France is Burning

Maybe the Olympic committee will eventually choose an African or middle eastern country to host. They can simulate mutilating a women or beheading some homosexuals during opening ceremonies. In an artistic fashion of course.
What they would not do is show any "disrespect" to the country's official religion.

France would, but those countries would not.
Think on that.
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The Marie Antoinette scene was my favorite part.

The first visual of her in the window holding her head as it sang was surreal.
It seems like a bunch of decapitated women holding their own heads would be scarier and more troubling for a child to see than a bunch of drag queens sitting around a table.
Both were equally disturbing lol.. I thank God every day my kids are grown.. everything is just getting more and more weird and upside down
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Any civilized nation should be quite willing to do so. Why mock ANYONE else’s faith? It is uncourteous, rude, and petty. You can hardly do something more dehumanizing to an individual than to ridicule their most cherished beliefs. It is okay to discuss with someone why you think their faith is wrong as long as you are respectful. But to just poke fun at someone’s beliefs is just barbaric IMO.
how often have people, including yourself, ripped into others for their political beliefs? Or being atheist?

The answer is no where close to zero.
how often have people, including yourself, ripped into others for their political beliefs? Or being atheist?

The answer is no where close to zero.
1) With faith, there is no proof or evidence so I give people more grace . Politics, it is crystal clear what worlds and what doesn’t so I have less sympathy for people who look at the world every day and continue to vote for the silly, discredited statist/socialist policies that have failed over and over and over again going back thousands of years. Believers in something false that cannot be seen deserve more latitude than people who willfully ignore the evidence of their own eyes.
2) with atheists, I am pretty sure that I have on multiple occasions made clear that I have more respect for atheists than for people that have some sort of vague “spirituality” who believe in some undefined higher power or “the universe”. At least atheists have put some thought into their beliefs and came up with a somewhat coherent belief system that is internally consistent. And the fact that those beliefs offer no comfort or solace shows a certain mental toughness.
I can't believe people are still arguing about this. ESPN literally published an apology from the Olympic committee for the offensive content:

Paris 2024 apologizes for 'Last Supper' sketch

It was also criticized by well-known gay athletes such as Jillian Michael's.

You don't get a "do-over" with crap like this. They knew exactly what they were imitating. So, they can deal with the backlash. Fine.

But for the love of God, enough of the Jedi mind trick trying to make people believe they didn't see what they saw.
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