Football Practice

I for one will be happy when the big orange starts winning again and Coach Fulmer is at the helm . I just hope Freak keeps all the naysayer threads and post them periodically.I'm with Volunteer on Griffith, basically he needs to quit being a crybaby or go write for a different paper.It's Coach Fulmers show to run as he sees fit.
(Volunteer @ Mar 18 said:
Griff can go pound salt and go back to Birmingham and cover his favorite team, maybe then he will be amongst those he actually supports. Objective reporting for the News Sentinel? My a$$. Wait for the next super critical column from Griff blasting the program on something else.

I am glad Fulmer closed the practices..good for him.

Why is that good for him? I agree with oklavol, do you really think Tennessee is doing things that are so top secret that needs to be covered up? From my end, I am seeing pretty much the same things from Fulmer so I don't know what the big secret is. Pearl leaves his practices open so is that wrong?
(checkerboard_charly @ Mar 19 said:
screw reporters. congrats to fulmer for finally growing some hair on his balls.
How exactly does closing practice accomplish that? We all praise Pearl for being open to the fans and media yet you are giving Fulmer props for closing practice? I don't get it.
(hatvol96 @ Mar 19 said:
I think to protect Sensitive Phil from all those nasty media types who dare to ask tough questions, we should take a page out of the old Soviet Union playbook. The university should start its own, in-house media arm. Hire rubes like Jimmy Hyams, John Wlikerson, and Brent Hubbs. That way, the head coach need not worry about being held accountable. All the news would be positive. In the absence of the opportunity to put out anything positive, Hyams could entertain the masses with a story about how Archie Manning once let him pump his gas. They could name the service Volvda or Vass.
Don't forget to add Bob Kessling to that list.
The bball program is the hot game in town, a winning season, etc. Read my previous post about how everything is fine and dandy when the football team was winning, but when they don't, the media has to be more "creative" when writing columns.

By the way Hatvol, the local media (sentinel and 99.1) in town is already hired by the university, they may not get a paycheck with UT on it, but they might as well. Just ask Tony Basilio if he gets equal billing when it comes to access to UT sports.
(Volunteer @ Mar 19 said:
The bball program is the hot game in town, a winning season, etc. Read my previous post about how everything is fine and dandy when the football team was winning, but when they don't, the media has to be more "creative" when writing columns.

By the way Hatvol, the local media (sentinel and 99.1) in town is already hired by the university, they may not get a paycheck with UT on it, but they might as well. Just ask Tony Basilio if he gets equal billing when it comes to access to UT sports.
Given that Basilio is more of a bad comedy act than a source of solid sports information, I couldn't care less how the university treats him.
(Volunteer @ Mar 19 said:
The bball program is the hot game in town, a winning season, etc. Read my previous post about how everything is fine and dandy when the football team was winning, but when they don't, the media has to be more "creative" when writing columns.
Sure they have to be more creative if they have no practices to watch and the coaches aren't saying a whole lot besides the same ole coach speak. I would rather be getting practice reports.

That wasn't really my point. Let me phrase it this way then: So if Pearl has a rough year next year he should immediately close practice to the public?
Is it really that big a deal though? It's not like if the White House stopped holding press conferences.

(GAVol @ Mar 19 said:
It's not like if the White House stopped holding press conferences.
You are right, this is much more important. :biggrin2:
Rumor has it that the Orange and White spring football game will be closed to the media AND fans except for the coaches immediate family.
Can't have any criticism.
(vol_freak @ Mar 19 said:
You are right, this is much more important. :biggrin2:

Point taken . . .

I don't know what it is, but I always enjoy when coaches give sportswriters a hard time.
I agree with Freak, I don't think Fulmer is closing practices because of fear of people scouting his offense or plays. The offense has remained largely unchanged since Fulmer has been coach. Anyone who wants to scout UT's offense only has to go pull any Ga vs UT game for the last 7 years to see how to play well against UT's offense.

Fulmer is getting a reputation of avoiding the media. If anyone asks him anything serious, he wants to dismiss it by simply saying they got to work like heck to get better or some other cliche. I think the questions on vol talk with Kesling are probably screened, almost all the callers never say anything negative about the program.

Does Richt, or Tubberville or Meyer close off their practices? I don't think so.

Freak, how about if Fulmer closed practices the month before the National Championship game in 98?

Besides comparing Fulmer and Pearl is impossible, the two are social opposites. If Griffith expects the same from Fulmer as Pearl, he'll be let down.

Can't wait to see the article Griff comes out with next.
(checkerboard_charly @ Mar 19 said:
screw reporters. congrats to fulmer for finally growing some hair on his balls.

Fall practice was closed last season except for like the first 20 minutes. So what distractions are there?

The distractions came from off the field problems that continued to mount. I hold all the Tennessee football staff responsible for that.

I do not agree with closing practice because there is no accountability for the entire coaching staff. However, it is the staff's call.

It will be interesting to see how the Vols play this season.
(hatvol96 @ Mar 19 said:
I think to protect Sensitive Phil from all those nasty media types who dare to ask tough questions, we should take a page out of the old Soviet Union playbook....

Let's be clear here. Coach Fulmer continues to do regular sessions with the press following every practice. "Sensitive Phil" is ducking no one.
(orange+white=heaven @ Mar 20 said:
Let's be clear here. Coach Fulmer continues to do regular sessions with the press following every practice. "Sensitive Phil" is ducking no one.
Which allows him to filter what gets reported. How can a reporter ask a question about something they haven't seen? Under this system, they're stuck with what the coach tells them.
If we come out of spring w/ a definite starter at QB, then it was a good decision. I believe that the media ran that into the ground last year w/ their reporting. The guys read the headlines last season and look where that got us. These headlines were from the national media, but there were just as many on the local level.

I don't see it as wanting to hide plays or schemes as much as wanting to have the guys undivided attention. If the lack of having daily practice reports translates into a 10-win season will anyone still be complaining? (edit: besides Hatvol :p )
(hatvol96 @ Mar 20 said:
Which allows him to filter what gets reported. How can a reporter ask a question about something they haven't seen? Under this system, they're stuck with what the coach tells them.
This is a fair point. However I think it is a different one than the pointed 'ducking' comment to which I responded.
I do not agree with excluding reporters from practice. The reasoning seems to be that this will prevent some X's and O's from seeping out. My experience around reporters(and I've worked next to them for 25 years), is that they are less interested in the XO stuff than they are in setting the day to day mood.
Adding color for their viewers and readers.
And they generally are professional enough to be trusted with the things a coach wouldn't want out there.

(utvolpj @ Mar 20 said:
I don't see it as wanting to hide plays or schemes as much as wanting to have the guys undivided attention.

This, I believe, is really where the intent lies. Still, I personally think UT should reconsider on this one.
Here is a novel thoght - who cares?? As someone else pointed out if we have a 5 win season are we gonna look back and say - well if fulmer would have opened up sprig practice we would have been better??? NO - point is that now that Pearl is done we have nothing to focus on; so why not beat on everyone's favorite whippng boy a little more???
There are many reasons to close practice and UT is not the only school in the SEC to do so. This trend started a few years back and seems to be gaining in popularity with coaches across the nation. One of the biggest reasons I heard was from Arky. A player was injured in practice and reporters were reporting it immediately and got the inury way wrong. The kids family was panicked and due to everyone being out in practice could not get in touch with anyone for several hours. Also if you think that spying does not occur then your crazy.
This is not a big deal.
Hatvol, don't you think you are being a little over-sensitive when it comes to things involving Phil Fulmer?

I have seen this trend ever since we lost the 2001 SEC Champ. game.
(Volunteer @ Mar 20 said:
Hatvol, don't you think you are being a little over-sensitive when it comes to things involving Phil Fulmer?

I have seen this trend ever since we lost the 2001 SEC Champ. game.
Possibly. However, my disdain for the guy dates back far beyond December of 2001.
(VolBeef88 @ Mar 20 said:
There are many reasons to close practice and UT is not the only school in the SEC to do so. This trend started a few years back and seems to be gaining in popularity with coaches across the nation. One of the biggest reasons I heard was from Arky. A player was injured in practice and reporters were reporting it immediately and got the inury way wrong. The kids family was panicked and due to everyone being out in practice could not get in touch with anyone for several hours. Also if you think that spying does not occur then your crazy.
This is not a big deal.

USC has fully open practices. End of discussion.

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