I was at the game Saturday. First of all, there was not a Vandy side in the stadium. The east sideline was around 80/20 Orange. The west side was closer to 70/30 Orange. The visible folks in the newly constucted end zone was around 50/50. I suppose there were more Vandy fans in the boxes, but who really knows, or cares? Surprisingly, there were more empty seats than expected given the resale ticket prices.
For those that asked about the music level. The clown in charge had turned it up to 11 (ode to Spinal Tap). There was a concerted effort to drown out the UT band any time they started playing. They never played piped in music over the Vandy band.
The funny thing, is the they tried to interject themselves into the game by playing the loudest music they could find deep into the play clock on any 3rd down play. Haha, what a fail, UT was 11/15 on 3rd down. That had to be the best percentage the Vols had all year on 3rd down conversions.
Seriously though I would think the SEC office would fine Vandy if UT were to file a report. They regularly ran the music until the clock got below 10 seconds. I heard Holly Rowe on the TX-A&M telecast that night report that the Aggies were trying the same tactic. Perhaps there was a Music Bro's chat group that thought they could become famous for their antics to influence the games?
Lastly, the Anchor Drop celebrity was not a retired military officer, he was a new Vandy faculty member that was head of some Center for Security I think. It's still the dumbest slogan in all of football. You drop anchor so you won't go anywhere. That's got to fire up your fan base! We are stuck here, and we aren't moving, let's go!