Former Vols Sue NCAA

ROI is Rate of return right? How many millions can you make with a masters degree? Education is worth more than people think it is if you get a useful degree.

You would be lucky to make 5 million in your lifetime. Sure some make higher, most make lots lower even with a masters. The NCAA was projected to make around 800 million last year. I don't know how much of that was from football, but I'm sure they had enough to fund a medical treatment program.
Yeah I'm sure the NCAA had no idea about the dangers of concussions . It was just the NFL that was hiding the data. The point is that yeah the players did choose to participate in a contact sport but maybe they would choose differently if they knew the dangers of head injuries....obviously something was going on or the NFL would not have settled for $800 million...
That's average revenue of a school. Looks like NCAA revenue was 10.6 billion.

you see the expenses?

the one thing that i have said repeatedly is that this isn't a normal business model.

1. the ncaa and its members operate about 30 sanctioned sports. all but 2 lose money. in a normal world, you would quit using 2 divisions of a corporation to prop up about 28 losing divisions.

2. there isn't a ceo or bunch of upper management types walking away with a bunch of money. there are no stockholders. are there employees who make money.....trainers, coaches, administrators, etc, that make a money. yeah. but, it's a small amount compared to the money spent on the programs and athletes themselves.
you see the expenses?

the one thing that i have said repeatedly is that this isn't a normal business model.

1. the ncaa and its members operate about 30 sanctioned sports. all but 2 lose money. in a normal world, you would quit using 2 divisions of a corporation to prop up about 28 losing divisions.

2. there isn't a ceo or bunch of upper management types walking away with a bunch of money. there are no stockholders. are there employees who make money.....trainers, coaches, administrators, etc, that make a money. yeah. but, it's a small amount compared to the money spent on the programs and athletes themselves.

10.6 billion in revenue, 707 million in expenses. 10.5 billion spent by universities, but I'm guessing that is funded mostly by the universities themselves.

Also, Emmert's salary is almost 2 million a year.
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You would be lucky to make 5 million in your lifetime. Sure some make higher, most make lots lower even with a masters. The NCAA was projected to make around 800 million last year. I don't know how much of that was from football, but I'm sure they had enough to fund a medical treatment program.

How many teams are in the NCAA? Thousands. I don't know what the NCAA's profit margin is, since they're a "nonprofit" organization. What can the NCAA do about a treatment program that professionals barely know about? All it would do is screw lower schools out of money they need.
It's all about settling before actual court if you have a case

If you're the bigger entity, sure it is. It's not worth the stress and lawyer money. The 800 million dollar settlement is a joke compared to the billions made. The NFL has almost as much money as Microsoft.
I am waiting for boxers and MMA fights to file a lawsuit for longterm effects from their sports. I played college football and knew there could be a chance of harm, but I chose to play. Anyone with common sense should know that injuries will happen its a contact sport.
I am waiting for boxers and MMA fights to file a lawsuit for longterm effects from their sports. I played college football and knew there could be a chance of harm, but I chose to play. Anyone with common sense should know that injuries will happen its a contact sport.

I don't think that's the point though. I think everybody understands the injury risk. But I think the elephant in the room is the way head injuries were treated and even celebrated even though there was medical information out there indicating they should be taken more seriously. There is a pretty good case to be made that there was a culture that caused football to lag behind on the issue and possibly endanger athletes.

I don't think all the claims are valid, but I also think the "they knew what they were getting into" crowd oversimplifies the issue.
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Enjoy football while we still have it. Bitter ex players who knew full well the physical consequences of playing D1 football, and now feel like the world owes them something are destroying the game - both pro and college - and these x players just don't care as long as they get paid somehow. Political correctness and our propensity as a modern day society to protect people from themselves will be the ultimate undoing of this great sport. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? Sad, really sad.

Well, I often to try to look at all sides of an argument, not that I succeed in doing it.

Military personnel who enlist in the services knowing full well they could be wounded, die, or suffer a permanent disability, are paid for taking the risks they do and get privileged benefits for life.

Like Walmart and fast food chains, schools and professional team owners seek to sucker punch their employees by avoiding costs associated with responsibility for benefits associated with the employment. So their own lockets can be lined with as much cash as possible.

Whereas utility companies, construction companies, mining companies, and commercial airlines set aside funds to provide benefits their employees (and often families as well) knowing the hazards of the job. So you have two kinds of employees (yep, student- athletes are employees as they're paid with scholarships etc). Some don't give a damn about you and some actually to try to do what's right. You even got school districts being sued for graduating eventual high school students who can't read or write beyond 3rd grade level, if that. If you're going to knowingly put employees at risk, accept some accountability for injuries and resultant disabilities. Indeed, unions came into existence because of employers not giving a damn about their workers despite dangerous services performed for them. Sure, workers knew the risk but shouldn't be hung out to rot when the job destroys them in whole or part.
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so as an ex marine if i volunteer to be taught how to kill n potentially live n some of the worst conditions possible then they actually ask me to perform does that give me the right ti sue the gov n say they didnt take precautions to protect me????

kind of stupid isnt it??? these guys play the game because they love it r counting on it make them rich n they know the danger just like marines do.. some make it home n some don't yes its sad but its the risk n lifestyle they chose.

its a money play because thier gravy train has run out...

Two things

1st. That is the same point I was making in an earlier post.

2nd. There is no such thing as an ex Marine. All day, every day, for the rest of our lives. Then it`s time for guard duty at the Pearly Gates. Semper Fi
so as an ex marine if i volunteer to be taught how to kill n potentially live n some of the worst conditions possible then they actually ask me to perform does that give me the right ti sue the gov n say they didnt take precautions to protect me????

kind of stupid isnt it??? these guys play the game because they love it r counting on it make them rich n they know the danger just like marines do.. some make it home n some don't yes its sad but its the risk n lifestyle they chose.

its a money play because thier gravy train has run out...

You get the same governmental benefits if you enlist (lifestyle you choose) but never get deployed. Many teachers enjoy teaching, it's what they choose to do. But these days you never know if a kid will haul a firearm to class and start shooting, or explosives and ignite them, that' s why a growing number of schools have police offices right in the schools themselves. Those teachers get employee benefits for doing something they enjoy doing.

The whole thing might the moot. In terms of physical injury, schools in general are very good at making sure a student-athlete gets proper medical attention. However, if the Petrino overruling the team docs is true, WKU could be in for some serious trouble if sued by affected players..
Just my two cents:

All sports are simply entertainment for the masses. The actual goal of universities is to educate our population. I personally feel bad that adults (NFL) and students (NCAA) put their bodies and their quality of future life in harms way for my personal entertainment. To be fair, I won't stop watching and that makes me a hypocrite.
Military comparisons are not accurate. A country REQUIRES a defense in order to protect their land and people from others. Sports are not a REQUIREMENT for society. I would prefer for our society to be opiated by a less harmful alternative to violent sports and wish we would leave the true violence and threat of debilitating physical harm to the military or other required services for our society (with appropriate compensation of course).
Finally, there are many ways to raise individual future earning potential other than a sports scholarship to a university (eg. academic scholarship, apprenticeship, invention, or general business acumen). Our society has given sports, sports scholarships, and incredible amounts of money as vehicles for success in our country simply for our entertainment and these concussion suits have made me ponder if my entertainment is really worth it.
Just my two cents:

All sports are simply entertainment for the masses. The actual goal of universities is to educate our population. I personally feel bad that adults (NFL) and students (NCAA) put their bodies and their quality of future life in harms way for my personal entertainment. To be fair, I won't stop watching and that makes me a hypocrite.
Military comparisons are not accurate. A country REQUIRES a defense in order to protect their land and people from others. Sports are not a REQUIREMENT for society. I would prefer for our society to be opiated by a less harmful alternative to violent sports and wish we would leave the true violence and threat of debilitating physical harm to the military or other required services for our society (with appropriate compensation of course).
Finally, there are many ways to raise individual future earning potential other than a sports scholarship to a university (eg. academic scholarship, apprenticeship, invention, or general business acumen). Our society has given sports, sports scholarships, and incredible amounts of money as vehicles for success in our country simply for our entertainment and these concussion suits have made me ponder if my entertainment is really worth it.

If the issue is really so bad, there's an answer. Like America's lust for illegal drugs, and the huge waste that goes into the so-called drug war, Nancy Reagan the thing. Simplistic as it was, just say no is the solution. Like any market, if there's no demand, there's no business and the product becomes valueless and ceased to be marketed.
I'm sure most of you have already heard about this, but just in case you haven't former UT football players Chris Walker and Ben Martin, who played for Tennessee from 2007-2011, are filing a lawsuit against the NCAA for negligence regarding educating players on the topic of concussions.

I agree with the article and I think this suit could get even bigger than the recent NFL one. And as a huge anti-NCAA person, I hope this helps to eventually get rid of the NCAA or at least a large majority of how they run things so hypocritically.

Concussion lawsuit vs. NCAA just the beginning of litigation - College Football News | FOX Sports on MSN
DCIAP. I'm sure most of you have already heard about this, but just in case you haven't former UT football players Chris Walker and Ben Martin, who played for Tennessee from 2007-2011, are filing a lawsuit against the NCAA for negligence regarding educating players on the topic of concussions.

I agree with the article and I think this suit could get even bigger than the recent NFL one. And as a huge anti-NCAA person, I hope this helps to eventually get rid of the NCAA or at least a large majority of how they run things so hypocritically.

Concussion lawsuit vs. NCAA just the beginning of litigation - College Football News | FOX Sports on MSN


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