Floyd Landis fails drug test

(hatvol96 @ Jul 27 said:
Everyone is all over Bonds for having a mistress, but Armstrong walks out on his wife and kids to live the celebrity life with a marginally talented skank and not one negative word is uttered.

(tidwell @ Jul 27 said:
I've been sick of the Lance Armstrong story for years now, especially considering there's just as much doubt about him internationally as there is about Bonds' nationally. Meanwhile, Lance is telling gay jokes at the ESPY Awards while Bonds makes news by NOT being indicted today.

I just don't understand why some here want Armstrong to be lambasted in the media. If Bonds got a raw deal in the media, why does doing it Armstrong make things any better?

It just would've been nice to see Lance get the same treatment as Barry. If Barry gets it, why not Lance too?

It sickens me to have to defend Barry, by the way.
Armstrong is hammered more internationally because the Tour de France is less prominent in the American sports culture. Bonds gets hammered more in America, because baseball is America's past time. In 1998, baseball was making a comeback. Sosa and McGwire were at the forefront of that comeback. Everyone was entertained by their race to 61 and no sportswriters were going to step in and put an end to that. While there was andro in McGwire's locker, there was no link to BALCO, and hitting 61 homerruns was magical. It was not as magical anymore with Bonds. I would equate it to the adulation that surrounded Ricky Williams breaking the rushing record and the lack of attention given Ron Dayne.
(tidwell @ Jul 27 said:
It just would've been nice to see Lance get the same treatment as Barry. If Barry gets it, why not Lance too?

It sickens me to have to defend Barry, by the way.

Lance has yet to be tied directly to any "dealer". Accusations but no diret ties, photos, letters, etc.
I sent this out at work and got this reply from a friend of mine.


Yeah. It’s a crock; he tested high on testosterone. I think he’s just so much of a man that the Euros can’t handle it. They’re still bitter about the Lance thing. I mean we dominate in so many sports. But they figured nobody gives an S about cycling so it was safe for the continental girlie man to compete in, but nooo we couldn’t let them even have that. We dominated in cycling too. Ha! Suck it you stupid frogs.

It’s just my theory.
(tidwell @ Jul 27 said:

That is only thing saving him right now from a Barry Bonds raking through the media. And IF he is guilty... He will get it 10 fold for denying it for so many years. If nothing ever comes out, people will still wonder and talk about it. No escape.
I have no idea whether or not Lance abused any drugs, but I think the best thing to take away between the similarities in his accusations to Barry is.... Barry probably got a raw deal and was railed on to hard, without conclusive evidence, while Lance's potential guilt mostly got ignored by US media. However, I don't think anyone should be screaming for Lance to get fried by the media. If there's anything to be angry about, it's just that Barry got treated unfairly in comparison to Lance. I'd hate to see Lance get blasted, simply because I think he probably provides a lot of hope and inspiration for people suffering from cancer. That hope may or may not be based on an illusion of triumph, but I still think hope in any form is very good for sick people. In conclusion, don't call for Lance's head, it's not his fault he got treated differently than Bonds and equalizing things isn't going to help anyone.
(hohenfelsvol @ Jul 27 said:
Lance has yet to be tied directly to any "dealer". Accusations but no diret ties, photos, letters, etc.
We need to convene a Federal Grand Jury. I bet they would find some links.
Of course some of the accusations and evidence against Armstrong come from an insurance company trying to get out of paying him.
(volinbham @ Jul 27 said:
Of course some of the accusations and evidence against Armstrong come from an insurance company trying to get out of paying him.
Kind of like Bonds being accused by an angry former business partner and a mistress he kicked to the curb?
(hatvol96 @ Jul 27 said:
Kind of like Bonds being accused by an angry former business partner and a mistress he kicked to the curb?

I've never said that Bonds wasn't getting a raw deal in the media. The only reason I would say Bonds used is because he admitted to using. He just didn't admit to using with knowledge (claims he thought it was flaxseed oil or something like that)
all athlets take some sort of performance enhancing supplement. even if it is bought at GNC. they all do it.

this guy can barely walk, but he won the freaking tour de france. leave him alone.
(hatvol96 @ Jul 27 said:
I not only hope this is true, it is my fervent hope that this will spur the media to expose the sham regarding Lance Armstrong. The American media has given Armstrong a free pass because he has a nice little human interest story. Here's hoping they now do their job and go after him with half the zeal they've dedicated to eviscerating Barry Bonds.

Wow, so you call all his cancer work, almost a hundred million dollars just for starters just a human interest story. IF lance ever doped, he has certaily atoned. His life outside of cycling has been more significant that his life in cycling. Dont be shortsighted and narrowminded. When was the last time bonds did anything for anyone other than barry.
(cibai @ Jul 27 said:
Wow, so you call all his cancer work, almost a hundred million dollars just for starters just a human interest story. IF lance ever doped, he has certaily atoned. His life outside of cycling has been more significant that his life in cycling. Dont be shortsighted and narrowminded. When was the last time bonds did anything for anyone other than barry.
It's not about atonement, it's about fairness and consistency in the media. If Armstrong doped, I want him publicly crucified with the same intensity that Bonds has been subjected to for the last two years.
(hatvol96 @ Jul 27 said:
It's not about atonement, it's about fairness and consistency in the media. If Armstrong doped, I want him publicly crucified with the same intensity that Bonds has been subjected to for the last two years.
i agree. but armstrong is loved by the american media and they will always try to protect him.

bonds is an a-hole and an easy target.

by the way bonds has NEVER failed a drug test

innocent before proven guilty.
(checkerboard_charly @ Jul 27 said:
i agree. but armstrong is loved by the american media and they will always try to protect him.

bonds is an a-hole and an easy target.
by the way bonds has NEVER failed a drug test

innocent before proven guilty.

Could you please explain to me the phenomenon that occurred to his hat size from his time with the Pirates to now.
(West Columbia Gamecock @ Jul 27 said:
Could you please explain to me the phenomenon that occurred to his hat size from his time with the Pirates to now.
Can you explain the similar expansion of the bodies of Michael Jordan and Roger Clemens?
Hat, the only thing that doesn't make sense to me is the media frenzy over Bonds. Typically I see the media as the "sunshine" that you spoke of early that disinfects racial problems.

Sometimes I think they are going after Bonds to get to Selig.
(Lexvol @ Jul 27 said:
Hat, the only thing that doesn't make sense to me is the media frenzy over Bonds. Typically I see the media as the "sunshine" that you spoke of early that disinfects racial problems.

Sometimes I think they are going after Bonds to get to Selig.
Actually, at the end of the day, I think a good portion of the antimosity from the media is fueled by the fact Barry has treated them with absolute disdain for his entire career. I think the racial element comes into play when nobody steps up and calls the media out for pursuing personal agendas. It's well known on the board that I'm a huge Bob Knight fan. Coach Knight is undoubtedly a polarizing figure who has had his battles with the media. However, when the media has gone overboard in attacking him, even people who don't like him have called them on it. Bonds has no such defenders. I happen to think race is a primary reason for that.
(hatvol96 @ Jul 27 said:
Actually, at the end of the day, I think a good portion of the antimosity from the media is fueled by the fact Barry has treated them with absolute disdain for his entire career. I think the racial element comes into play when nobody steps up and calls the media out for pursuing personal agendas. It's well known on the board that I'm a huge Bob Knight fan. Coach Knight is undoubtedly a polarizing figure who has had his battles with the media. However, when the media has gone overboard in attacking him, even people who don't like him have called them on it. Bonds has no such defenders. I happen to think race is a primary reason for that.

I don't think it is race. I think it is because he is very unsociable. I don't see many of his teammates sticking up loudly for him, so I just think most people don't like him.
Bobby Knight is despised in Lexington. That is reason enough to love the man. I agree with your premise, and think that Bonds has been railroaded.

I also think that Selig is widely despised in the media, and once they get Bonds, they have a direct bullseye on Selig's head.
(Lexvol @ Jul 27 said:
Bobby Knight is despised in Lexington. That is reason enough to love the man. I agree with your premise, and think that Bonds has been railroaded.

I also think that Selig is widely despised in the media, and once they get Bonds, they have a direct bullseye on Selig's head.
I agree with that. The press gets a 2 for 1 deal with this story. They can smear Bonds and attack Selig simultaneously.
(allvol123 @ Jul 27 said:
I don't think it is race. I think it is because he is very unsociable. I don't see many of his teammates sticking up loudly for him, so I just think most people don't like him.

I think you're probably right. I'm sure there's a slight element of race in there somewhere, but I think most of it is just the fact that he's always been standoffish. It doesn't excuse the feeding frenzy, but it explains it.

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