I was wondering if someone was going to ask me this.
First, I actually enjoy having these discussions/debates on the big philosophical questions? In a sense, it is a minor hobby of mine. I think it is a good thing to make other people think about stuff in a way that they may have not thought about it before, and I like when people make me think about things in a different way. That's how we make progress and learn new things. I hardly devote a whole lot of time or energy to it though, as I honestly don't do it that much. But I really do enjoy it.
Second and more importantly, I think even most religious people would agree with me the dangers that organized religion presents, and the atrocities that it has infected upon the world. Some examples are the crusades, the inquisition, the mistreatment of women and homosexuals, the suppression of advancing scientific knowledge, human sacrifices, the burning of witches, arranged marriages, jihadism, suicide bombings, endorsements of slavery, the child raping in the Catholic Church and subsequenct covering up of said child raping pedophiles, 9/11, the holocaust, etc., etc., etc. Think of how many wars religion has started. Think of the current religious civil war in the Middle East that has been raging for centuries, which could threaten the survival of the human race when you consider what might happen if some of those nutters obtain nuclear weapons. Long story short, I don't think religion is a force for good in the world. Not to say it hasn't done good things, but I think it has done more harm than good.
That's in the macro-sense of the effects of religion. I recognize that the vast majority of religious people are good people that are just as disgusted by the way people abuse religion and use it to do terrible things. If I had to guess, I would say all of you guys are good, decent people. I don't really know you, but I bet you are. My family is religious, and they are all great people. Yet in the minor-sense, I think that religion actually hurts good people as well. Let me explain. I think, and have actually witnessed, that religion can prevent people from asking important questions and attempting to expand their knowledge because in many ways religion claims that it has all the answers or at least all the answers that you need. It can prevent people from living life to the fullest because they think that they'll get an eternal afterlife. I think that it is not a good thing to tell (threaten) children that they will burn in hell if they don't believe this stuff. I think that is actually fairly immoral. Long story short here is, I think that religion is a thought controlling entity, and I think that controlling people's thoughts is bad.