For Those Who Wish We Hired Urban Meyer

Creepy and low class is still creepy and low class.

Nothing excuses it. Urban doesn't get a pass because he's wealthy, white, and well known. He wouldn't get a pass if he was homeless, black, and nobody either.

The behavior is what it is..... regardless..... creepy and low class.

The point isn't that he "gets a pass" because he's white, wealthy, and famous. I said that because it isn't surprising that a rich old dude cheats on his wife (the white part doesn't matter, it's more a cliche thing). I'm not trying to turn this political, but mulitple presidents have done this or worse with women and the only people that cared were the opposing party.
It is interesting, in a somewhat depressing way, that this thread is pretty evenly divided into two camps. On one side are folks saying, "what? he didn't do anything wrong" and on the other side are folks surprised that the first group don't get it.

The Age of Reason supplanted the age of religion and tradition. Science became our new god, shoving Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindu and other values-based faith systems out the door. We called it Modernism.

And Nietzsche mourned. He saw before most where all this was headed. God was dead.

We're certainly there now, in an age without common values, without common virtue. Where a lot of folks shrug their shoulders and say, "what?"

Sorry to drop a meta-tier or two into philosophy. It is just exceptional how exposed those meta-levels of our society are here.
It's called Secular Humanism. Everything is only relevant to circumstance with no absolute right or wrong at anytime. Now the wife upset thing is up to Lawrence Wright our resident gator on the ground intel person .I will differ to him on that point
It's called Secular Humanism. Everything is only relevant to circumstance with no absolute right or wrong at anytime. Now the wife upset thing is up to Lawrence Wright...I will differ to him on that point
Unfortunately, Secular Humanism is a fig leaf for a relativistic decline of morality and virtue into chaos. It is an extremely slow-motion decline, slow enough that Nietzsche wrote the warning 140 years ago, and we're still on the downward slope....but it seems to all appearances to be inevitable, nonetheless.

And I wouldn't defer to a gator on any significant topic. Not unless you want 0-12 or This is My Board as a response.
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I think his situation is sad. He needs prayer.
100%. I hate to see anyone stumble and fall like this. Our choices have consequences. Prayers for Urban and his family. I wish him success in the NFL. No doubt, he’s a great coach.
That is between him and his wife. I don't care about a coaches behavior outside the coaching environment. Actually, what did HE do. She was rubbing up against him. Should he smack her around a little? :eek:
I can see this. It's easy not to like Urban based on his checkered past. I thought he should have been fired on the spot for the DV cover up.

I didn't think he was a good dude before this, so this is just another confirmation of that opinion. I guess I just don't see why everyone is super outraged that he cheats on his wife. I feel sympathy for his wife and family for the embarrassment they have to do endure as a result of the video, but at the end of the day, nothing illegal happened here (at least as far as we know). Ju

But as you say, may be the outrage stems more from his hypocrisy than anything else.

When you are put in a position of authority, trust and public association with brand, these matters become a major issue. Jacksonville has to wonder if his decision making abilities, ethics, credibility within the org, and smudge on the brand are all worth the money in his contract.

From a public response perspective, it doesn't matter whether you understand people's disdain for a lying cheater and the homewrecker that was grinding on him in public. People have their moral compasses. Traditional family values aren't completely dead. And people will voice their opinions.

It is what it is.
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When you continually get caught trotting out one explanation (as he did when his WR’s coach violated a restraining order) and then a different account become publicly available? You’re correctly branded shady and dishonest. Not very “positive”. Everybody’s capable of a slip up…he’s a practitioner. Own the truth or Belichick it and there’s no issue.
that's fair
The point isn't that he "gets a pass" because he's white, wealthy, and famous. I said that because it isn't surprising that a rich old dude cheats on his wife (the white part doesn't matter, it's more a cliche thing). I'm not trying to turn this political, but mulitple presidents have done this or worse with women and the only people that cared were the opposing party.
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Im old, white, and not rich, but I can feed myself, and the first thought in my head was "privilege". If he was black he would have been in prison.
Why would he be in prison because some OL girl was grinding on him while he and her wedgie were playing hide and seek ? The whole thing appeared 💯 consensual IMO.
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It's ok tebows. you got him. you get to live with it.
I can’t stand Meyer or Tebow . I‘m still confused as to where you see evidence on that video of criminal activity that warrants PRISON time (your words )
What two consenting adults decide to do is none my (nor your's) business. Age makes no difference whatsoever, as long as everything (and everyone) is legal.

Edit: I understand the Jags may understand the baggage simply isn't worth it. That's fine. They have important decisions to make on that front. But I don't understand for the life of me why everyone else is making a critical deal out of this. If you aren't a player, coach, GM, or owner of the Jags, this doesn't affect you in any way. I guess if you are one of the 100 people that is a fan of the Jags, you might have reason to be outraged too.

A rich white man likes to cheat on his wife with younger women. I am absolutely shocked I tell you.
Lol your HR would like to have a word with you

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