Fox news "fair and balanced" yeah RIGHT

Entertainment. Same as with Olbermann and others, Bill O is just better at getting a reaction from people. I laugh everytime I hear him brag about ratings like it is some sort of validation for him. I'm sure there are big numbers of left leaning crowd that tune in just to hear what he has to say and get pissed. I bet LG does. The fact that his ratings are so high says absolutely nothing about his news reporting abilities, or how "Fair and Balanced" said reporting is. Anybody that actually gets news from these loudmouths are idiots.

I can't argue with any of your thoughts here. I would add that the quality of guests he has on his show is much better. It is also true for just about every prime time show Fox has, they are much more willing to bring quality people with opposing opinions into their forum to debate the issues at hand. This is something that MSNBC does very poorly, CNN blows them away in this category as well.
I wonder why this doesn't work for idiots like Maddow, Olbermann, Rall and the like?

Probably a rhetorical question but what the heck; here's a few possible reasons: (disclaimer - I'm not a sociologist but I play one on the Internet)

1. The general tone of the news media is more in line with the MSNBC tone so righties get enough of that already.

2. The lefties were/are still so angry about Bush that they tune into righty slanted programming to fuel the anger and outrage.

Corollary - as righties get angrier; they'll start watching MSNBC more.

3. O'Reilly does bring lefty view points on but attacks them. MSNBC just attacks righty view points without letting someone try to defend them.

4. O'Reilly uses a "looking out for you" values theme that appeals to traditionalists on both sides. MSNBC uses a elitist, cynical theme that primarily mostly appeals to people that don't watch TV.
Entertainment. Same as with Olbermann and others, Bill O is just better at getting a reaction from people. I laugh everytime I hear him brag about ratings like it is some sort of validation for him. I'm sure there are big numbers of left leaning crowd that tune in just to hear what he has to say and get pissed. I bet LG does. The fact that his ratings are so high says absolutely nothing about his news reporting abilities, or how "Fair and Balanced" said reporting is. Anybody that actually gets news from these loudmouths are idiots.

I don't watch O'Reilly anymore. Not because of his politics but because his tone is so abrasive it just flat out annoys me.

I don't get my news from any single steady source. I'm like most people, flipping around and I'll get some of it from CNN, some from MSNBC, some from Fox, some from local news, some from the paper, some from the net.

And I completely understand the distinction between Fox using people as conservative commentators versus simply reporting as a journalist. I do, however, think that Fox blurs that distinction.

Can't count the number of times I click over to them and they have a reporter speaking in purely news-reading tone and appearance, but at the bottom is a banner with a loaded question, usually something like "Is Obama Administration Exaggerating Swine Flu to Spend More Money?" They aren't expressly sayiong it -- they are posing a question. Pretty obvious what they are really doing, though.

That's my fundamental problem with them -- they propagandize quite a bit using the "news" as a cover to do it.
Probably a rhetorical question but what the heck; here's a few possible reasons: (disclaimer - I'm not a sociologist but I play one on the Internet)

1. The general tone of the news media is more in line with the MSNBC tone so righties get enough of that already.

2. The lefties were/are still so angry about Bush that they tune into righty slanted programming to fuel the anger and outrage.

Corollary - as righties get angrier; they'll start watching MSNBC more.

3. O'Reilly does bring lefty view points on but attacks them. MSNBC just attacks righty view points without letting someone try to defend them.

4. O'Reilly uses a "looking out for you" values theme that appeals to traditionalists on both sides. MSNBC uses a elitist, cynical theme that primarily mostly appeals to people that don't watch TV.

Still doesn't help me with the fact that Ann Coulter has enormous readership and her antithesis, Ted Rall the bumbling moron, has absolutely no readership. That said, I do know that Coulter is about 43549827482 times brighter than Rall is and doubly that funnier than he is.

Still doesn't help me with the fact that Ann Coulter has enormous readership and her antithesis, Ted Rall the bumbling moron, has absolutely no readership. That said, I do know that Coulter is about 43549827482 times brighter than Rall is and doubly that funnier than he is.

Coulter and Ingraham alienate, though, don't you think? With their tone I mean.
Coulter and Ingraham alienate, though, don't you think? With their tone I mean.

Of course they do. This is true though of any partisan commentator.

One thing I find different between the hard right commentators and hard left commentators is that the right side takes a more individualistic view. I get a more elitist vibe from the left side.
Coulter and Ingraham alienate, though, don't you think? With their tone I mean.
They do, but maintain enormous viewership / readership. The other sides alienates similarly, but can't get anyone to listen.

We're actually trying to figure out why.
I wonder why this doesn't work for idiots like Maddow, Olbermann, Rall and the like?

Probably because they are not as entertaining. O'Reilly has more personality than any of those above, I'll give him that. He's an arrogant SOB too, he is one of those guys that people like to hate. Olbermann, Maddow, Rall...they aren't arrogant, they try to be funny which really doesn't work. I mean really, does anybody care about those yahoos? O'Reilly, on the otherhand, will have people tuning in just to see what arrogant yelling match he will get into next. He also has some back stories too that don't fit the persona of what he portrays himself to be...the infamous way he treats the TV crew, sexual harrasment lawsuits in the past and what not....

I think it's more a factor of personality than political message that gets people to tune in.
Probably a rhetorical question but what the heck; here's a few possible reasons: (disclaimer - I'm not a sociologist but I play one on the Internet)

1. The general tone of the news media is more in line with the MSNBC tone so righties get enough of that already.

2. The lefties were/are still so angry about Bush that they tune into righty slanted programming to fuel the anger and outrage.

Corollary - as righties get angrier; they'll start watching MSNBC more.

3. O'Reilly does bring lefty view points on but attacks them. MSNBC just attacks righty view points without letting someone try to defend them.

4. O'Reilly uses a "looking out for you" values theme that appeals to traditionalists on both sides. MSNBC uses a elitist, cynical theme that primarily mostly appeals to people that don't watch TV.

I think whoever is most fun to watch will get the viewers from both right and left...foxnews just happens to get the righties to listen because they are telling them what they want to hear, and the lefties to listen because they want to rail on somebody. I would be willing to bet if the talent wasn't there, Fox's ratings would be what CNN's is. The actual political message has very little to do with it.
Probably because they are not as entertaining. O'Reilly has more personality than any of those above, I'll give him that. He's an arrogant SOB too, he is one of those guys that people like to hate. Olbermann, Maddow, Rall...they aren't arrogant, they try to be funny which really doesn't work. I mean really, does anybody care about those yahoos? O'Reilly, on the otherhand, will have people tuning in just to see what arrogant yelling match he will get into next. He also has some back stories too that don't fit the persona of what he portrays himself to be...the infamous way he treats the TV crew, sexual harrasment lawsuits in the past and what not....

I think it's more a factor of personality than political message that gets people to tune in.
I struggle with this. Olbermann was an extremely popular ESPN commentator.

Hannity would have absolutely no listeners if it was just about the persona rather than the message.

IMO, the left just doesn't have as many listeners across the demographic spectrum that the right does. A huge swath of the left voting bloc will never, ever, ever, ever in a million years do talk radio or cable news. I think the right is a vastly different crowd than that.
I struggle with this. Olbermann was an extremely popular ESPN commentator.

Hannity would have absolutely no listeners if it was just about the persona rather than the message.

IMO, the left just doesn't have as many listeners across the demographic spectrum that the right does. A huge swath of the left voting bloc will never, ever, ever, ever in a million years do talk radio or cable news. I think the right is a vastly different crowd than that.

Sports and Politics are too different things though. You put O'Reilly on ESPN and he would be a major flop. Olbermann should have stuck with sports, it's what he was good at. And personally, I don't know what Hannity's ratings are, but since Colmes left and Hannity got his own show, I have watched maybe a grand total of 5 minutes of him. I bet his ratings have dropped off significantly. Besides, he is turning into the next Rush and he will make most his money from radio.

I would be willing to bet if Coulter did a regular TV or radio show she would attract tons of listeners from both sides of the political spectrum.
Sports and Politics are too different things though. You put O'Reilly on ESPN and he would be a major flop. Olbermann should have stuck with sports, it's what he was good at. And personally, I don't know what Hannity's ratings are, but since Colmes left and Hannity got his own show, I have watched maybe a grand total of 5 minutes of him. I bet his ratings have dropped off significantly. Besides, he is turning into the next Rush and he will make most his money from radio.

I would be willing to bet if Coulter did a regular TV or radio show she would attract tons of listeners from both sides of the political spectrum.
I have no idea, but am speculating about why the left can't find a cable news or talk radio audience.
why bother with first cousins when you have Chris Matthews have a viagra moment every time Obama speaks?

you leftards simply can't stand the fact that FNC has continuously beat the other cable networks in the ratings. Despite your best efforts, putting up intellectual giants like Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Anderson Cooper, and they still can't manage half the audience Bill O'Reilly gets.

Actually their ratings are really good for cable news. Keith averages about 1.5million a night while Rachel get about 1.2million. That is really good ratings for cable news.

O'Reilly averages about 3.2million, Beck 2.5million, and Hanity 2.8million.

Since the election O'Reilly's viewership has increased by close to a million people. Same with Hanity. Beck's audience has tripled since since he came over from CNN.

There is a very simple answer as to why their ratings has increased so much.

The Right Wing got thumped bad last election and the so called Culture Wars are being lost in their minds. Fox News has become the Ring Wingers resistance headquarters. The Fox Nation is what they call it.

If I was a Right Winger I would definatly have my TV set to Fox 24/7. Conservatives and Far Right Nut Jobs need that echo chamber because the reality that is America today isnt going to well for them.

Pew Research Center: Fewer Voters Identify as Republicans

RealClearPolitics - The Vanishing Young Republicans

The Republican party has lost the Hispanic, Independent, and Young Vote. North Carolina, Virgina, and New Mexico have already fallen blue, and with the ever increasing Hispanic and Urban vote soon states like Texas and Georgia will be in play for the Dems.

The American Electorate is changing and the Republicans are on the verge of becoming a regional party. Outside of the South the Republican party has shrunk. House and Senate members from the Northeast are almost nonexistent now.

Fox News is the only ray of light in these dark days for Republicans because Ronald Reagan is long gone and isnt coming back.

"Conseratives remind me a lot of Bama fans. Bama fans wont let the Bear rest and Conseratives wont let Reagan go."

There is no one there to pull the party together and attract that moderate vote. The Republican party is set to be in the wilderness for a long time.

Conservatives need Fox News. When the world passes you by you find yourself on the losing side of most issues you need somewhere that can tell you about the Good Ole Days.
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Actually their ratings are really good for cable news. Keith averages about 1.5million a night while Rachel get about 1.2million. That is really good ratings for cable news.

O'Reilly averages about 3.2million, Beck 2.5million, and Hanity 2.8million.

Since the election O'Reilly's viewership has increased by close to a million people. Same with Hanity. Beck's audience has tripled since since he came over from CNN.

There is a very simple answer as to why their ratings has increased so much.

The Right Wing got thumped bad last election and the so called Culture Wars are being lost in their minds. Fox News has become the Ring Wingers resistance headquarters. The Fox Nation as they refer to it.

If I was a Right Winger I would definatly has my TV set to Fox 24/7. Conservatives and Far Right Nut Jobs need that echo chamber because the reality that is America today isnt going to well for them.

Pew Research Center: Fewer Voters Identify as Republicans

RealClearPolitics - The Vanishing Young Republicans

The Republican party has lost the Hispanic, Independent, and Young Vote. North Carolina, Virgina, and New Mexico have already fallen blue, and with the ever increasing Hispanic and Urban vote soon states like Texas and Georgia will be in play for the Dems.

The American Electorate is changing and the Republicans are on the verge of becoming a regional party. Outside of the South the Republican party has shrunk. House and Senate members from the Northeast are almost nonexistent now.

Fox News is the only ray of light in these dark days for Republicans because Ronald Reagan is long gone and isnt coming back.

"Conseratives remind me a lot of Bama fans. Bama fans wont let the Bear rest and Conseratives wont let Regan go."

There is no one there to pull the party together and attract that moderate vote. The Republican party is set to be in the wilderness for a long time.

Conservatives need Fox News. When the world passes you by you find yourself on the losing side of most issues you need somewhere that can tell you about the Good Ole Days.
I love sweeping commentary of this nature, especially from the left, since it never proves to be correct.
Olbermann, Maddow, Rall...they aren't arrogant, they try to be funny which really doesn't work.
I think it's more a factor of personality than political message that gets people to tune in.

Are you serious? (see bold above). Olbermann in particular is hugely arrogant.
I love sweeping commentary of this nature, especially from the left, since it never proves to be correct.

Facts are Facts

You can only ignore reality for so long. That big tent that was once the Republican party is shrinking fast and pretty soon all that will be left is the White Southern Male vote.

Thats what happens when you let the Wing Nuts become the face of your party. Coulter, Hanity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, may hold the base, but they will never expand it.
Facts are Facts

You can only ignore reality for so long. That big tent that was once the Republican party is shrinking fast and pretty soon all that will be left is the White Southern Male vote.

Thats what happens when you let the Wing Nuts become the face of your party. Coulter, Hanity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, may hold the base, but they will never expand it.

Seriously, wake up from your wet dream. I'm not a Republican, but if you honestly think that because the Republicans have lost two midterm elections and one presidential (after Bush, at that), that they're going to be reduced to nothing, which is what you're implying, you really need to get your head out of the hole you've dug.
Facts are Facts

You can only ignore reality for so long. That big tent that was once the Republican party is shrinking fast and pretty soon all that will be left is the White Southern Male vote.

Thats what happens when you let the Wing Nuts become the face of your party. Coulter, Hanity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, may hold the base, but they will never expand it.

didn't the republicans say the say thing about democrats all of 8 years ago?
Facts are Facts

You can only ignore reality for so long. That big tent that was once the Republican party is shrinking fast and pretty soon all that will be left is the White Southern Male vote.

Thats what happens when you let the Wing Nuts become the face of your party. Coulter, Hanity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, may hold the base, but they will never expand it.

Facts are facts, this isn't the first time that those on the left have pronounced the right dead, it has happened more than once in the last 30 years. The right always comes back strong after poor management from the left. Same applies to the left in this scenario as well. When one party does a poor job in running the country the other party makes gains.
I am obviously much more inclined towards the view of Olbermann than I am Beck or Hannity, but he does IMO come across as very arrogant. That appears to be the schtick he has decided to exploit. And it does seem that all of the successful ones on the right have some sort of "brand" to their presentation that makes them memorable.

Hannity: Whiny, talks fast and is very harsh in his critiques.

O'Reilly: Tries to be the "let's cut to the chase" guy. Prides himself on bringing on leftist guests, lets them make one 4 second statement, and then berates them for 5 minutes.

Beck: Sarcastic dim-witted guy. Uses lots of mock voices to, well, mock.

Olbermann: Takes the "We on the left are so much smarter than them" approach.

Maddow: Kind of a cross between Olbermann and Beck. Glib smile on her face all the time.
Thats what happens when you let the Wing Nuts become the face of your party. Coulter, Hanity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, may hold the base, but they will never expand it.

and the Dems counter with Olberman, Maddow, Obama, Pelosi and Reid? Please, I'd say the fight is a loooooooooong way from being over
Are you serious? (see bold above). Olbermann in particular is hugely arrogant.

Perhaps I should have qualified. They are all arrogant of course, it's just that O'Reilly takes the cake IMO. He has this attitude of "I know this, I know that, this is what's best" and says it with almost outright contempt for the other side. Olberman and crowd are arrogant but but put a sarcastic spin to it like the other side is too stupid to realize what they are saying. And trying to make it funny just doesn't have the same effect. With those stupid ass grins Olberman and Maddow have, they come across as delusionally harmless. O'Reilly really looks like he could take out a gun and go postal on some of his segments.
Seriously, wake up from your wet dream. I'm not a Republican, but if you honestly think that because the Republicans have lost two midterm elections and one presidential (after Bush, at that), that they're going to be reduced to nothing, which is what you're implying, you really need to get your head out of the hole you've dug.

I never said the Republicans would be wiped out. However if they continue to alienate themselves from the Independent, Hispanic, and Young vote they will be in the wilderness for a while.

They need moderate voices who can appeal to the center in this country, and right now outside of Crist Luger, Collins and Schwarzenegger there isnt that many.

When Rush Limbaugh is considered the voice of your party you have major problems.

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