The creation was perfect, until that creation made the choice to become imperfect. If there is no choice, then there's no free will, just like the choice u get to make as to whether u believe in God or not. Unfortunately, whether we choose to believe or not, we all will one day answer to Him, and He will not allow for anyone saying "ignorance was bliss" and he/she didn't know any better.
Also, are you just referring to humans when you say 'the creation', or the universe. If you're refering to the universe, then are you implying that all of the naturally terrible things in the universe would not have occured if Eve hadn't eaten the fruit?
All of this is not humans causing harm to humans, it is the universe trying to harm us of it's own accord.
- Natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc.)
- Diseases (cancer, polio, smallpox, malaria, the frigging bubonic plague, etc.)
- Non-human predators and parasites that hunt, kill and eat humans
- People born with deformities
- People being born deaf, dumb and blind
- Comets and asteroids bombarding the planet
- Ice ages and global warming,
- Cosmic radiation,
- Imploding stars,
- Matter swallowing black holes that even light can't escape from
- The entropic heat death of the universe as the absolute temperature of the universe asymptotically approachs absolute zero
- and on and on and on.
Are you saying that the all of that crap is due to one woman eating one piece of fruit from one tree a very long time ago? Doesn't that seem ridiculous and extraordinarily harsh?
I mean god didn't even give Eve a second chance nor explain the implications of disobeying his command in the first place. Do you think that if god had told Eve what the actual consequences were, and told her about how much pain and suffering she would cause in the future by eating the fruit that she would have maybe thought a little bit harder before eating it?
You do realize that you are saying the universe was perfect and then became imperfect based upon this one mistake that Eve made? Therefore, blaming every single imperfection in the universe on her (even though it would really need to be blamed on god when you think about it).
It's an insane, illogical, ludicrously harsh punishment for a meaningless, petty crime.
It's like telling a child that if they eat a cookie from this special cookie jar, I will punish every single human from now until the end of time in unimaginably horrible and painful ways. Whaaaaaaat? Makes no sense whatsoever.