Yea he held the tazer.
Most news is crap...if it wasn't there would be no real market for Fox news. It exists so we that tilt to the right can have our own crap.
Most news is crap...if it wasn't there would be no real market for Fox news. It exists so we that tilt to the right can have our own crap.
Here's a pretty good article on Hume and Fox in general. Even their "liberals" aren't really what they appear to be.
The Most Biased Name in News
Tazered multiple times and died at the scene.
You guys crack me up... honestly.
LG, you think Fox News isn't "fair and balanced" because it doesn't go along with your political views. .... Fox usually tries to give you both sides of the story, whereas any of the other networks will have 3 liberal commentators, then put one somewhat conservative up there and let the other 3 hammer him. Is that fair and balanced?
Are you serious? The only "liberal" show I can think of (and its on MSNBC) is Olberman. And he doesn't pretend to be news. Don't you think Chris Matthews is fairly centrist?
Anyway, it isn't that the commentators on Fox are biased. Its that they pretend not to be and to be delivering news, which as I say is propaganda masquerading as news.
There is a reason Fox News is number 1 in the cable ratings. I'm sure you'll have some glib comment about it being a bunch of hicks watching it, but people are getting tired of the liberal agenda the media has. Would all the controversies with Obama had come out if not for Fox and talk radio? Doubtful. The guy has gotten a free pass and you know it.
First, I don't think its the audience or the message that makes Fox popular. I think their formula of confrontation worked well and their production values are really good. The station was created by a media mogul -- he knew what would sell in terms of just making an attrative product, and it has worked.
Second, "all the controversies" is a pretty broad phrase. If you mean the Rev. Wright thing, I thought all the news stations picked up on that and discussed it quite a bit.
Now, Fox and Hannity and Rush won't move on to the next subject. Why? I think its pretty obvious.
I know it's all a matter of relativity; if it were up to me there would be no libs on Fox at all, they have every other network. You think it's too far right because it's not like every other network. Keep in mind, Fox is owned by Murdoch, one of the biggest libs out there.
Thanks for letting your prespective and objectivity on this subject be known.
Errr cause it's not fair. It's a lib organization.
Come on guys, even those of you on the right have to admit that Fox News is not news -- its just a Republican-based Bush apologist network.
I look and see on this site repeatedly "news stories" that are taken from Fox and which are obviously written to embarass or criticize the Democrat they are based on. They routinely overstate or quote out of context, and its all to advance a conservative agenda.
You may think there is a subtle liberal media bias in the other networks, but Fox is just blatant about it.
Fair and balanced? What a joke!
There is a distinct difference between a slant and mouthpiece. Fox slants right as other cable programs slant left.
Here's a story from the Politics section on Fox. How is this Republican propaganda? Looks like news to me.
Obama Meets With Potential VP Picks as Part of Economic Roundtable - Americas Election HQ
Wow, let's see, where do I begin? Chris Matthews is a centrist? And the "only" lib show is Olbermann's? Those statements alone should show what you really think/believe, but I'll move on.
The real propaganda is ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNN et al. Of course, I'm sure you don't agree (Shocking).
When I said controversies, I meant that, and no it's not really a broad term. Some of his associations are suspect at best, I'm pretty sure that McCain has no terrorist connections; otherwise the media would have been all over it. As far as the media covering Wright, talk radio had been discussing the matter for quiet a while before any of the other media even touched it. As far as Rush and co. not letting it go, who would do the job if they didn't? Certainly not the left wing media.
As far as me being objective, I've never made any bones about my beliefs... however, when you come in here making false statements that I don't agree with, I certainly will call you out every time. I'm sure you've set the standard for being objective, however.
Last, what's the point in reading anything FAIR has to say? Fox sucks, everyone else is ok? Pass.
Would it be sterotypical of me to assume that all lawyers are democrats/socialists?
The decision was criticized by his opponent, some Democrats and public interest groups.
But does the public really care? Probably not.
The presumptive Democratic nominee has smashed fundraising records this cycle by harnessing the power of the Internet to raise the once unimaginable sum of almost $266 million from more than 1.5 million donors through the end of April.
Sen. John McCain, on the other hand, has raised $93 million through April. A significant number of unenthusiastic conservatives have so far been unwilling to open their wallets for the presumptive GOP nominee.
Except for two things. First, the Republican base still hates Gore. Hannity seems to personally loathe the man.
Last night, I heard Hannity say that Gore's home used 200,000 kw hours of electricity last year, and that it was enough to power 240 traditional sized homes .... and then he mutter under his breath "for a month."
Rather than compare the numbers meaningfully, i.e. Gore uses the equivalent of 20 people's home's worth of electricity over the course of a year, he changes the measuring stick from a year to a month just so that he can use the much starker number of 240 households.
Now, Gore using the equivalent of 20 average homes, that's bad. But Hannity intentionally manipulated the number so that he could make it sound worse.
Just painfully obvious what he is doing. I wonder how many of his listeners caught the difference -- maybe 5 %?
Hey, I'm no big fan of Obama. I might even vote for McCain, haven't decided. But you imply that Obama has "terrorist connections." What are you talking about? Seriously, that's a pretty explosive thing to say -- to what are you alluding?