Former Vols Sue NCAA



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
Chris Walker and Ben Martin, who played for Tennessee from 2007-2011, and Dan Ahern, who played for North Carolina State from 1972-76, filed a class-action lawsuit in federal court in Chattanooga, Tenn., on Wednesday.

The complaint alleges the NCAA failed to meet its obligation to former players and because of its neglect the players are ''suffering the dramatic consequences.'' The lawsuit seeks an NCAA to fund a medical-monitoring program for former football players.

I can see other former players across the nation that didn't pan out in the NFL join this.

Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.
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Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.
Yep. I predict within 3 years the kickoff will be eliminated.
Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.

Place the blame where it lies, in the hands of our judicial system. It's complete garbage! This shouldn't even be heard, case dismissed. Players need to grow up, they knew the risks. Maybe I should sue my optimist league! j/k
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Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.


Xbox will keep the game's memory alive for my grandchildren.

hope you plan on holding onto your 360 and NCAA14 cause Thats all she wrote for it too
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Yep I'm suing Ford for my truck accident because they should have told me that I will have an accident one day and I may or may not get injured!


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Of course precautions should be taken to protect the players-- and they are-- but football is still a contact sport. Don't want the risk, don't play. Wonder how long before we see a Pee Wee lawsuit because some kid got tackled by a bigger kid?
Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.

Anytime that people in society see that an entity has money, they will attempt to get that money from them.

For instance, people in Detroit wanted to make $40.00 per hour to put windshields in automobiles. The companies told the workers time and again that that was not reasonable. So, the workers threatened to strike. So, the workers got their $40.00 per hour rather than cause the company hardship from a strike.

Then it cost more to produce an automobile in labor costs due to this. Then the competitors who were not paying exorbant labor costs produced an automobile at a cheaper cost, thus passing the cost on to the consumer.

Once people began to buy Nissan, KIA, etc, rather than the Detroit automobile, the lay off in Detroit started to take place.

Then the employees were confused as to why they were being laid off and why the companies were moving their factories to other locations, rather than continue to manufacture in Detroit.

The end result! People are out of a job in the automobile industry and Detroit is a dead city....
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Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.

You think that this is bad? Wait until the players get paid cash money to play sports.

Then the women sports, such as rowing, volleyball, soccer, track & field, diving, swimming, bowling will all demand to be paid. The problem is that those sports do not produce income for the University, yet they will demand to get paid.

So, the Universities will then do away with certain sports, because they can't pay every athlete just from the monies generated from men's football, men's basketball, and women's basketball.
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I've known Chris walker since I was 5 years old. Played sys with him and went to elementary and middle school with him. Guy is a stand up as it gets and if he has a legitimate reason to do this, then I will back him 100%.
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Require all players regardless of the sport to sign a "Play At Your Own Risk" waiver. Stops the law suits.
Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.

Bingo. Well said, fade
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Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.

It's much more serious than just the sport of football, its this country in general.
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Anytime that people in society see that an entity has money, they will attempt to get that money from them.

For instance, people in Detroit wanted to make $40.00 per hour to put windshields in automobiles. The companies told the workers time and again that that was not reasonable. So, the workers threatened to strike. So, the workers got their $40.00 per hour rather than cause the company hardship from a strike.

Then it cost more to produce an automobile in labor costs due to this. Then the competitors who were not paying exorbant labor costs produced an automobile at a cheaper cost, thus passing the cost on to the consumer.

Once people began to buy Nissan, KIA, etc, rather than the Detroit automobile, the lay off in Detroit started to take place.

Then the employees were confused as to why they were being laid off and why the companies were moving their factories to other locations, rather than continue to manufacture in Detroit.

The end result! People are out of a job in the automobile industry and Detroit is a dead city....

While I agree, there still has to be some balance of top and bottom. Tennessee is the largest automobile manufacturing state in the country and an industry that I work in. I can tell you this, during the last recession we laid off 25% of our work force but kept executive perks (i.e. high-end company cars). When push comes to shove, don't think you're to good to get s*** on either.
Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.

I see you care more about entertainment than the actual long term health of the players you root for.

Usually people who talk about football becoming soft never actually played at a high level.

My brothers best friend, a former top recruit at a top 3 program, had to have his arm amputated at 31 due to compounded shoulder injuries and surgeries.

I agree people sue too often, but half these kids are being used and then kicked to the curb. It's why they should be compensated more than a free education. It's a dangerous game and people are lining their pockets off of their performances.
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Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.

completely agree. and just to add on, is there a single football player that would have said no to playing football even knowing the risks? (assuming they don't already, which i believe they do). not like any of them choose regular jobs over the nfl. i mean they do all have college degrees

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