Free Kasey

"Convential wisdom" has moved the goalposts so much that merely saying a word has now become equated with using a word.

Our society rejected blasphemy laws in which people flippantly, profanely, or in an intentionally derogatory manner used religious terms and names. This modern elevation of racial slurs to sacred status to the point that certain races of people can never say those words (one in particular) in any context...even citing Grammy-winning titles by black artists, repeating words during witness statements or testimony, performing in stage works in works featuring anti-racist audiences, so far beyond reason that is boggles the mind. It would be like declaring that no one except Christians could say the name "Jesus Christ" in any context, even as a historical reference, without being accused of being a religious bigot and risk losing one's job and being socially ostracized.

Dick Gregory would be appalled.
Signing this petition doesn't change the fact the she wrote something stupid in her teens. Does it warrant a firing.... Not my decision to make.... This proves that your actions matter, and with a written record of it, it matters even more....
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Signing this petition doesn't change the fact the she wrote something stupid in her teens. Does it warrant a firing.... Not my decision to make.... This proves that your actions matter, and with a written record of it, it matters even more....
Wholeheartedly agree. It's Journalism 101 they teach you anything you post on social media is there for everyone to see and that having a professional social media account should be wiped of any questionable content when you start out your career. I do hope she gets a second chance, as somewhere along the line her education failed her.
Wholeheartedly agree. It's Journalism 101 they teach you anything you post on social media is there for everyone to see and that having a professional social media account should be wiped of any questionable content when you start out your career.

Being in my 40s that makes total sense to teach that now. I would have never thought about that...
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it really bothers some people that white people can’t say the word and black people can. Just let it go.

What you're saying is that it bothers rational people who use reason to solve problems rather than using emotional reactions, power plays, and guilt trips to enforce racially-exclusive standards.

Not all people allow themselves to be browbeaten to the point that mere academic discussion of an issue can lead to charges of "bigotry." The tired, old trope mentioned above is a common pathetic attempt to shut down discussion.

And has anybody posted the actual tweets that brought up this specific news story? It's ironic that "news" outlets such as the "Daily Beast" used the term "Racist Tweets" in their big, bold-faced headline but then used the term "alleged racist tweets" in the body of the story. And no one can judge for themselves what the "offender" actually did without the evidence.
What you're saying is that it bothers rational people who use reason to solve problems rather than using emotional reactions, power plays, and guilt trips to enforce racially-exclusive standards.

Not all people allow themselves to be browbeaten to the point that mere academic discussion of an issue can lead to charges of "bigotry." The tired, old trope mentioned above is a common pathetic attempt to shut down discussion.

And has anybody posted the actual tweets that brought up this specific news story? It's ironic that "news" outlets such as the "Daily Beast" used the term "Racist Tweets" in their big, bold-faced headline but then used the term "alleged racist tweets" in the body of the story. And no one can judge for themselves what the "offender" actually did without the evidence.
nope, not at all. LOL.
Wish I had your confidence to authoritatively comment on a situation between people from a different ethnic background than myself. Seems arrogant to me.

Seems racist to assign degrees of morality into racial identities.

Then again, I was called a racist and "white supremacist" for making the absolutely horrible, offensive statement that all people should be treated equally under the law.

These double standards aren't "anti-racist." They're simply payback.
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I agree with your entire post, but I just want to add: the slave tweet was an entirely different and unrelated tweet to the n word with an a post. Also who knows, maybe she wanted an entirely different type of slave entirely than the actual enslaved type haha.. this is the internet after all..

Let's be completely transparent here: She was forced out for expressing dominatrix fantasies.
Signing this petition doesn't change the fact the she wrote something stupid in her teens. Does it warrant a firing.... Not my decision to make.... This proves that your actions matter, and with a written record of it, it matters even more....
Imo something that happened when you were in 8th grade or 9th grade that wasn’t illegal should have some sort of social statute of limitations. Not excusing the use of the word at all and I think it should be removed from her vocabulary,but context should be brought into the thought process. To my knowledge she was not using that word towards someone or using it in an argument. Again, not saying she should ever use that word, but It’s not like she wrote Mein Kamph either.
How about this?

Nothing you write on social media before age 25 can be used against you for the remainder of your life?

On that 25th birthday, you become accountability for your own words.

Personally, I still said some dumb stull between 25 thru 28. Bu then, my wife got my act together and I became a grown azz man
Wholeheartedly agree. It's Journalism 101 they teach you anything you post on social media is there for everyone to see and that having a professional social media account should be wiped of any questionable content when you start out your career. I do hope she gets a second chance, as somewhere along the line her education failed her.

Which, while maybe harsh, is exactly why I would have let her go.

If you're in a front facing position specifically linked to the Dept.'s social media accounts as a major portion of your job, and you didn't have the sense to either sanitize your account, or better yet, nuke it and start a specific self-branded work account to use as you advance in your career...then its time for us to part ways.

That said, I'd also have questions for her superiors as to A) why they didn't catch it and B) why there isn't a standard process to check into those sorts of things before placing someone in that spot...
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Which, while maybe harsh, is exactly why I would have let her go.

If you're in a front facing position specifically linked to the Dept.'s social media accounts as a major portion of your job, and you didn't have the sense to either sanitize your account, or better yet, nuke it and start a specific self-branded work account to use as you advance in your career...then its time for us to part ways.

That said, I'd also have questions for her superiors as to A) why they didn't catch it and B) why there isn't a standard process to check into those sorts of things before placing someone in that spot...

I blame her superiors for not coaching her up to purge her history during week one of the new employment.

We can all ask Kasey now.....she didn't really want a slave. Come on....a middle school joke...trying to be hip. groovy
it really bothers some people that white people can’t say the word and black people can. Just let it go.

The people that subscribe to "We can say N anytime we want due to our skin color and no one else can" are intellectually bankrupt. Things expressed by these individuals should be summarily ignored as these individuals have no legitimate ideas to offer.

There is a serious problem in our time because people continue to give such nonsense the weight of reasonable argument. This leads to more nonsense. Men changing clothes with women in our schools and the women being punished for complaining is absurd; however, this is what garbage like a double standard for speech has given us.

The people in this country that possess common sense are going to have to put an end to this insanity in our society or we will not be left with no society.
The people that subscribe to "We can say N anytime we want due to our skin color and no one else can" are intellectually bankrupt. Things expressed by these individuals should be summarily ignored as these individuals have no legitimate ideas to offer.

There is a serious problem in our time because people continue to give such nonsense the weight of reasonable argument. This leads to more nonsense. Men changing clothes with women in our schools and the women being punished for complaining is absurd; however, this is what garbage like a double standard for speech has given us.

The people in this country that possess common sense are going to have to put an end to this insanity in our society or we will not be left with no society.
“Hillbillies giving us a bad name”?? Wow that’s not a condescending response to people’s opinions? Also……14,15,16,17, whatever age there she tweeted something stupid, it’s 100% absurdity to fire her over it as an adult. To say that your past as a child/teenager should implicate your status as an adult is ridiculous.
Just curious, what “implications” do you speak of?

It only applies to white people

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