Franklin Mayoral Candidate Admits to Promoting Prostitution Arrest

That last one is the big issue. Candidates actually do need to be officially vetted - and not by the party. There needs to be a defined process - the thing is it's not like there are a lot of qualifications to be met in the first place, but still there's always that group of candidates that can't seem to meet even the residency part. It doesn't even seem that her "problem" would keep her from running, but you'd think voters would want to know.

But the moment you do that, you start having some gatekeeper. I mean, party officials are a kind of gatekeeper but the great thing is that ANYONE can petition and get on the ballot IF enough people sign signatures for them and then anyone can be elected if they get enough votes. That is the principle even though I know it doesnt quite work that way in practice.

In a day where internet sleuths match hardcore operatives for background checks, there is no need to have additional roadblocks to democracy. The only one I would say is to prove your qualifications per the constitution to the elections office that you seek to hold.

I mean look at Fetterman. Everyone could see the poor man has turned into a fraction of himself and yet the Dems did not care. He was simply a useful tool to capture the seat and thus the vote. There was no lack of knowledge about his situation.
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Yes, completely eliminate politicians. I like it.

I've sometimes thought city councils/county commissions should be selected like jurors.

I honestly don't know why anyone wants to run for alderman. It doesn't pay nearly enough to merit the frustration.
I don't think the judge was buying her argument that the statute doesn't apply to her attempted shakedown of the head of BNA. But we'll see.
That last one is the big issue. Candidates actually do need to be officially vetted - and not by the party. There needs to be a defined process - the thing is it's not like there are a lot of qualifications to be met in the first place, but still there's always that group of candidates that can't seem to meet even the residency part. It doesn't even seem that her "problem" would keep her from running, but you'd think voters would want to know.
Valid points
But the moment you do that, you start having some gatekeeper. I mean, party officials are a kind of gatekeeper but the great thing is that ANYONE can petition and get on the ballot IF enough people sign signatures for them and then anyone can be elected if they get enough votes. That is the principle even though I know it doesnt quite work that way in practice.

In a day where internet sleuths match hardcore operatives for background checks, there is no need to have additional roadblocks to democracy. The only one I would say is to prove your qualifications per the constitution to the elections office that you seek to hold.

I mean look at Fetterman. Everyone could see the poor man has turned into a fraction of himself and yet the Dems did not care. He was simply a useful tool to capture the seat and thus the vote. There was no lack of knowledge about his situation.

With so many things politicized these days, I agree with you realistically but still wish for something better as far as qualifying candidates. I really have the feeling that voters themselves receive more "official" scrutiny (what little there is of that) in registering to vote than candidates. At least I hope the people actually adding voters to the rolls do verify addresses and citizenship - that may be taking too much for granted. I just find it offensive that someone willing to join the military faces more rigorous scrutiny that someone running for office - especially when people in DC are screeching about vets being more frequently affiliated with extremist groups.

If you're gonna keep on lying, might as well do it in court and turn it into a crime.
People make mistakes when they are young, I’m sure she turned over a new leaf since then.
Truth be known…. I’d bet she sold the monkey… answering phones? Is that what she said? Riiiiight
Not defending this lady because my morality stand as she should have just came clean...but in today non religious society morals are given are different for every person. Some may think think stealing for a store is morally ok but not an individual...maybe her morals includ not exposing her family to the perverted mistakes she made in he past....maybe in morally corrupt to to bring one mistakes to the front for political gain...
In the past few weeks, Hanson's supporters attempted to block media from attending a candidates' forum and briefly resorted to physical assault. And on Monday, a town hall event at the Frankling City Hall was visited by the Tennessee Active Club, a group of neo-nazis who claimed they were there to provide security "for Gabrielle." One of the degenerates is Brad Lewis, for whom Hanson is acting as the listing agent on the sale of his gas station/white supremacist merchandise store and gym. Hanson took two days to put out a statement on the presence of the nazis, and at no point did she use words like "deplorable, disgusting, unacceptable, or revolting." Instead, she referred to "Brad" as "professional and courteous." And then she followed this up with social media posts featuring Telegram posts from the Active Club threatening to return to Franklin if Moore isn't defeated.

She is surely not trying to win. Her campaign is a "Springtime for Hitler" style grift, all the way to including nazis in trying to offend.
In the past few weeks, Hanson's supporters attempted to block media from attending a candidates' forum and briefly resorted to physical assault. And on Monday, a town hall event at the Frankling City Hall was visited by the Tennessee Active Club, a group of neo-nazis who claimed they were there to provide security "for Gabrielle." One of the degenerates is Brad Lewis, for whom Hanson is acting as the listing agent on the sale of his gas station/white supremacist merchandise store and gym. Hanson took two days to put out a statement on the presence of the nazis, and at no point did she use words like "deplorable, disgusting, unacceptable, or revolting." Instead, she referred to "Brad" as "professional and courteous."

She is surely not trying to win. Her campaign is a "Springtime for Hitler" style grift, all the way to including nazis in trying to offend.

So she's not going to win?
In the past few weeks, Hanson's supporters attempted to block media from attending a candidates' forum and briefly resorted to physical assault. And on Monday, a town hall event at the Frankling City Hall was visited by the Tennessee Active Club, a group of neo-nazis who claimed they were there to provide security "for Gabrielle." One of the degenerates is Brad Lewis, for whom Hanson is acting as the listing agent on the sale of his gas station/white supremacist merchandise store and gym. Hanson took two days to put out a statement on the presence of the nazis, and at no point did she use words like "deplorable, disgusting, unacceptable, or revolting." Instead, she referred to "Brad" as "professional and courteous." And then she followed this up with social media posts featuring Telegram posts from the Active Club threatening to return to Franklin if Moore isn't defeated.

She is surely not trying to win. Her campaign is a "Springtime for Hitler" style grift, all the way to including nazis in trying to offend.
I thought it was BS until I watched some videos of it. Probably one of the rare times Dems can refer to a group of people as Nazis and be correct. Pretty shocking.
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I thought it was BS until I watched some videos of it. Probably one of the rare times Dems can refer to a group of people as Nazis and be correct. Pretty shocking.

Yeah, the left labels all kinds of people as "nazis," usually unfairly. However, the guy with white power tattoos on his face is, more than likely, an actual nazi.
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