For those of you that support communism in this country

You know they can all be idiots right? I will never understand the need to defend your idiot.

Well aware. I’m just playing along in the whataboutism game this morning. Had an extra grenade with an expiration date on it.
Replace Tucker with Lemon or any other cable news personality and it's still true. This is what cable news is now.
I was just told that's ok because it's just supposed to provoke thought. If you disagree you're uninformed
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I was just told that's ok because it's just supposed to provoke thought. If you disagree you're uninformed
If you're not in lock step you're obviously the enemy. I find it ironic when people on the left and right accuse each other of following blindly (bootlickers/sheeple etc)
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I think Tucker is an intelligent guy that is making a mint off of misleading people.

Na. Hannity may go a little off the rails from time to time but nowhere near as bad as the “state run” media pundits. Tucker calls it for what it is and dims are triggered when they actually hear it articulated out loud.
Na. Hannity may go a little off the rails from time to time but nowhere near as bad as the “state run” media pundits. Tucker calls it for what it is and dims are triggered when they actually hear it articulated out loud.

This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.” Fox persuasively argues, see Def Br. at 13-15, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer “arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism” about the statements he makes. Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson’s statements as “exaggeration,” “non-literal commentary,” or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable. - McDougal v. Fox News

Fox attorneys argued that anyone of reasonable intelligence should know that Tucker shouldn't be taken seriously and what he presented on his show were not facts.
I don't know where that leaves you.
So who reports true news?

I don't watch the news. I generally read CNN, Fox, Newsmax, NPR and BBC. If I find a story interesting I will search for other sources and check the background citing in the story. Often times, sources cited as standing for a certain premise don't stand for the cited premise.
I don't watch the news. I generally read CNN, Fox, Newsmax, NPR and BBC. If I find a story interesting I will search for other sources and check the background citing in the story. Often times, sources cited as standing for a certain premise don't stand for the cited premise.
Care to debate some specifics of Tucker's report? Specifically the cause of the raid on Rudy?

"“Foreign Agents” in an Interconnected World: FARA and the Weaponizatio" by Nick Robinson

Here's the reason.
I read a book once, authored by a famous undocumented immigrant. Great book, very insightful. "Dear America" by Jose Antonio Vargas. Mr. Vargas has been on Fox News and Tucker Carlson's show numerous times. He describes Tucker perfectly, they are "friends" kinda...

He would come on the show and before they go live Tucker Carlson would tell him things like "I really support what you are doing for the undocumented community." NEVER using the term "illegal." And without the cameras Tucker is supportive of Mr. Vargas' cause, which is ultimately to eliminate the stigma related to undocumented peoples so they can get acceptance and ultimately citizenship. Tucker has donated money to his non profit.

But as soon as the cameras are turned on.... it goes like this: "Hi this is Tucker Carlson back with Jose Antonio Vargas an ILLEGAL immigrant. Mr. Vargas, how are you not deported for ILLEGALLY being in our country?"

its a total acting job. scripted all the way.

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