Do we really want The Urban Crier's recruits? He had over 30 arrested players in 6yrs. Now they are the University of Felons. He is bailing because he knows he can't cover up all the mess that will be created by the thugs in his ranks. His staff was dismantled and everyone seems to not remember that his first NC was with Zook recruits. See ya Urby. Don't let the door hit you in the rear as you go. This is a great article that discribes it all and it was posted by a writer in FL. LOL! Probably posted on another thread a few months ago, but still worth the read. Enjoy. GBO!!!
With sincerest apologies to Joe DiMaggio and Simon and Garfunkel . . .
"Where have you gone, Timmy Tebow, Gator Nation turns its felonious eyes to you (Woo woo woo)."
Nobody quite knows just how much Urban Meyer's Gators will miss Tim Tebow's leadership on the field and in the locker room this season, but what we do know is this: Florida's arrest-ridden program now yearns for Tebow's grace and goodness in the arena of public relations.
As Meyer's program reached a nefarious milestone this week with its 30th arrest since the coach took over five-plus seasons ago, Florida found itself without Tebow there to deodorize the stench of wide receiver Chris Rainey's infamous "Time to Die" death threat against his girlfriend.
In the past, it didn't really matter much if Meyer's players ran afoul of the law because the coach could always roll out Timmy Terrific and his magic eraser to make the stain miraculously disappear.
Whenever one of Urban's outlaws would get arrested for running up charges on a dead woman's credit card, the Gators could always point in the other direction and say to the media, "Hey, guys, look at Timmy preaching to inmates at that prison over there!"
Whenever one of Urban's outlaws would get shot with a Taser while trying to elude police, the Gators could always point to Tebow bringing a smile to a dying kid's face at the cancer ward of a local hospital.
Whenever one of Urban's outlaws would steal a $1,500 laptop computer and then throw it out the window when police arrived, the Gators could always point to Tebow helping provide food and medical supplies to orphan children in the Philippines.
Whenever one of Urban's outlaws would open up the trunk of his car, pull out an AK-47 and begin firing it into the air, the Gators could always point to Tebow wearing Biblical eye-black and quoting Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."
The Gators will no doubt miss Tebow on Saturday afternoons when it is third-and-1, but they will miss him more on Sunday night when the next UF football player pulls up to a red-light and drunkenly falls asleep at the wheel of his car.
For the last four years, while UF players were getting arrested at such an alarming rate, the media was too fascinated with Tebow's righteousness and virtue to even notice. All of the negative attention from yet another player getting arrested would quickly dissipate with Tebow's next act of kindness.
Only those media members who covered Meyer's program on a daily basis chronicled all of the arrests. The national media chronicled Tebow's virginal purity.
Who will ever forget the national championship game against Oklahoma in 2009 when Fox commentator Thom Brennaman cooed, "If you're fortunate enough to spend five minutes around Tim Tebow, your life is better for it."
Tebow was not only a great Gator; he was the greatest fumi-Gator. He could decontaminate and disinfect even the most rancid wrongdoing. He was like a human bottle of Purell. Just a squirt on the Gators' grubby little hands and 99 percent of the germs were killed on contact.
But those days are gone. The bottle's empty. Without Tebow there to attract all of the attention and adoration, Meyer's program is being seen for the first time without Timmy's beautifying filter. The Rainey arrest, for example, has become huge national news with blaring headlines and indignant rhetoric:
"Urban Meyer: 59 wins, two national titles and 30 players arrested"
"Rainey makes a Dirty Thirty in Gainesville"
"NCAA might need to step in to solve arrest issue"
"The Florida Gators/Criminals"
"UF (University of Felons)"
If Thom Brennaman were covering a UF game this weekend, he would probably say, "If you're unfortunate enough to spend five minutes around the Tim Tebow-less Gators, make sure to check your pockets on the way out the door."
Sadly, this outlaw reputation is now the national image of the Florida Gators.
Tim Tebow is no longer around to clean up the mess.
But here's a novel thought:
Maybe Urban Meyer, the actual coach of the team, should consider doing it himself.
(c) 2010, The Orlando Sentinel (Fla.).
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