Freeze and Dabo negative religious recruit UT

Anyone remember Tyrus in the bible? He was the king of Tyre..Some people think Tyre was the city of Atlantis.. Anyone know who Tyrus really was ?


Well stated posts, OGbaby and Glicht.

There are scientifically proven rebuttals to Darwinism, but those that do not want to consider them will keep their minds closed and never question their pseudo God. Even Darwin failed to believe in Darwin's beliefs as his life drew to a close. Most point to geology as proof of the earth's old age without consideration of the scientifically proven effects of cataclysmic events such as The Flood, volcanic eruptions, etc. Again, Romans 1:20. Seeking what they do not know when it all lays before them. It's easier for many to believe in aliens and life existing somewhere else in the universe than to accept the truth of an ancient book that has proven its truths over thousands of years.

As to the the blood and gore of the OT, while ignoring the blood and gore of the last few years alone, much less World Wars, Civil Wars, genocides in every corner of the planet for centuries - why blame God? We are given choice, as were the angels before Satan and his crew's fall. Nobody wants love to be forced, including God. We are made in his image. So we know this as truth. He chose to preserve a remnant of the chosen, whom he chose as the creator of everything for his own reasons. As a result we have this magnificent history of mankind to reference that gives historical accounts of rebelling at times and honoring God at other times with the results of those decisions. Just like scientific truths are arrived at by observation, experimentation, recording results, etc. - so is the journey of faith.
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Honestly no debate was wanted. Just looking for answers to something I'd struggled with when I believed. That and other places caused me to doubt and its those type of things that keep me from believing today. Another issue I take is when Christians use the bible to against abortion. Do you think the Israelites stop to ask the women if they where with child? I do believe abortion after the first trimester and in cases other than rape and the mothers life being in danger to be wrong.

Again these are issues that I have, I'm not wanting to debate anyone. Others might but I will not, at least not in this instance where all I want is answers. I may question you as to why you believe the way you do but I won't debate you for them.

In so many instances, not only were they trying to destroy Israel but some of their practices were so horrible, they were being judged. Think of child sacrifices to their God among many other things. God was going to destroy Ninevah and they were some horrible people mush like ISIS for just an example. They were not Muslim since they did not exist at that time. They just were horrific in morals and killings and human sacrifice ect. When they repented and turned from those things, they were spared from his judgement for their wickedness. May not answer all your questions but hard to do that in this forum where you just type stuff with no actual conversation.
Freeze was a dirty package deal with Oher to OM and when the heat got hot he slithered out. Now he's back doing the same crap using the bible as a shield. Hiring Patterson's brother on staff and then signing Patterson proves he's still a disgusting POC. I'm a believer and hypocrites are garbage.

Or he got out when his boss was fired and he was out of a job too.
Why would that information be relevant? What would that have to do with the message he was trying to send?

In my opinion there is more evidence to prove in favor of Christians and God than there is to disprove it.

Sure you aren't going to get an answer to everything, but there is more evidence than you give credit for.

Scientific evidence.
Why would that information be relevant? Are you serious?

First, it would prove that the bible really was inspired by an extraordinary, supernatural omniscient being. If it contained information that the humans at the time didn't know or didn't even have the means to know then the claim that it was the word of an all-knowing god would be much more credible. As it is, the bible has nothing in it that you can prove wasn't pulled right out of the collective rectums of the humans who wrote it.

Second, think of the potential benefits of giving humanity all of that knowledge and wisdom. It would have actually changed the world for the better. I'll take the health/medicinal benefits just as one example of many. Just think of how much pain, suffering and disease-ridden agony could have been avoided if the bible gave an account of the effect of micro-organisms and how to combat diseases medically. Think of how low the quality of life and how low the life-expectancy rate was for centuries after the bible was written. Take an example of a disease that we still haven't cured. Cancer. God knows the cure for cancer. Hell, he created cancer. Why the hell would he withhold that information from humanity if he wasn't a complete bastard? Why would he even create cancer in the first place?

Third, and this might just be for me personally, but if God had provided all that knowledge it would show me that he wasn't a narcissistic megalomaniac. Let me explain. As you said, how would that change the message he was trying to send. Well it would gives us something useful other than that message. The message he gave is essentially that eternal damnation awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love. I mean isn't that the general gist of Christianity? Believe or burn. If God had given us all the answers then it would prove to me that he actually does care about us and isn't just worried about gaining our faith and praise.

Also, this scientific evidence that proves Christianity and God. Let's hear it. I'm all ears.
There are those that say that the universe began with a big bang. That in one instant there was nothing and the next there was a tremendous explosion of matter and the universe began to form.

The bible written well before that theory of modern scientist states in Genisis 1:3, "And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Now, can you possibly concede that there is a being, God, that decided to create the universe and spoke it into existence causing the big bang or is it more likely that the universe spontaneously formed itself?

Now let me counter the seven days theory before that is brought up. I struggled with this and my kids as well. They say if the earth is only several thousand years old how could the dinosaurs have existed. The answer that finally occurred to me is that the Bible speaks of God creating the world in seven days but what is a day to God? We measure days by the time it takes the earth to rotate around 360 degrees. How does a being that has always existed and will always exist measure a day. God formed the earth allowing it to naturally change over time as the laws of nature He created governed it. When it was finally ready for human occupation he created man.

It still takes faith but it is more likely than the universe suddenly deciding to exist on its own.
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Here's another thought/question I have for Christians... Why does God deserve praise? I mean think about it, he is the all-knowing, all-powerful, supreme ruler and creator of the cosmos. He knows EVERYTHING. He can do ANYTHING. Why does he care what humans think about him? Several times the bible describes God as jealous and/or angry. What the hell could he be jealous or angry about? He has everything He can do anything. He rules over everything. Isn't it so petty for him to feel human emotions? I mean he created emotions. Isn't it so petty of God to require the praise of humans? And require them to believe in him and if they don't he sends them to a place full of fire and demons to be tortured for eternity?

I mean wouldn't the fact that God feel jealousy and anger therefore make him imperfect?

It's kinda like that quote you always here in superhero movies... "With great power comes great responsibility". Well God is the ultimate superhero, or he could be, yet is choosing not to be. He could wipe out evil, pain, death, destruction, etc., with one swipe of his hand. But he doesn't. And I know that Christians say, but he will. Well what's he waiting for? If any of you had the power to destroy evil this instant, what would you do? I think all of us would wipe out evil the first chance we got. It would be a crime of the highest magnitude not to fix everything and make the universe perfect. Yet again, why did a perfect creator create an imperfect universe in the first place?
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JD, the origin of life is told to us in Genesis 1. If God is not real and created everything we know, but evolution is real, then where did the initial substance come from for things to begin evolving? To create is to make something from absolutely nothing. That's what God did. How did the first living cell get here to begin evolution? How did the first seeds get here to have plant life? How did the first creatures/animals get here to begin animal life? Someone or some thing had to put them here. They didn't just pop up from nowhere. This is why I believe it takes more faith to believe evolution than creation.
Oh my gosh, the overwhelming majority of scientists accept evolution. I think it's something like 97-98% consensus. No, you can not prove evolution to 100% certainty (can't really prove anything to 100% certainty), but evolution is a close to scientific fact as it gets. There are mountains upon mountains of scientific facts and data that support it. We have yet to find the origins of life scientifically, but scientists are working on it. I'm willing to say that I don't know how life began. I think that is the only reasonable position to take. A lot of people say that simply saying 'I don't know' is a weak position, but ultimately, it's just humility.

Gen. 1 says that God popped everything into existence magically. That's all well and good, but I'll ask this as nicely as I can. Prove it.
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I think its funny how many Christians focus on disproving Evolution. Like even of they did that somehow proves magic must have done it.

Your real problem is Physics not Biology. But so few people are capable of understanding it that it hasn't had the same type of impact. Basically every finding post Newton has made the idea of a Christian intervening God more and more unlikely
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Here's another thought/question I have for Christians... Why does God deserve praise? I mean think about it, he is the all-knowing, all-powerful, supreme ruler and creator of the cosmos. He knows EVERYTHING. He can do ANYTHING. Why does he care what humans think about him? Several times the bible describes God as jealous and/or angry. What the hell could he be jealous or angry about? He has everything He can do anything. He rules over everything. Isn't it so petty for him to feel human emotions? I mean he created emotions. Isn't it so petty of God to require the praise of humans? And require them to believe in him and if they don't he sends them to a place full of fire and demons to be tortured for eternity?

I mean wouldn't the fact that God feel jealousy and anger therefore make him imperfect?

It's kinda like that quote you always here in superhero movies... "With great power comes great responsibility". Well God is the ultimate superhero, or he could be, yet is choosing not to be. He could wipe out evil, pain, death, destruction, etc., with one swipe of his hand. But he doesn't. And I know that Christians say, but he will. Well what's he waiting for? If any of you had the power to destroy evil this instant, what would you do? I think all of us would wipe out evil the first chance we got. It would be a crime of the highest magnitude not to fix everything and make the universe perfect. Yet again, why did a perfect creator create an imperfect universe in the first place?

JD, I haven't followed this forum too closely but yours is the last comment so I'll respond on the "praising God" issue. I think the problem has to do with your definition and understanding of praise. We as humans generally need praise because it strokes our ego. Since God doesn't need anything (one of the things that makes Him God is His total self-sufficiency), then why does He covet praise? The issue is tied very closely to idolatry. God is the creator of everything and is far above the heavens. Satan is no match for God and he knows it - thus, he knows his time is limited and he's doing everything he can to destroy those created in God's image with the time he has left. The primary ways he does this is through idolatry and false teaching. God knows that He's the ONLY being worthy of our praise (He's fully aware of ALL the other options) and that it's good for us to worship Him because our other choice is to worship idols (take your pick: materialism, sex, Vol football [sorry, I couldn't resist!:)], etc.). Bottom line: He is jealous in the proper sense (yes, there is such an animal but we only hear of the negative sense). That is, He is the only proper object of worship because He is the source of life. To attach our worship to any other object leads to death. He loves those created in His image (that includes you and me, JD) and wants them to have eternal life, not eternal death (i.e., judgment). To praise anything/anyone other than God, leads us away from the source of life. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
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There are those that say that the universe began with a big bang. That in one instant there was nothing and the next there was a tremendous explosion of matter and the universe began to form.

The bible written well before that theory of modern scientist states in Genisis 1:3, "And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Now, can you possibly concede that there is a being, God, that decided to create the universe and spoke it into existence causing the big bang or is it more likely that the universe spontaneously formed itself?

Now let me counter the seven days theory before that is brought up. I struggled with this and my kids as well. They say if the earth is only several thousand years old how could the dinosaurs have existed. The answer that finally occurred to me is that the Bible speaks of God creating the world in seven days but what is a day to God? We measure days by the time it takes the earth to rotate around 360 degrees. How does a being that has always existed and will always exist measure a day. God formed the earth allowing it to naturally change over time as the laws of nature He created governed it. When it was finally ready for human occupation he created man.

It still takes faith but it is more likely than the universe suddenly deciding to exist on its own.
Classic 'God of the Gaps' argument. We don't know how this happened, therefore God must have done it.

Check out Lawrence Krauss's 'A Universe from Nothing', it is extremely enlightening and actually gives some plausible explanations for how the Universe could have come from nothing. I had a hard time getting my head around some of the stuff, and a lot of it did go right over my head. But that's only natural. I'm not a brilliant theoretical physicist, and this kinda of topics are incredibly complex.

Also, I don't buy the whole argument that 'something can't come from nothing' as a basis for the existence of God because then you run the risk of running into the infinite regress of having to ask who created God. And then who created God's creator, and who created God's creator's creator. And so on and so forth.

I think the only reasonable position to take is 'I don't know'. I accept the Big Bang as the most likely conclusion because we've measured that the universe originated from a single point and is still accelerating apart. Yet I don't say that I for sure know the origin of the universe or of life. Doubt is the only reasonable position to take, everything else is just wishful thinking.
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Here's another thought/question I have for Christians... Why does God deserve praise? I mean think about it, he is the all-knowing, all-powerful, supreme ruler and creator of the cosmos. He knows EVERYTHING. He can do ANYTHING. Why does he care what humans think about him? Several times the bible describes God as jealous and/or angry. What the hell could he be jealous or angry about? He has everything He can do anything. He rules over everything. Isn't it so petty for him to feel human emotions? I mean he created emotions. Isn't it so petty of God to require the praise of humans? And require them to believe in him and if they don't he sends them to a place full of fire and demons to be tortured for eternity?

I mean wouldn't the fact that God feel jealousy and anger therefore make him imperfect?

It's kinda like that quote you always here in superhero movies... "With great power comes great responsibility". Well God is the ultimate superhero, or he could be, yet is choosing not to be. He could wipe out evil, pain, death, destruction, etc., with one swipe of his hand. But he doesn't. And I know that Christians say, but he will. Well what's he waiting for? If any of you had the power to destroy evil this instant, what would you do? I think all of us would wipe out evil the first chance we got. It would be a crime of the highest magnitude not to fix everything and make the universe perfect. Yet again, why did a perfect creator create an imperfect universe in the first place?

He is not jealous of us. He created us. Again think of a child and a parent relationship. As a parent I am not jealous of my children. I am pleased by their ability and I approve of their accomplishments. However, if they started calling other adults their parents or claiming they had no parents, their mother and I would not be happy about that. God doesn't need us but he created us and gave us free will to choose to worship him. It glorifies him when we do so but He doesn't need it. God is jealous for us to acknowledge him as our God. He could very easily will it to be so but how does forced worship glorify him. As far as illnesses and diseases, God regularly uses plagues and diseases to punish wickedness. He did the same with the Israelites and they were His chosen people. Whenever they thought they knew better then Him, He would remind them. Just as a parent punishes their children for misbehavior, so God punishes us.

Also, I would like to see the impartial data that shows that scientists overwhelmingly believe in evolution. Our DNA is also similar to bananas but that doesn't mean we evolved from bananas. It simply means that all life on this plant came from the same source. God.
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Classic 'God of the Gaps' argument. We don't know how this happened, therefore God must have done it.

Check out Lawrence Krauss's 'A Universe from Nothing', it is extremely enlightening and actually gives some plausible explanations for how the Universe could have come from nothing. I had a hard time getting my head around some of the stuff, and a lot of it did go right over my head. But that's only natural. I'm not a brilliant theoretical physicist, and this kinda of topics are incredibly complex.

Also, I don't buy the whole argument that 'something can't come from nothing' as a basis for the existence of God because then you run the risk of running into the infinite regress of having to ask who created God. And then who created God's creator, and who created God's creator's creator. And so on and so forth.

I think the only reasonable position to take is 'I don't know'. I accept the Big Bang as the most likely conclusion because we've measured that the universe originated from a single point and is still accelerating apart. Yet I don't say that I for sure know the origin of the universe or of life. Doubt is the only reasonable position to take, everything else is just wishful thinking.

I understand your argument but just as you can't see that it could have been God, I can't se that it couldn't. I am a very rational person by nature, however, I am also not a astro physicist. I get the "Who created God?" question as well. That question assumes an actual beginning of existence that our finite minds demand. If you assume that God is infinite and has always existed then He did not have to be created.
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JD, I haven't followed this forum too closely but yours is the last comment so I'll respond on the "praising God" issue. I think the problem has to do with your definition and understanding of praise. We as humans generally need praise because it strokes our ego. Since God doesn't need anything (one of the things that makes Him God is His total self-sufficiency), then why does He covet praise? The issue is tied very closely to idolatry. God is the creator of everything and is far above the heavens. Satan is no match for God and he knows it - thus, he knows his time is limited and he's doing everything he can to destroy those created in God's image with the time he has left. The primary ways he does this is through idolatry and false teaching. God knows that He's the ONLY being worthy of our praise (He's fully aware of ALL the other options) and that it's good for us to worship Him because our other choice is to worship idols (take your pick: materialism, sex, Vol football [sorry, I couldn't resist!:)], etc.). Bottom line: He is jealous in the proper sense (yes, there is such an animal but we only hear of the negative sense). That is, He is the only proper object of worship because He is the source of life. To attach our worship to any other object leads to death. He loves those created in His image (that includes you and me, JD) and wants them to have eternal life, not eternal death (i.e., judgment). To praise anything/anyone other than God, leads us away from the source of life. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

Very well put.
I don't have a problem with Freeze or Dabo using their faith as part of their recruiting pitch. If they are Christians then it is their identity and will impact the way the live and the way they coach and do their jobs.

I will say that IMO propping yourself up by pushing others down is an ugly form of pride. Guilty of that one myself.

And not Christian like at all.
There are those that say that the universe began with a big bang. That in one instant there was nothing and the next there was a tremendous explosion of matter and the universe began to form.

The bible written well before that theory of modern scientist states in Genisis 1:3, "And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Now, can you possibly concede that there is a being, God, that decided to create the universe and spoke it into existence causing the big bang or is it more likely that the universe spontaneously formed itself?

Good question. One that science could never answer with any kind of proof. However, I'm not sure of the accepted biblical translations either. Personally, I feel before there was a material universe, there was consciousness. One could call that consciousness "God", and I think that was Moses' original intention.

But that consciousness, that "God", was never referred to as Jehovah, who is the accepted god of the bible. Jehovah was that angry jealous brutal god of the OT, but he was one of many gods in those days. I think there's plenty of evidence to suggest there was a major power struggle going on between these so called gods, for supremacy of the planet. And it looks like Jehovah prevailed, hence this thread.

However, even Jesus never referred to God as Jehovah. He called him father, Abba, and a few other names, but never Jehovah. I find that interesting, especially given that his message, his teachings, seemed so contrary to Jehovah's actions.

So for me, just because a being named Jehovah may have been responsible for the activities of the OT, does not make him the supreme creator of the universe. It is likely he simply wanted control of the harvesting of this planet, and did whatever he needed to do to seize that control.
Why would that information be relevant? Are you serious?

First, it would prove that the bible really was inspired by an extraordinary, supernatural omniscient being. If it contained information that the humans at the time didn't know or didn't even have the means to know then the claim that it was the word of an all-knowing god would be much more credible. As it is, the bible has nothing in it that you can prove wasn't pulled right out of the collective rectums of the humans who wrote it.

Second, think of the potential benefits of giving humanity all of that knowledge and wisdom. It would have actually changed the world for the better. I'll take the health/medicinal benefits just as one example of many. Just think of how much pain, suffering and disease-ridden agony could have been avoided if the bible gave an account of the effect of micro-organisms and how to combat diseases medically. Think of how low the quality of life and how low the life-expectancy rate was for centuries after the bible was written. Take an example of a disease that we still haven't cured. Cancer. God knows the cure for cancer. Hell, he created cancer. Why the hell would he withhold that information from humanity if he wasn't a complete bastard? Why would he even create cancer in the first place?

Third, and this might just be for me personally, but if God had provided all that knowledge it would show me that he wasn't a narcissistic megalomaniac. Let me explain. As you said, how would that change the message he was trying to send. Well it would gives us something useful other than that message. The message he gave is essentially that eternal damnation awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love. I mean isn't that the general gist of Christianity? Believe or burn. If God had given us all the answers then it would prove to me that he actually does care about us and isn't just worried about gaining our faith and praise.

Also, this scientific evidence that proves Christianity and God. Let's hear it. I'm all ears.

A couple verses that refers to the actual water cycle:

All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow, there they flow again. - Ecclesiastes 1:7

27 For he draws up the drops of water; they distill his mist in rain,
28 which the skies pour down and drop on mankind abundantly. - Job 36:27-28

A verse telling us way before Columbus that the earth is round:

It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in; - Isaiah 40:22

Another verse that told man the earth was suspended in the solar system:

He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing. - Job 26:7

This is some scientific evidence that God chose to include in His inspired scriptures to help us in our journey of believing that He is real. Although He did include these things, they still were outside of the realm of what His real message was always meant to be about...Jesus. However, maybe, just maybe, He put information like this in His holy word, just for someone like you, JD. I pray and hope this helps you to start believing that God is alive, and He is very real. Good day, kind sir! :hi:
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Good question. One that science could never answer with any kind of proof. However, I'm not sure of the accepted biblical translations either. Personally, I feel before there was a material universe, there was consciousness. One could call that consciousness "God", and I think that was Moses' original intention.

But that consciousness, that "God", was never referred to as Jehovah, who is the accepted god of the bible. Jehovah was that angry jealous brutal god of the OT, but he was one of many gods in those days. I think there's plenty of evidence to suggest there was a major power struggle going on between these so called gods, for supremacy of the planet. And it looks like Jehovah prevailed, hence this thread.

However, even Jesus never referred to God as Jehovah. He called him father, Abba, and a few other names, but never Jehovah. I find that interesting, especially given that his message, his teachings, seemed so contrary to Jehovah's actions.

So for me, just because a being named Jehovah may have been responsible for the activities of the OT, does not make him the supreme creator of the universe. It is likely he simply wanted control of the harvesting of this planet, and did whatever he needed to do to seize that control.

Jesus has always been the point of the bible. So much of the OT is simply preparing the way for Jesus. Even in Genesis 3:15 Jesus is foreshadowed when God told Satan/the serpent, "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Jesus went on to conquer Satan and death on the cross.

There are countless other verses that speak of Jesus and his eventual coming through your the OT. The whole thing is preparing for Him.
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Here's another thought/question I have for Christians... Why does God deserve praise? I mean think about it, he is the all-knowing, all-powerful, supreme ruler and creator of the cosmos. He knows EVERYTHING. He can do ANYTHING. Why does he care what humans think about him? Several times the bible describes God as jealous and/or angry. What the hell could he be jealous or angry about? He has everything He can do anything. He rules over everything. Isn't it so petty for him to feel human emotions? I mean he created emotions. Isn't it so petty of God to require the praise of humans? And require them to believe in him and if they don't he sends them to a place full of fire and demons to be tortured for eternity?

I mean wouldn't the fact that God feel jealousy and anger therefore make him imperfect?

It's kinda like that quote you always here in superhero movies... "With great power comes great responsibility". Well God is the ultimate superhero, or he could be, yet is choosing not to be. He could wipe out evil, pain, death, destruction, etc., with one swipe of his hand. But he doesn't. And I know that Christians say, but he will. Well what's he waiting for? If any of you had the power to destroy evil this instant, what would you do? I think all of us would wipe out evil the first chance we got. It would be a crime of the highest magnitude not to fix everything and make the universe perfect. Yet again, why did a perfect creator create an imperfect universe in the first place?

He deserves praise, because he's worthy of our praise. When God created the earth and everything in it, it was perfect. When he created man and woman, He was pleased and said his creation was very good. Adam and Eve were in direct fellowship with God..they walked and talked with Him in the garden, because they were perfect and God could be associated with them because they were without sin. All they knew at this point was good...there was no good and evil, because they didn't know evil until they ate of the fruit from the tree that was forbidden. Why did God even put that there? God couldn't force man to be a robot. He gave man free-will...choices to make. As I've mentioned before, Isaiah 55:7-8 tells us that God's thoughts and ways are higher than ours...some things we don't understand and may not have the answers for. Even you just said that with evolution, you don't know where and how it all, what's different with your "I don't have an answer" and mine. You mock the word faith, yet what you believe with evolution takes some level of faith, because you can't prove it fully. With creation, by simple belief that God is real and what He wrote is real, it all makes sense, because you realize He is powerful enough to be the One who is actually the origin of all life...He is where it all came from.
JD - I challenge you to purchase, read, and consider what is provided in a 2015 published book titled The Genesis Account from Jonathon D. Sarfati, PH.D, F.M. As it states it is a theological, historical, and scientific commentary on Genesis 1-11. Dr. Sarfati is a noted scientist and logician that ties science and the Biblical account together. He is active in Creation Ministries International, whose analysis is substantially different from your current path. If you do not have an understanding of Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew languages you will need to accept the commentary as written or double check through other sources when it comes to the language meanings. FWIW dinosaurs, DNA, etc. are covered in the book. CMI's organization is comprised of dozens of noted scientists and theologians around the world. It has been in existence for nearly 40 years.

Or you can continue with whatever you are doing without the counter information. Your choice.
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