Forgive Student Loans?

What are you looking for? I don't agree with the free handouts. Never will.

I said at least save face for the President by offering to those that will move this country forward in regards to infrastructure, engineering, teachers, doctors, scientist, technology... not wasted degrees. That is a better spin than a blanket 10K, 20K pell grant.
What do you mean? I wasn’t clear? I’m consistently seeing whining on here about “gender studies” degrees. I provided information about the actual degrees that have been conferred 2005-2017. I would like anyone who is whining about “worthless degrees” to reconcile this position or discuss this information.
You're using twitter as a baseline for reality?

Again, I'm guessing we're all here paying off your weed bill/student loans too. Or maybe you're one of the ones that couldn't figure out how to put your pants on to secure one of those lottery scholarships. Or maybe you got granted into school. Who knows, whatever it is you ain't too bright.


“Using your 7th-most important reason and claiming you lost your legs for that is disingenuous” (it is)

“Only you think that, and it is wrong because _______”

“Pretty much every response has said the same thing, because it’s true, and you haven’t said otherwise”

“Well Twitter doesn’t count”

Like I said, no counter argument whatsoever because all of us can see disingenuous BS for exactly what it is
Handing additional cash to Pell Grant recipients is possibly the stupidest part of all of this.

If you were so stupid that you deeply indebted yourself after getting an opportunity to go to school free, you deserve all the bad coming your way. We're quite literally funding the worst and the dimmest with that one.
I don’t think you grasp:
1. Why someone usually qualifies for a Pell

2. What % of schooling a Pell covers.
Setting aside the underlying arguments, IMO this is a really dumb political move because you forgave enough to piss off the right but not enough to make a meaningful difference to most people. Half-measures like this don’t usually work out well
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Pretty interesting how 3 prominent economic advisors from the Obama administration have come out strongly against this.

There are many, many decisions that can be made even at the time in school to avoid having a massive loan debt. There are even payment plans to make things easier to manage (I got my MBA on one of these types of plans directly with the school to spread tuition costs evenly over a year). I worked full time or nearly full time through all 6ish years of undergrad and postgrad to avoid killing myself with debt. And now I've used my degrees to work myself into a place where I won't get any of this benefit to watch a load of losers like @K-town Vol Fan who has a whole load of pride in letting himself default on a debt he elected to have for a degree he can't even figure out how to use. It's shameful.
I worked 40 hours a week when I was in school too. That money didn't pay for school because I was living on my own. I'm glad your degree got you a good job, you just need to understand we aren't all as fortune. My degree is in Criminal Justice and I chose not to work in the field. Wish I could give it back for a refund but thats not how it works unfortunately.

I still don't understand why you made up the "default" bs. I've been paying on my loans for almost 10 years and I intend to pay another 15, after that the balance is forgiven. I'm on an IBR plan so I dont really have a problem making the payment. So FOH with your made up default bs.

“Using your 7th-most important reason and claiming you lost your legs for that is disingenuous” (it is)

“Only you think that, and it is wrong because _______”

“Pretty much every response has said the same thing, because it’s true, and you haven’t said otherwise”

“Well Twitter doesn’t count”

Like I said, no counter argument whatsoever because all of us can see disingenuous BS for exactly what it is
Again, you say you use "logic", and what you type doesn't add up. The "counter argument" you are trying to search for is right in every post I have in this thread- I just don't think you can read well enough to comprehend it. Service to country should grant benefits to those who serve- I'd say most taxpayers are fine with that type of subsidy. Giving benefits to people that have not given the societally agreed-upon service is immoral. Indebting oneself in the way those who benefit from this is a decision they made- unlike getting cancer (most of the time, anyway).

There's no inconsistency in what I've said- you're using the same place loaded with uncountable bots and where we can get polls to say Tennessee is the best football team of all time as proof positive you're right. I'm not sure why you think that's a deep well of logic to pull from.

You're dense and arrogant- it's OK, I'm sure you're a real productive member of society while you're bartending or whatever it is that someone was stupid enough to hire you to mess up at.
I worked 40 hours a week when I was in school too. That money didn't pay for school because I was living on my own. I'm glad your degree got you a good job, you just need to understand we aren't all as fortune. My degree is in Criminal Justice and I chose not to work in the field. Wish I could give it back for a refund but thats not how it works unfortunately.

I still don't understand why you made up the "default" bs. I've been paying on my loans for almost 10 years and I intend to pay another 15, after that the balance is forgiven. I'm in an IBR plan so I dont really have a problem making the payment. So FOH with your made up default bs.
You chose, you chose, you chose. You even said it right there. And now you're bragging about shifting responsibility for the choice you made on all of us.

Your decision is to handle the loan in a way where you don't pay it all back. That's defaulting, baby. And it's shameful.
Just as an FYI - an MBA where I teach can be had for just under $20K. It's structured for people working full-time. A typical semester would cost about $3K. Even if you borrowed all of that the ROI is quick assuming you put your degree to work.

Can't believe the government wants to pay for half or all of that.
You chose, you chose, you chose. You even said it right there. And now you're bragging about shifting responsibility for the choice you made on all of us.

Your decision is to handle the loan in a way where you don't pay it all back. That's defaulting, baby. And it's shameful.
Its meeting the obligations of the loan. That is not defaulting.
Just as an FYI - an MBA where I teach can be had for just under $20K. It's structured for people working full-time. A typical semester would cost about $3K. Even if you borrowed all of that the ROI is quick assuming you put your degree to work.

Can't believe the government wants to pay for half or all of that.
My MBA cost right at $20k all-in- books, extras, and all. ROI was almost immediate as my billable rates near doubled.
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I worked 40 hours a week when I was in school too. That money didn't pay for school because I was living on my own. I'm glad your degree got you a good job, you just need to understand we aren't all as fortune. My degree is in Criminal Justice and I chose not to work in the field. Wish I could give it back for a refund but thats not how it works unfortunately.

I still don't understand why you made up the "default" bs. I've been paying on my loans for almost 10 years and I intend to pay another 15, after that the balance is forgiven. I'm on an IBR plan so I dont really have a problem making the payment. So FOH with your made up default bs.

If your degree isn’t valuable enough for you to pay it back then it damn sure isn’t valuable enough for me to pay it back for you.

It’s really just that simple.
I worked 40 hours a week when I was in school too. That money didn't pay for school because I was living on my own. I'm glad your degree got you a good job, you just need to understand we aren't all as fortune. My degree is in Criminal Justice and I chose not to work in the field. Wish I could give it back for a refund but thats not how it works unfortunately.

I still don't understand why you made up the "default" bs. I've been paying on my loans for almost 10 years and I intend to pay another 15, after that the balance is forgiven. I'm on an IBR plan so I dont really have a problem making the payment. So FOH with your made up default bs.
Will you fully pay the loan back? Not satisfy any agreements granted you at a later date. Will you completely fulfill the agreement you made when you got the loan? If not, that is default. Maybe not in the true sense but that is taking $$ and not paying it back...i.e. stealing from the net taxpayer.
If your degree isn’t valuable enough for you to pay it back then it damn sure isn’t valuable enough for me to pay it back for you.

It’s really just that simple.
I didnt ask for loan forgiveness. I dont really care. 10k is a drop in the bucket for me. Idk why yall are pissed at me. Acting like this was all my idea lmao

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