Forgive Student Loans?

I guess the fundamental difference is you view loan forgiveness as leeching. I view it forgiveness.
And you're either fundamentally dumb (if you can't understand who foots the bill for your idiotic decisions) or fundamentally immoral (if you understand who foots the bill and are happy to take from them anyway). Either way you're flat wrong.
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As stated earlier, there are other options for kids out of HS. Military, police, fire dept., trade school. The GI Bill is an agreement, much like a loan on responsibilities by two parties in place. You honor you commitment and by going to service and serving the time to the military your education is paid for. I stated also, teachers, doctors, engineers, technology be a better stance on loan forgiveness jobs to move the country forward.
I'm here with you. Certain service positions I am A-OK with giving loan forgiveness or stipends too. Starbucks baristas, useless "artists", and online wannabe influencers don't do jack for society.
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Getting butthurt about debt relief because people didn’t go back in time and give you the same relief is what’s stupid. I’ve been paying off loans too, I would never be the type of dickhead to get mad because others don’t have to
Are you going to apply to let the rest of us pay off the balance of your loans?
You can thank many industry associations lobbying for idiotic licensing requirements for that. This in particular is one of my passion projects.
I personally think someone should go to college for at least two years or trade school for a year before they join the military. That way they at least have a start on their education as that is ultimately valued more than their military experience.
So next time dude says he lost two legs for his country, we get to point out that it wasn’t for his country, it was for debt relief like he said? Or he gets to politicize his service for 20 different arguments at the same time?

The poster who thinks the difference between full tuition paid and 10-20K relief is “irrelevant” and “nothing” when it’s that guy’s entire argument maybe should posture a bit less, but hey, you’re welcome to keep digging
How many new shovels did you buy at Lowe's today?
I worked 40 hours a week when I was in school too. That money didn't pay for school because I was living on my own. I'm glad your degree got you a good job, you just need to understand we aren't all as fortune. My degree is in Criminal Justice and I chose not to work in the field. Wish I could give it back for a refund but thats not how it works unfortunately.

I still don't understand why you made up the "default" bs. I've been paying on my loans for almost 10 years and I intend to pay another 15, after that the balance is forgiven. I'm on an IBR plan so I dont really have a problem making the payment. So FOH with your made up default bs.

I’m going to bet that you don’t allow your kids to make the same mistake.
MBAs are the most overrated degrees. They are now the union dues for management at too many companies. They do more damage than good in most organizations.
It depends on the work, I think. It was a box I needed to check for bill rates that effectively doubled what I get paid before I even got a lot of experience. Now it's what's gotten me into a lot of the highest bill rates since it is combined with experience. PhDs are what I think is a real waste- they're narrow focused on projects, never get full-time billing, and when they do the rates aren't usually that much higher than what I get.
It depends on the work, I think. It was a box I needed to check for bill rates that effectively doubled what I get paid before I even got a lot of experience. Now it's what's gotten me into a lot of the highest bill rates since it is combined with experience. PhDs are what I think is a real waste- they're narrow focused on projects, never get full-time billing, and when they do the rates aren't usually that much higher than what I get.

Over the last decade + I have seen MBAs duck up more good deals and business relationships than be beneficial to their employers. When I see MBA on someone’s signature line my first thought is “working with this guy is going to suck”.
I'm here with you. Certain service positions I am A-OK with giving loan forgiveness or stipends too. Starbucks baristas, useless "artists", and online wannabe influencers don't do jack for society.
I often wonder how many people look for jobs that offer tuition reimbursement.

The funny thing is, Starbucks actually provides excellent tuition reimbursement benefits if you enroll online at Arizona State University. 100% of tuition and fees covered. Online classes always seemed suspicious to me when it first became a thing, but I guess it's a real program that a lot of people utilize now. And it's not just traditional "useless degrees" people might expect.
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I often wonder how many people look for jobs that offer tuition reimbursement.

The funny thing is, Starbucks actually provides excellent tuition reimbursement benefits if you enroll online at Arizona State University. 100% of tuition and fees covered. Online classes always seemed suspicious to me when it first became a thing, but I guess it's a real program that a lot of people utilize now. And it's not just traditional "useless degrees" people might expect.

I think online degrees should be common for most colleges within the University. Heck even Zoom classrooms.. That would cut the costs and tuition could be lower for many lower paying degrees.

Forget all that fancy brick and mortar.

Like I said before my university built this $50M library and the books were in the basement all shelved away. Nothing but a glorified study hall with a Starbucks.
Over the last decade + I have seen MBAs duck up more good deals and business relationships than be beneficial to their employers. When I see MBA on someone’s signature line my first thought is “working with this guy is going to suck”.
My company thought that they needed new ideas once upon a time, and they hired a dozen or so Harvard MBA's and gave them enormous pay grades to bring an old stodgy manufacturing company in the modern world. They distributed them around the world at larger manufacturing facilities and gave them virtually unlimited authority to change things. I don't think a single one made it a year before they all quit, or the company would have filed for bankruptcy.
My company thought that they needed new ideas once upon a time, and they hired a dozen or so Harvard MBA's and gave them enormous pay grades to be an old stodgy manufacturing company in the modern world. The distributed them around the world at larger manufacturing facilities and gave them virtually unlimited authority to change things. I don't think a single one made it a year before they all quit, or the company would have filed for bankruptcy.

That kind pf thinking brought us JIT and Sigma6 and ISO9000 BS
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