Actually their ratings are really good for cable news. Keith averages about 1.5million a night while Rachel get about 1.2million. That is really good ratings for cable news.
O'Reilly averages about 3.2million, Beck 2.5million, and Hanity 2.8million.
Since the election O'Reilly's viewership has increased by close to a million people. Same with Hanity. Beck's audience has tripled since since he came over from CNN.
There is a very simple answer as to why their ratings has increased so much.
The Right Wing got thumped bad last election and the so called Culture Wars are being lost in their minds. Fox News has become the Ring Wingers resistance headquarters. The Fox Nation as they refer to it.
If I was a Right Winger I would definatly has my TV set to Fox 24/7. Conservatives and Far Right Nut Jobs need that echo chamber because the reality that is America today isnt going to well for them.
Pew Research Center: Fewer Voters Identify as Republicans
RealClearPolitics - The Vanishing Young Republicans
The Republican party has lost the Hispanic, Independent, and Young Vote. North Carolina, Virgina, and New Mexico have already fallen blue, and with the ever increasing Hispanic and Urban vote soon states like Texas and Georgia will be in play for the Dems.
The American Electorate is changing and the Republicans are on the verge of becoming a regional party. Outside of the South the Republican party has shrunk. House and Senate members from the Northeast are almost nonexistent now.
Fox News is the only ray of light in these dark days for Republicans because Ronald Reagan is long gone and isnt coming back.
"Conseratives remind me a lot of Bama fans. Bama fans wont let the Bear rest and Conseratives wont let Regan go."
There is no one there to pull the party together and attract that moderate vote. The Republican party is set to be in the wilderness for a long time.
Conservatives need Fox News. When the world passes you by you find yourself on the losing side of most issues you need somewhere that can tell you about the Good Ole Days.