Florida vs Hawaii

That was pretty amazing... Game over!! Hawaii tried at the beginning. Oh well.
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Why do teams continue to punt to Brandon James. I hope we angle everything out of bounds against him.
What's there to brag about? A lot of penalties? Bad offense.. Decend D but only because Hawaii's QB has sucked. Not to mention Floridas run D hasn't been WOw
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I don't know, but I think the Miami game will be something to keep an eye on. If Florida plays like this against them they more than likely will come out as losers. I don't know, but Florida hasn't looked too impressive to me...maybe theuy are just playing super conservative.
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Miami could very well give them fits next week...they are afterall Miami and they despise and absolutely HATE Florida...Gators will be fired up to end the 6 games streak Miami ahs on them but they might be in for a surprise.....Miami is young but no push over

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