Former Vols Sue NCAA

I see you care more about entertainment than the actual long term health of the players you root for.

Usually people who talk about football becoming soft never actually played at a high level.

My brothers best friend, a former top recruit at a top 3 program, had to have his arm amputated at 31 due to compounded shoulder injuries and surgeries.

I agree people sue too often, but half these kids are being used and then kicked to the curb. It's why they should be compensated more than a free education. It's a dangerous game and people are lining their pockets off of their performances.

Bullcrap..I am tired of this. Most of us would have given our arm just to be able to play for the Vols. I am sick of this crap. Wahwahwahwah. I also guarantee you my son would love to have a free education.
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Anytime that people in society see that an entity has money, they will attempt to get that money from them.

For instance, people in Detroit wanted to make $40.00 per hour to put windshields in automobiles. The companies told the workers time and again that that was not reasonable. So, the workers threatened to strike. So, the workers got their $40.00 per hour rather than cause the company hardship from a strike.

Then it cost more to produce an automobile in labor costs due to this. Then the competitors who were not paying exorbant labor costs produced an automobile at a cheaper cost, thus passing the cost on to the consumer.

Once people began to buy Nissan, KIA, etc, rather than the Detroit automobile, the lay off in Detroit started to take place.

Then the employees were confused as to why they were being laid off and why the companies were moving their factories to other locations, rather than continue to manufacture in Detroit.

The end result! People are out of a job in the automobile industry and Detroit is a dead city....

that sounds like the fast food employees that were wanting there minim wage raised to 15 bucks an hour,they don't realize they will just have to turnaround and pay that in food cost to feed there self's and yes when i worked at MacDonald s they had 5cent burger day for a promotion,to remember the good old day prices,now go and buy grocery's at today's prices,ugh i could go on


whip dey a$$
Bullcrap..I am tired of this. Most of us would have given our arm just to be able to play for the Vols. I am sick of this crap. Wahwahwahwah. I also guarantee you my son would love to have a free education.

Perhaps your son will be the target of a helmet to helmet hit. The offending player penalized according to the rules while your son suffers irreversible brain injury or spinal injury. Making him unable to take advantage of that free education. God forbid that happens but if so, you wouldn't be mocking others with wah wah wah BS.

I don't like this lawsuit thing anymore than you do. But instead of suing, I think players should see how worthless they are to people like you and refuse to play football, maybe transition to badminton. Or maybe accept recruitment to any school except yours and then we see how that works for you.

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