France is Burning

The lady at my donut shop is the child of a man who died in the WTC tower on 9/11. She denies service to the radicalized Muslim men from the Mosque down the street. Approve or disapprove?
Why doesn't she just post a sign saying that her donuts are cooked in pork fat?
So if I play this right, I use my representatives in the Papal Curia excommunicate the French government. Thar means I will get a free casus belli to declare war on France and seize territory, humiliate them if they are my rival and gain power projection, demand trannsfer of trade power, or maybe even but Marine Le Pen on their throne as my vassal.

Commander, prepare the troops. Let me go talk to the Pope.

(Kudos to who gets the reference)

Marion Maréchal: Anti-Christian Olympic Opening Ceremony Does Not Speak for France​

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Marion Maréchal urged the world to not blame her country for the “left-wing minority” responsible for the anti-Christian insults made during the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony.”

Addressing the global audience on X, she added: “To all the Christians of the world who are watching the #Paris2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking but a left-wing minority ready for any provocation. #notinmyname”

Whoa, who's that? She's got my vote.
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It’s infinitely worse if you practice Christianity.

Just throw Commandment #1 out the window.

This was probably the worse/out-of-touch items that Trump did and probably cost him the 2020 election:


There is a reason that I called him Nebuchadnezzar recently (Nebu wasn't necessarily a friend of God, at least not at first).

However, the other side has almost a scorched earth tactic with Christianity as well. It is clear one side is more "friendly" overall (but not perfect nor a friend).

EDIT: Now one major difference between the painting you show and the Olympics situation is that the painting is likely a "one-off" not shown at a major event while the Olympics ceremony is a global event that has had visibility to families and others across the globe.
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You and me buddy, you and me….

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Yup, there are always people out there with zero taste or sensibility.
But there is a world of difference in some amateur “artist” painting something in his basement vs a National Olympic Organizating committee that has spent hundreds of millions of dollars over several years and has layer after layer of oversight and approval steps in place doing what they did. One is a crazed unhinged individual. The other is an intentional and pre-mediated state funded attack on a faith shared by billions.
I see your point. My hard stop would be demographic: race, religion, etc. Denying service for real behavioral reasons is in my view fine.

Your options are to “ban bigotry” which only makes the bigots wealthy, or allow bigotry and watch them go out of business.
First of all is that you?

Are you surprised that a river running thru a major city is full of trash?
apparently there are groups of protestors, anti-Olympics in Paris, Global Warming Chicken Littles, anti-immigrant, etc etc. who are purposefully fighting the clean up of the river to get the Olympics out. with them purposefully dumping trash and literal s**t into the river.

so I wouldn't read too much into that photo op.
I notice that the discussions of the opening ceremony almost exclusively focus on whether or not “Christians” should or should not be offended. I haven’t heard anyone wondering if CHRIST is offended. The fact that this isn’t even being considered is maybe even worse than the actual ceremony itself. The elites driving culture appear to not even slow down and think that maybe there is an actual risen Christ watching our lives and coming back some day to judge the nations.
God is long suffering but His patience does have its limits. The book of Revelation speaks of a day when the Bowls of God’s Wrath are poured out onto the Earth. It would help the secular leaders of this world to at least give a passing thought to the POSSIBILITY that there is a God that has certain expectations of us. If there is even a CHANCE that there is an omnipotent God out there; that maybe it would be wise to not even take a chance on mocking Him like this.

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