Fraud FOUND in Arizona election! Liberals' heads will EXPLODE!

NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. There's no fun to be had here. You must be anal retentive, combative, indignant and defensive at all times. Please do not upset the apple cart.

Thanks for telling him to keep the Democratic thoughts of hate & division towards others alive & on-going ....
You did really well comrade...your dick-tator Biden salutes you sir.
You are definitely taking this out of context. Trump was saying he knows that if you count legal votes in GA he won by a lot. He was saying we don't even have to talk about Dominion Machines or any of the major stuff that absolutely should be exposed. Just look into a few of the small areas and give us what is rightfully ours and we will shut up about all of the other areas. Georgia was probably one of the worst run elections in a very long time. Brad's own election inspector that he hired documented all of the bad things that were happening in Fulton County and yet Brad said this was a perfectly run election. There are 168,000 ballots in Cobb County that are missing chain of custody.
Here is your problem:

Trump did mention the specific number of votes he needed to overtake Biden's margin of victory in Georgia : 11,780.

Therefore, the purpose of Trump's call to Raffensperger wasn't just about encouraging him to uncover fraud as you insist. Trump wanted Raffensperger's assistance with overturning the outcome of the election in the state of Georgia. There is nothing taken out of context about that. That is what happened. You are trying to give Trump the benefit of the doubt, when there is no doubt about Trump's agenda to give. That call was highly improper.
A 40% drop? You better tell that to lumber suppliers because a 2x4 is still 9$ when it was 4$ less than 2 years ago of course you have probably never bought one or used one if you think lumber prices are “about what they used to be” 😂

200% increase and after 6 months everybody celebrates that it drops 40%. Sounds pretty logical to me. It takes a special kind of stupid to fall for that one
It's already been done twice. Republicans in Arizona just didn't like the findings... so now, they are giving the "Cyber Ninjas" a try.

In February, there were audits of the tabulation equipment's software and hardware performed by two independent Voting System Laboratories: Pro V&V and SLI Compliance. Those two firms were hired to:

  • Analyze election equipment software and hardware's hacking vulnerability
  • Verify that no malicious malware was installed
  • Test that tabulators were not sending or receiving information over the internet
  • Confirm that no vote switching occurred
As an added measure of transparency, a reputable CPA firm, Berry Dunn, was hired to review county contracts with Dominion Voting Services and verify that the county leased the tabulation equipment according to state and county procurement regulations.

* Also, I love how anyone critical of Trump is "obsessed" with him... but his apologists who post hourly updates on the Cyber Ninjas audit are just interested in preserving our democracy (paraphrasing, of course).
No, not anyone critical of Trump. You BB. You.
From James Comey's letter to Russian meddling on social media, Hillary Clinton made a lot of excuses for losing the 2016 presidential election. She also accused the 2016 Trump Campaign of coordinating their efforts with Russian agents in their social media attacks against her, but she never said that her loss was the result of fraud. No democratic party nominee for president, including Al Gore, has ever blamed their losing a presidential general election on fraudulent activity. To the contrary, Hillary Clinton gave a gracious concession speech the day after the 2016 presidential election, in which she acknowledged Trump's victory and congratulated him. Those are two things which Trump has still never done for Biden. Had Biden lost, there is nothing to indicate that he wouldn't have conceded defeat and moved on. For what it's worth, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton both attended Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20, 2017.

This is a brazen lie. The entire thing wasn't about fraud. Trump cited a very specific number of votes in his conversation with Brad Raffensperger, and he didn't just pull some random number out of his butt either. The number of votes Trump said that he wanted Raffensperger "to find" was 11,780... which was what he needed to win Georgia. If the "entire thing" had been about uncovering fraud, Trump would not have been so specific about how many votes he wanted to be impacted. At least to some extent, it was also about Trump attempting to overturn the outcome in Georgia, and he was applying pressure to a state-level official, Brad Raffensperger, in order to achieve that end.

I have heard the entire conversation as well. It was a very inappropriate call for the President of the United States to make. Nothing has been taken out of context. You might have an argument to make if Trump hadn't been so specific with Raffensperger concerning the number of votes he needed him "to find"... and if that number (11,780) wasn't also Biden's margin of victory plus one.
Fraud isn’t just changing votes as it’s a pretty broad term. Look up several definitions. What Hillary accused Trump of doing definitely fits the bill.

Yes, the conversation with Raff was about fraud but of course it was related to overturning the result dingus. That’s why Trump was having the conversation but he was saying there was fraud and his reference to the votes was saying we think there’s x amount of votes that were fraudulent and that’s way more than the 12K we need but if you just want to find 12K that’s fine as we don’t need more. So, yes the objective was to change the result but the entire conversation was about fraud. You can call it inappropriate all you want. It was also inappropriate for Hillary to fund the Steele dossier and for the media and big tech to make a coordinated effort towards getting Trump out of office. You don’t seem to mind those things because they turned out ok for you. Take your high horse elsewhere as both sides are in the muck.
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How much has the lumber spike added to the cost of your widgets?
A bunch. Contracts signed back in spring are not going to be friendly for me. One major component I ordered with a PO back in the spring with an acknowledgement is going to really hurt. I ordered it early because the lead time had increased to 26 weeks. I got an email a couple of weeks ago that they are retroactively adding a surcharge of 39% regardless of when the items were ordered. They said if I didn't like it I could cancel. Not much I can do. I have two widgets about ready for shipment and the remote gasoline power providers are not here. They've been on order since mid December. Customers are growing increasingly impatient. Only manufacturer in the world that makes these things so I have no other option. Aluminum is though the roof as well. I have finally secured some decent labor but at a huge increase in cost. I would say our widgets are up 50-75%.
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A bunch. Contracts signed back in spring are not going to be friendly for me. One major component I ordered with a PO back in the spring with an acknowledgement is going to really hurt. I ordered it early because the lead time had increased to 26 weeks. I got an email a couple of weeks ago that they are retroactively adding a surcharge of 39% regardless of when the items were ordered. They said if I didn't like it I could cancel. Not much I can do. I have two widgets about ready for shipment and the remote gasoline power providers are not here. They've been on order since mid December. Customers are growing increasingly impatient. Only manufacturer in the world that makes these things so I have no other option. Aluminum is though the roof as well. I have finally secured some decent labor but at a huge increase in cost. I would say our widgets are up 50-75%.

Wow! Now all you need is for the fed to raise interest rates for your widgets to really take off.
You are definitely taking this out of context. Trump was saying he knows that if you count legal votes in GA he won by a lot. He was saying we don't even have to talk about Dominion Machines or any of the major stuff that absolutely should be exposed. Just look into a few of the small areas and give us what is rightfully ours and we will shut up about all of the other areas. Georgia was probably one of the worst run elections in a very long time. Brad's own election inspector that he hired documented all of the bad things that were happening in Fulton County and yet Brad said this was a perfectly run election. There are 168,000 ballots in Cobb County that are missing chain of custody.
BB has selective hearing and reading when it comes to Trump. It’s a complete waste of time trying to talk any sense into him but it’s fun poking him from time to time anyway.
BB has selective hearing and reading when it comes to Trump. It’s a complete waste of time trying to talk any sense into him but it’s fun poking him from time to time anyway.

I generally resist the temptation but sometimes I just can't say no.
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Fraud isn’t just changing votes as it’s a pretty broad term. Look up several definitions. What Hillary accused Trump of doing definitely fits the bill.

Yes, the conversation with Raff was about fraud but of course it was related to overturning the result dingus. That’s why Trump was having the conversation but he was saying there was fraud and his reference to the votes was saying we think there’s x amount of votes that were fraudulent and that’s way more than the 12K we need but if you just want to find 12K that’s fine as we don’t need more. So, yes the objective was to change the result but the entire conversation was about fraud. You can call it inappropriate all you want. It was also inappropriate for Hillary to fund the Steele dossier and for the media and big tech to make a coordinated effort towards getting Trump out of office. You don’t seem to mind those things because they turned out ok for you. Take your high horse elsewhere as both sides are in the muck.
Hillary Clinton has said the results of the 2016 Presidential Election were valid. She has made a multitude of excuses for her defeat, but she has never challenged the authenticity of the vote tabulations... unlike what Trump has done without proof.

The purpose of the call was to request assistance in changing the outcome of an election in which he was a candidate. That was a highly inappropriate request for the President of the United States to be making to a state agency official.
Hillary Clinton has said the results of the 2016 Presidential Election were valid. She has made a multitude of excuses for her defeat, but she has never challenged the authenticity of the vote tabulations... unlike what Trump has done without proof.

The purpose of the call was to request assistance in changing the outcome of an election in which he was a candidate. That was a highly inappropriate request for the President of the United States to be making to a state agency official.
Uh, really? It literally is the first story that came up with a simple search.
You fail.
You are right about this one... I hadn't seen those quotes before. My mistake.

Those are some very petty remarks from her. She comes across as a bitter sore loser, in much the same way that Trump does now. It is fair to say that both parties need to start showing more respect for the outcome of elections.
It depends on the lens by which you're judging positions. The Overton Window here is also much further right than the general population of the country.

If you want to consider me to be a Leftist, you'll find whatever proof you need to do so and use whatever frame of reference you choose to back it up. Outside of this board, I tend to be the more right leaning of most of the people I know. Examining the academic definitions, I am a right moderate.

Call me what you will. I know who I am.

You are surrounded by academia.

That is a bad surrounding to judge whether you are left or not.

I agree you are no EL but what rational person isn’t?

You are left of center.

I am right of center.

It’s ok though.
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You are right about this one... I hadn't seen those quotes before. My mistake.

Those are some very petty remarks from her. She comes across as a bitter sore loser, in much the same way that Trump does now. It is fair to say that both parties need to start showing more respect for the outcome of elections.
Agreed. Both parties also need to show more concern for the security and execution of elections but then each would have to give up their respective activities to undermine the process.
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This episode is pretty interesting about the Stop the Steal movement in Arizona, regardless of how you feel about it. It probably works to get MAGA heads in PC positions in red states, but in AZ, it's going to make it easier for Dems to win. 1/3 of our voters are independent and while this movement makes it easy for somebody like Kari Lake to win the nomination, she might end up losing. Lake has tons of name recognition and her opponent Hobbs is not a good candidate in an election where D's should expect to get slaughtered nationally. This shouldn't be close and it is.

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