Fraud FOUND in Arizona election! Liberals' heads will EXPLODE!

For a guy who pretends to be non partisan you sure across like a Democrat hack.
Attack the claim not the post. You seem very partisan. You don't like what he shared say why. Don't biatch behind cover.
That's a female...

It is amazing that the United States of America recently had a president who felt it was appropriate to contact state-level authorities directly, for the purpose of influencing how votes were counted, during an election in which he was also a candidate.

Why is that’s amazing to you? It didn’t work.
Attack the claim not the post. You seem very partisan. You don't like what he shared say why. Don't biatch behind cover.

Oh shut up.

I never once claimed to be non partisan. I hate both parties but would never vote for a democrat.

The claim is the claim. He felt there was fraud and wanted to slow down to hopefully catch it.

Sorry they didn’t meet on a tarmac or something so you could feel better about it.
For a guy who pretends to be non partisan you sure across like a Democrat hack.

Just having fun playing the game. As I said in an earlier post in this thread, I happened across this tweet in my phone's crappy news page. Wanted to see what would happen if I posted it.

You learn a lot about people by the way they react to out of the ordinary behavior.
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Oh shut up.

I never once claimed to be non partisan. I hate both parties but would never vote for a democrat.

The claim is the claim. He felt there was fraud and wanted to slow down to hopefully catch it.

Sorry they didn’t meet on a tarmac or something so you could feel better about it.
That doesn't make any sense.
Just having fun playing the game. As I said in an earlier post in this thread, I happened across this tweet in my phone's crappy news page. Wanted to see what would happen if I posted it.

You learn a lot about people by the way they react to out of the ordinary behavior.

I’ve got 10k post history.

I’ve never minced words with anyone here.

I don’t handle hypocrisy well.

I also loathe the group on here who will turn a complete blind eye to their own parties issues but shine a spotlight on the others. Both parties have major issues.
Why is that’s amazing to you? It didn’t work.
The conflict of interest should be apparent to anyone. Trump had no business calling state officials, who were in charge of election oversight, to discuss what his campaign needed to happen for him to win.
This country crossed the conflict of interest lines decades ago.
Whatever you are referring to, it doesn't excuse Trump's conduct. He should not have been calling state agency officials, as if he was giving instructions to subordinates of his, to discuss ways in which they could help him win.
Whatever you are referring to, it doesn't excuse Trump's conduct. He should not have been calling state agency officials, as if he was giving instructions to subordinates of his, to discuss ways in which they could help him win.

Slowing is not winning.

He asked to slow down as the numbers weren’t matching exit polling.

Not the same thing.
Whatever you are referring to, it doesn't excuse Trump's conduct. He should not have been calling state agency officials, as if he was giving instructions to subordinates of his, in order to discuss ways in which they could help him still win.

Trump is an idiot. What did you expect? Nothing he says or does should be surprising at this point
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Slowing is not winning.

He asked to slow down as the numbers weren’t matching exit polling.

Not the same thing.
He had no business asking them to do anything at all to the benefit of his campaign... and he certainly did ask state agency officials in Georgia to help him win.

"So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state." - President Donald Trump, speaking to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger
Pretty sure whenever he @ you it means he needs to pop a Viagra
His whole lumber things is quite comical. Lumber was flat during Obama's second term. Nearly doubles during Trump's term. After initially rising during Biden's term, it's back to roughly where it was when Biden started. Somehow he interprets this as a win for Trump because it hasn't returned to Obama level prices. But since Joe's not giving the Trump leg-humpers much to work with, this is what's they run with.
His whole lumber things is quite comical. Lumber was flat during Obama's second term. Nearly doubles during Trump's term. After initially rising during Biden's term, it's back to roughly where it was when Biden started. Somehow he interprets this as a win for Trump because it hasn't returned to Obama level prices. But since Joe's not giving the Trump leg-humpers much to work with, this is what's they run with.


A “new normal” that’s 100% higher you fool!

You should trade in lumber futures shrew you’ve got it all figured out!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

A “new normal” that’s 100% higher you fool!

You should trade in lumber futures shrew you’ve got it all figured out!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I got it all figured as to who was in charge when the "new normal" was set. He's orange and the achievement he's most proud of is remembering five words in a row. But you do you asshat.
I got it all figured as to who was in charge when the "new normal" was set. He's orange and the achievement he's most proud of is remembering five words in a row. But you do you asshat.
Hilarious as hell. After the pandemic settles out we are adding on average $35K to the cost of a new home due to lumber prices settling 100% ON YOUR BOY’S WATCH now shrew and you can’t carry enough water to try and deflect it elsewhere.

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They are the same poster
Nah I think the Brad Pitt stalker is actually much stupider. Can’t even form a coherent thought stream. EL can at least string together a massive line of sheer bull **** in her water carrying campaigns. The village jester is not equipped to do that.

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