The parents of the children involved, the parents of Kitna who are absolutely devastated right now. Lives are shattered, reputations are destroyed and there will be no getting over of this by any of the people involved. You never know what life will bring to you and you never really know the people you think you know. So before the comments you write please just keep in mind what if it were your child that was involved. He made a horrible decision but he made that decision outside of the University, he made it outside of his coaches, he made it outside of his teammates and he made it outside of his family yet in doing so it still involves them. Unwarranted or not it involves them. So please take a minute Please take a breath and Please take a moment to thank God it wasn’t someone you know, someone you’re associated with. Thanks to the ones on here who have the mentality to think before commenting.
No need to be quite so condescendingR (95).gif
Sounds like the bad stuff.

"The Gainesville Police Department received a cyber tip about a user of the Discord messaging system sharing an image of “child sexual abuse material,” the department said in a press release. The investigation led police to Kitna’s Gainesville residence."

"Kitna, 19, told police he shared them but thought they were legal because he found them online. He then said he should not have shared them, according to Gainesville police. An initial search of his electronic devices found three more images. "

If NCMEC tipped them off then it was the bad stuff for sure.
I just watched a YT video on him. Not excusing his actrions by any means, but man his dad was a giant pos; and dude's brain was Chris Benoit bad from CTE. But he was also an entitled prick who was never held accountable either.
You are correct, his brain was donated to Boston University after death. It was said he suffered from the worst case of CTE ever documented. Still, he was a bad dude.
Sounds like the bad stuff.

"The Gainesville Police Department received a cyber tip about a user of the Discord messaging system sharing an image of “child sexual abuse material,” the department said in a press release. The investigation led police to Kitna’s Gainesville residence."

"Kitna, 19, told police he shared them but thought they were legal because he found them online. He then said he should not have shared them, according to Gainesville police. An initial search of his electronic devices found three more images. "

It was the bad stuff.
Thank you
As a Gator fan I am appalled by what he did.
He deserves punishment and it will come.
What people who make comments that are vulgar, reprehensible and downright disgusting need to realize is there are parents on both sides of this issue. The parents of the children involved, the parents of Kitna who are absolutely devastated right now. Lives are shattered, reputations are destroyed and there will be no getting over of this by any of the people involved. You never know what life will bring to you and you never really know the people you think you know. So before the comments you write please just keep in mind what if it were your child that was involved. He made a horrible decision but he made that decision outside of the University, he made it outside of his coaches, he made it outside of his teammates and he made it outside of his family yet in doing so it still involves them. Unwarranted or not it involves them. So please take a minute Please take a breath and Please take a moment to thank God it wasn’t someone you know, someone you’re associated with. Thanks to the ones on here who have the mentality to think before commenting.
this is obviously a case where the school has nothing to do with it. This isn’t like Penn State, I’m happy to see all of the Gators are condemning him too as they should
I wasn’t being condescending if it came across that way I apologize. It’s just that I was on SDS and had read some comments that were just disgusting. We poke, we joke and we goad each other’s teams. The fact that this is something far more serious is the reason for my comment. Believe it or not if I had my choice I’d be living out in the country hills of Tennessee however life didn’t afford that option. Be good, joke, laugh, love and live life but I’m not going to make comments derogatory about this situation.
Bottom of the food chain behind bars. Food taking / commissary taking / beatings are common.

Turns out even hardened criminals draw the line somewhere. They have no use for pedophiles.

Anyone else see the irony there?
Many criminals in prison had their life ruined by child molesters in their young lives.

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