Florida vs Hawaii

Yea not a lot of offense from Tebow..-ts just been stupid mistakes by Hawaii's QB and then special teams. 8 penalties for 50 yrds in the 1st half is pitiful.
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Another turnover..WOW Hawaii....they have completly just fallen apart this 2nd qtr
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That was stupid. Up 21-0 and you run up the gut with your QB .

Its done.. Game is now oficially over. Geez
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I know its looking ahead, but if Florida keeps running this 3-3-5 D, we will dominate. Hawaii is having some success running the ball up the middle with WAC players (no pun intended). With our o-line and if we decide to do some power running up the middle, Foster/Hardesty/Creer should be effective breaking through the first levels into the secondary. Maybe no break away runs but I can see big chunks gained. Obviously Florida will be more geeked up in Knoxville, but it's something I'm sure our coaches will look at. Let's crush UCLA, get some momentum and keep it rolling into the SEC schedule.
Welp it was fun in the 1st qtr. Enjoyed watching the gators struggle in it. I'm now turnin it to somethin else.. Maybe the VT amd ECU game?
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Welp it was fun in the 1st qtr. Enjoyed watching the gators struggle in it. I'm now turnin it to somethin else.. Maybe the VT amd ECU game?
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At least that game is close. A loss by VT would be good for the Vols.
I live in Va and HATE the Hokies... Its about as passionate as my hate for Florida, but Florda def. Has the edge in my hatred. = )
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Well one thing is for sure. To beat florida this year you'll have to play keep away. They have too much speed to let them have gifts like that.

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