France is Burning

The lady at my donut shop is the child of a man who died in the WTC tower on 9/11. She denies service to the radicalized Muslim men from the Mosque down the street. Approve or disapprove?
Tough one but disapprove. She wouldn't have any way to know their political views so she'd be guessing and discriminating on religion and not behavior. Of course if they came in, sat down, and said they want to do another 9-11 she should throw them out and call the Federales.
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I see it as the same. If we are able to deny some, we should be able to deny all. Anything else is picking winners and losers which never works from a centralized direction.

The recent SC case points this out. Affirmative Action became the thing it was meant to destroy. It limited a minorities acceptance because they were the wrong minority. Even if it was only the majority being denied that is just as bad from a moral or ethical standpoint, but worse because its justified by the government's blessing. And it becomes a tool of the self righteous to be racist against the acceptable group.

It's either all allowed, or not allowed at all.

That's the point I could never come to grips with. Affirmative action is discrimination; it simply targets another group. If discrimination is wrong in one direction, it's wrong in any other direction, too. If not for the liberal bias in the SC until now, it's hard to imagine how the civil rights bill from the LBJ era stood the test. It almost seems like the writing is on the wall for parts (if not all) of the civil rights bill.
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I see it as the same. If we are able to deny some, we should be able to deny all. Anything else is picking winners and losers which never works from a centralized direction.

The recent SC case points this out. Affirmative Action became the thing it was meant to destroy. It limited a minorities acceptance because they were the wrong minority. Even if it was only the majority being denied that is just as bad from a moral or ethical standpoint, but worse because its justified by the government's blessing. And it becomes a tool of the self righteous to be racist against the acceptable group.

It's either all allowed, or not allowed at all.
The SC decision on affirmative action goes against being able to discriminate based on demographics, clearly. Trying to use it to support denying service based on race, religion, etc. is way off the mark.
The SC decision on affirmative action goes against being able to discriminate based on demographics, clearly. Trying to use it to support denying service based on race, religion, etc. is way off the mark.
they said its not allowed at all. I am fine with that from a government standpoint, as long as that holds up across the board. that's fair. I would prefer it was all allowed because that would be "more free"; but our government, even in a correct SC ruling, haven't cared about actual freedom in a long time.

Freedom/rights have become twisted like so many other phrases.

Simon Ateba
And for those who may not remember, Giorgia Meloni (@GiorgiaMeloni) is the prime minister of #Italy. She's the first woman to hold that position and has served since October 22, 2022. The New York Times does not like her. They describe her as a 'hard-liner'.

CFA franc - Wikipedia

'Critics point out that the currency is controlled by the French treasury, and in turn African countries channel more money to France than they receive in aid and have no sovereignty over their monetary policies.[1] In January 2019, Italian ministers accused France of impoverishing Africa through the CFA franc, and criticism continued from various African organizations. On 21 December 2019, President Alassane Ouattara of the Ivory Coast and President Emmanuel Macron of France announced an initiative to replace the West African CFA Franc with the Eco. Subsequently, a reform of the West African CFA franc was initiated. In May 2020, the French National Assembly agreed to end the French engagement in the West African CFA franc. The countries using the currency will no longer have to deposit half of their foreign exchange reserves with the French Treasury.[5][6]"
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Marion Maréchal: Anti-Christian Olympic Opening Ceremony Does Not Speak for France​


Marion Maréchal urged the world to not blame her country for the “left-wing minority” responsible for the anti-Christian insults made during the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony.”

Addressing the global audience on X, she added: “To all the Christians of the world who are watching the #Paris2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking but a left-wing minority ready for any provocation. #notinmyname”

The lady at my donut shop is the child of a man who died in the WTC tower on 9/11. She denies service to the radicalized Muslim men from the Mosque down the street. Approve or disapprove?
As a Christian, i do Not wish to see ANY faith mocked or belittled. A faith is maybe a person’s most precious possession and treating someone of a different as less than you is one of the rudest and cruelest thing one can do. It denies that person their humanity.
I would feel that the donut shop owner would be well within her rights to not serve particular individuals who had behaved badly toward her or made insulting statements about her dad; but do not agree with banning Muslims in general just because of their religion. That said; not being in her shoes and not having lost a loved one on that day; I am not really in a position to judge her.
I did. visit the 9-11 memorial and museum in NYC a couple of weeks ago. It was very painful reliving the memories of that day and it was a very somber visit for me. I cannot even fathom what family of the victims felt then and still feel today.
The lady at my donut shop is the child of a man who died in the WTC tower on 9/11. She denies service to the radicalized Muslim men from the Mosque down the street. Approve or disapprove?
Does she pump gas into any of her vehicles?

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