Forgive Student Loans?

Again, you say you use "logic", and what you type doesn't add up. The "counter argument" you are trying to search for is right in every post I have in this thread- I just don't think you can read well enough to comprehend it. Service to country should grant benefits to those who serve- I'd say most taxpayers are fine with that type of subsidy. Giving benefits to people that have not given the societally agreed-upon service is immoral. Indebting oneself in the way those who benefit from this is a decision they made- unlike getting cancer (most of the time, anyway).

There's no inconsistency in what I've said- you're using the same place loaded with uncountable bots and where we can get polls to say Tennessee is the best football team of all time as proof positive you're right. I'm not sure why you think that's a deep well of logic to pull from.

You're dense and arrogant- it's OK, I'm sure you're a real productive member of society while you're bartending or whatever it is that someone was stupid enough to hire you to mess up at.

I’ve been discussing this in a straightforward way largely this whole time as you call me dumb while missing and sidestepping my point and I’M the arrogant one lol.

Those who serve DO get educational benefits and will continue to even compared to those who get 10-20K of forgiveness. Just from that “irrelevant” point, his “for nothing” is already wrong.

Beyond that, claiming you “lost your legs for tuition” when tuition wasn’t your primary motivation for service is incredibly disingenuous and using lost legs for a sob story that way is pretty distasteful. You still haven’t disagreed with that and I don’t blame you.

I agree with your addition of “most of the time”, and I think if someone DID smoke themselves into lung cancer for instance, it would still likewise be strange to get angry that there’s a cure for them
I didnt ask for loan forgiveness. I dont really care. 10k is a drop in the bucket for me. Idk why yall are pissed at me. Acting like this was all my idea lmao
What's your idea is deliberately paying as little as you can to extend out the loan and have it all wiped. That's sickening and disgusting and in the end, the same as this asinine "loan forgiveness" this admin is trying to force through.
What do you mean? I wasn’t clear? I’m consistently seeing whining on here about “gender studies” degrees. I provided information about the actual degrees that have been conferred 2005-2017. I would like anyone who is whining about “worthless degrees” to reconcile this position or discuss this information.

Sorry, I don't qualify gender studies into the degree of examples to move the country forward. So you're asking me to comment on a stance in regards to handouts across the board. Medical degree or engineering degree is greater than a gender studies degree, so don't act like the pearls got tight.
I worked 40 hours a week when I was in school too. That money didn't pay for school because I was living on my own. I'm glad your degree got you a good job, you just need to understand we aren't all as fortune. My degree is in Criminal Justice and I chose not to work in the field. Wish I could give it back for a refund but thats not how it works unfortunately.

I still don't understand why you made up the "default" bs. I've been paying on my loans for almost 10 years and I intend to pay another 15, after that the balance is forgiven. I'm on an IBR plan so I dont really have a problem making the payment. So FOH with your made up default bs.

You could have been a U.S. Marshal with a CJ degree. What a damn shame.
What's your idea is deliberately paying as little as you can to extend out the loan and have it all wiped. That's sickening and disgusting and in the end, the same as this asinine "loan forgiveness" this admin is trying to force through.

I don't see anything wrong with it. And neither does the government. It was literally their idea. Sorry it upsets you and hurts you.
I don't see anything wrong with it. And neither does the government. It was literally their idea. Sorry it upsets you and hurts you.
>uses the government as a moral backing

Brilliant. No wonder you are how you are. A leech. And I think the prideful label applies wonderfully.

What kind of dumbass can't figure out how to use a Criminal Justice degree anyway?
>uses the government as a moral backing

Brilliant. No wonder you are how you are. A leech. And I think the prideful label applies wonderfully.

What kind of dumbass can't figure out how to use a Criminal Justice degree anyway?
I chose not work in the field.

Now I'm leech? How am I a leech. I have a house, a wife, a full time job and pay taxes. So F you dickhead

In case you're interested

The maximum repayment period is 25 years. After 25 years, any remaining debt will be discharged (forgiven). Under current law, the amount of debt discharged is treated as taxable income, so you will have to pay income taxes 25 years from now on the amount discharged that year.
Income-Based Repayment - Finaid
You could have been a U.S. Marshal with a CJ degree. What a damn shame.
There are countless well-paying jobs with benefits and agreed-upon (by society) standards that would have granted debt forgiveness benefits in exchange for service to society in DHS, Border Patrol, local governments, and more that he could have done. Tons and tons of opportunity.

And he chose this route.

What a statement of character.
There are countless well-paying jobs with benefits and agreed-upon (by society) standards that would have granted debt forgiveness benefits in exchange for service to society in DHS, Border Patrol, local governments, and more that he could have done. Tons and tons of opportunity.

And he chose this route.

What a statement of character.
You think I want to be miserable every day at my job so I can pay off student loans? LOL.
Is the GI Bill a handout?
Is having your debt forgiven after working 10 years in a certain field a handout?
There needs to be some incentive for veterans, especially those in the enlisted ranks, when they get out as many are underemployed or have to switch to career fields totally opposite of what they worked in while serving. As the skills they learned in the military are often not valued.
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There needs to be some incentive for veterans, especially those in the enlisted ranks, when they get out as many are underemployed or have to switch to career fields totally opposite of what they worked in while serving. As the skills they learned in the military are often not valued.
You can thank many industry associations lobbying for idiotic licensing requirements for that. This in particular is one of my passion projects.
You can pay for your own poor decisions. Instead you're happy to let everyone else. That's leeching. I feel bad for your wife- I assume she's a bigger earner than you.

I guess the fundamental difference is you view loan forgiveness as leeching. I view it forgiveness.
Is the GI Bill a handout?
Is having your debt forgiven after working 10 years in a certain field a handout?

As stated earlier, there are other options for kids out of HS. Military, police, fire dept., trade school. The GI Bill is an agreement, much like a loan on responsibilities by two parties in place. You honor you commitment and by going to service and serving the time to the military your education is paid for. I stated also, teachers, doctors, engineers, technology be a better stance on loan forgiveness jobs to move the country forward.

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