Freeze and Dabo negative religious recruit UT

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I would hate to think this is all there is. That this short time I have on this miserable Earth is it.

I eventually die and there is nothing after that.

There is plenty of evidence suggesting things are much better than the grim portrayal of Christian doctrine. MUCH better.

Cheer up :hi:
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Jesus also gave this verse to use for those trying to teach the gospel, but as hard as they try, those they are trying to teach could care less.

"Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. - Matthew 7:6

I think I will put it to use, as God's inspired words seem to be falling on deaf ears, blind eyes, and calloused hearts in this thread.

Never give up the good fight. You never know who might be listening. I appreciate all your post.
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Anyone in the Murfreesboro area ever been to the experience church? I had a friend who went and seems to really like it. I knew the pastor years ago. Once I'm back in Tennessee I may go by.
Never give up the good fight. You never know who might be listening. I appreciate all your post.

I definitely never give up spreading God's Word, but there comes a time when it's evident your wasting your time. That time in this thread has come. Plenty of seeds have been planted...hopefully, thought is given, someone is able to water those seeds, and then God gives the increase. Thanks to all here who have stood up for God's Word. For those who don't believe God is real and alive, I pray that one day your heart will be softened, and your eyes opened to the truth of the gospel. Go Vols!! :hi:
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I definitely never give up spreading God's Word, but there comes a time when it's evident your wasting your time. That time in this thread has come. Plenty of seeds have been planted...hopefully, thought is given, someone is able to water those seeds, and then God gives the increase. Thanks to all here who have stood up for God's Word. For those who don't believe God is real and alive, I pray that one day your heart will be softened, and your eyes opened to the truth of the gospel. Go Vols!! :hi:

Thank you OG for participating with civility. I mean except for calling us dogs and pigs, haha. It's ok I forgive you, and appreciate your prayers. I hope your God blesses you and yours.
I definitely never give up spreading God's Word, but there comes a time when it's evident your wasting your time. That time in this thread has come. Plenty of seeds have been planted...hopefully, thought is given, someone is able to water those seeds, and then God gives the increase. Thanks to all here who have stood up for God's Word. For those who don't believe God is real and alive, I pray that one day your heart will be softened, and your eyes opened to the truth of the gospel. Go Vols!! :hi:

Matthew 10:14 "And whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet."

Mark 6:11 “And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”

Luke 9:5 “And as for those who do not receive you, as you go out from that city, shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.”

Jesus' instructions to the Apostles recorded in 3 of the gospel accounts that still applies today. David Wilkerson has said, "A diluted gospel is no gospel at all." It seeks to appease men and fails to confront sin. That did not happen here. Time to shake the dust from our feet, move on, and let the chips fall where they may.

God's peace, brothers and sisters. Exit thread.
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Old stories retold, fershure.

Father, Mother, Son
Osiris, Isis, Horus
Thoth, Ma'at, Anubis
Nimrod, Arimas, Tammuz

There are lots of others from what i have read. They represent Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit appears to remove or at least downplay the the Mother, the Sacred Feminine, the emotional aspect of the threefold nature of consciousness. It's all about consciousness. The Bible is full of allegorical tales regarding the Self. It's about consciousness/psychology. The goal is to unify these three aspects of consciousness such that as we think, so we feel, and so we act. This is what the mystery traditions (Kabbalah, Freemasonry, etc.) attempt to do.

Christ is within. It is an awakened state of consciousness available to us all. There is no external savior. Never has been and never will be. If you can dupe someone into believing that then you have them under control. Religion is used for control.

This is what i have come to know from Southern Baptism as a youth to now exploring the mystery traditions that have existed for millennium. It's great fun, chasing the truth.

Astrotheology is good to know as well. Helps understand the timing of all of our co-opted holydays.

FYI - this post isn't directed at you JBondVol as an individual, but toward the community as a whole.

Keep it real.

No savior? Says who.....unbelieving man with his own opinion?

Its written that Jesus came from heaven to die and rise to prove his love and forgiveness and power over death and evil. Not only has it been documented but His followers were eyewitnesses of the risen Christ and saw Him ascend back into heaven. After that His followers believed and and shared the Good News of salvation and even died in the Name of Jesus. If Jesus didn't rise or appear to His followers I don't think would have advanced His teachings and even face death for spreading the Good News.

Christianity is a relationship with our Maker.....not a man made religion
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No savior? Says who.....unbelieving man with his own opinion?

Its written that Jesus came from heaven to die and rise to prove his love and forgiveness and power over death and evil. Not only has it been documented but His followers were eyewitnesses of the risen Christ and saw Him ascend back into heaven. After that His followers believed and and shared the Good News of salvation and even died in the Name of Jesus. If Jesus didn't rise or appear to His followers I don't think would have advanced His teachings and even face death for spreading the Good News.

Christianity is a relationship with our Maker.....not a man made religion

I respect your opinion, jbr82. Who says i am a male?

I believe the Vols will win every game they play. I believe the Braves will win the pennant every year. Belief does not equal truth. Truth is objective and is not based on the perceptions of human beings. It's simply that which is.

I don't claim to know all that is true. I am merely a seeker of such knowledge. I want to be able to hold opposing views in my mind at the same time without immediately accepting or discounting them. I attempt to come to the truth by using an apophatic approach, by stripping away falsities. Truth discovery is the goal.

I think that God is an intelligence, a source of energy from whence all that is was created. I think Jesus/Joshua/Yeshua/Iesous could have been a man on the land teaching others about their true nature (i.e. consciousness). Maybe he wasn't. I think the historicity of the man is unpossible to know based on the info available to the masses. Maybe I'm wrong? I dig the teachings that are attributed to him, however, and I doubt someone that enlightened would want a cult based on his life.

The story of Christmas and Jesus' resurrection is a retelling of an ancient tale regarding the path of the sun through Cross of the Zodiac. In the northern hemisphere the sun gets lower in the sky each day (moves southward) from the summer solstice, when it's at its highest point, to the winter solstice when it's at its lowest point in the sky (~Dec 22). Ancient peoples thought the sun died. After the winter solstice the height of the sun appears to be at the same declination in the sky for ~3 days, then it begins to rise in the sky until it reaches its peak again around June 21. On Dec 25, the Sun is said to be born again. A plethora of sun gods have had their birthdays celebrated on Dec 25 (Mithra, Ra/Horus, Marduk, Balder, Adonis, Dionysos, etc).

Easter celebrates the resurrection of the Sun. I think it's celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after spring equinox. When you are going to sunrise service this Easter think about the Sun on the Cross of the Zodiac.

I'm sure others have read/learned different interpretations of these old stories and i, for one, welcome them here. Too bad everyone gets bummed out and leaves the discussion when opposing views are offered. It makes for a boring evening. Luckily, we still live in a place where we can discuss such matters without being hassled and ridiculed. Oh wait... well, at least the damned heretics aren't being stoned… yet.

Cognitive dissonance is the reason people get upset when what they hold most dearly is challenged.

seek Truth. choose Love. manifest Freedom.
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I respect your opinion, jbr82. Who says i am a male?

I believe the Vols will win every game they play. I believe the Braves will win the pennant every year. Belief does not equal truth. Truth is objective and is not based on the perceptions of human beings. It's simply that which is.

I don't claim to know all that is true. I am merely a seeker of such knowledge. I want to be able to hold opposing views in my mind at the same time without immediately accepting or discounting them. I attempt to come to the truth by using an apophatic approach, by stripping away falsities. Truth discovery is the goal.

I think that God is an intelligence, a source of energy from whence all that is was created. I think Jesus/Joshua/Yeshua/Iesous could have been a man on the land teaching others about their true nature (i.e. consciousness). Maybe he wasn't. I think the historicity of the man is unpossible to know based on the info available to the masses. Maybe I'm wrong? I dig the teachings that are attributed to him, however, and I doubt someone that enlightened would want a cult based on his life.

The story of Christmas and Jesus' resurrection is a retelling of an ancient tale regarding the path of the sun through Cross of the Zodiac. In the northern hemisphere the sun gets lower in the sky each day (moves southward) from the summer solstice, when it's at its highest point, to the winter solstice when it's at its lowest point in the sky (~Dec 22). Ancient peoples thought the sun died. After the winter solstice the height of the sun appears to be at the same declination in the sky for ~3 days, then it begins to rise in the sky until it reaches its peak again around June 21. On Dec 25, the Sun is said to be born again. A plethora of sun gods have had their birthdays celebrated on Dec 25 (Mithra, Ra/Horus, Marduk, Balder, Adonis, Dionysos, etc).

Easter celebrates the resurrection of the Sun. I think it's celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after spring equinox. When you are going to sunrise service this Easter think about the Sun on the Cross of the Zodiac.

I'm sure others have read/learned different interpretations of these old stories and i, for one, welcome them here. Too bad everyone gets bummed out and leaves the discussion when opposing views are offered. It makes for a boring evening. Luckily, we still live in a place where we can discuss such matters without being hassled and ridiculed. Oh wait... well, at least the damned heretics aren't being stoned… yet.

Cognitive dissonance is the reason people get upset when what they hold most dearly is challenged.

seek Truth. choose Love. manifest Freedom.

Sorry about my tone

Truth is....we have a one and only Creator and He loves us enough He died for us on a cross as documented. Those who receive Him is forgiven and is promised eternal life.

Is that good news? Why reject the best free gift ever?
A lot of vain babbling going on here, absolute truth You must be born again if you are not you are going to hell period

Yup. That's why people who lived in the Americas, Polynesian Islands, Australia, and New Zealand before about 1750 all are burning in hell. Everybody knows that.
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I respect your opinion, jbr82. Who says i am a male?

I believe the Vols will win every game they play. I believe the Braves will win the pennant every year. Belief does not equal truth. Truth is objective and is not based on the perceptions of human beings. It's simply that which is.

I don't claim to know all that is true. I am merely a seeker of such knowledge. I want to be able to hold opposing views in my mind at the same time without immediately accepting or discounting them. I attempt to come to the truth by using an apophatic approach, by stripping away falsities. Truth discovery is the goal.

I think that God is an intelligence, a source of energy from whence all that is was created. I think Jesus/Joshua/Yeshua/Iesous could have been a man on the land teaching others about their true nature (i.e. consciousness). Maybe he wasn't. I think the historicity of the man is unpossible to know based on the info available to the masses. Maybe I'm wrong? I dig the teachings that are attributed to him, however, and I doubt someone that enlightened would want a cult based on his life.

The story of Christmas and Jesus' resurrection is a retelling of an ancient tale regarding the path of the sun through Cross of the Zodiac. In the northern hemisphere the sun gets lower in the sky each day (moves southward) from the summer solstice, when it's at its highest point, to the winter solstice when it's at its lowest point in the sky (~Dec 22). Ancient peoples thought the sun died. After the winter solstice the height of the sun appears to be at the same declination in the sky for ~3 days, then it begins to rise in the sky until it reaches its peak again around June 21. On Dec 25, the Sun is said to be born again. A plethora of sun gods have had their birthdays celebrated on Dec 25 (Mithra, Ra/Horus, Marduk, Balder, Adonis, Dionysos, etc).

Easter celebrates the resurrection of the Sun. I think it's celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after spring equinox. When you are going to sunrise service this Easter think about the Sun on the Cross of the Zodiac.

I'm sure others have read/learned different interpretations of these old stories and i, for one, welcome them here. Too bad everyone gets bummed out and leaves the discussion when opposing views are offered. It makes for a boring evening. Luckily, we still live in a place where we can discuss such matters without being hassled and ridiculed. Oh wait... well, at least the damned heretics aren't being stoned… yet.

Cognitive dissonance is the reason people get upset when what they hold most dearly is challenged.

seek Truth. choose Love. manifest Freedom.

Well put. Every word. Was beginning to think I was alone in the universe :birgits_giggle:
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Sorry about my tone

Truth is....we have a one and only Creator and He loves us enough He died for us on a cross as documented. Those who receive Him is forgiven and is promised eternal life.

Is that good news? Why reject the best free gift ever?

No worries, jbr82, i was expecting a lot worse. I appreciate your honest point of view. Have a good evening!
How can something that occurs in nature be unnatural?

The underlying purpose of sex is to procreate and reproduce. That is why God made male and female and gave them the exact parts they would need.

It is like a lamp. When you plug the cord into the outlet in the proper way the electricity flows and you get light. If you try to plug it in upside down it either won't go or your gonna get shocked.

Two lamps aren't producing and light. In takes a lamp and a wall outlet. Just like it takes a man and a woman to make a child. The way God designed it.
There is plenty of evidence suggesting things are much better than the grim portrayal of Christian doctrine. MUCH better.

Cheer up :hi:

Christ promises ETERNAL LIFE to those that receive Him.

Revelation 21:4
‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

John 14:2-3
My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Heaven will be better than Earth ad we know and the eternal fiery lake
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The underlying purpose of sex is to procreate and reproduce. That is why God made male and female and gave them the exact parts they would need.

It is like a lamp. When you plug the cord into the outlet in the proper way the electricity flows and you get light. If you try to plug it in upside down it either won't go or your gonna get shocked.

Two lamps aren't producing and light. In takes a lamp and a wall outlet. Just like it takes a man and a woman to make a child. The way God designed it.

And to add...even if ppl are still rejecting truth....logically the parts fit one way. And to get technical...a rectum doesn't naturally lube and exit only.
You guys that don't believe the Bible, especially the New Testament, are certainly allowed to believe what you want to. By doing so, you are ignoring the fact that the NT was written by people who were eyewitnesses, and in some cases, with Jesus 24/7. They saw what he said and did. These books were written in the time period where they could have been refuted by doubters, but they weren't. The Jews and Romans wanted to destroy Christianity but they couldn't. All they had to do was produce the body of Jesus, but they couldn't. The archeologists have been looking for evidence which contradicts the Bible, but so far it has supported it.

The bottom line is that if you are not looking for Jesus, you won't find him. Perhaps you should study the things that prove he was who he said. You won't get to heaven by being a nice person or being in touch with your consciousness.
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You guys that don't believe the Bible, especially the New Testament, are certainly allowed to believe what you want to. By doing so, you are ignoring the fact that the NT was written by people who were eyewitnesses, and in some cases, with Jesus 24/7. They saw what he said and did. These books were written in the time period where they could have been refuted by doubters, but they weren't. The Jews and Romans wanted to destroy Christianity but they couldn't. All they had to do was produce the body of Jesus, but they couldn't. The archeologists have been looking for evidence which contradicts the Bible, but so far it has supported it.

The bottom line is that if you are not looking for Jesus, you won't find him. Perhaps you should study the things that prove he was who he said. You won't get to heaven by being a nice person or being in touch with your consciousness.

Luke 17:20-21 King James Version

20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

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You guys that don't believe the Bible, especially the New Testament, are certainly allowed to believe what you want to. By doing so, you are ignoring the fact that the NT was written by people who were eyewitnesses, and in some cases, with Jesus 24/7. They saw what he said and did. These books were written in the time period where they could have been refuted by doubters, but they weren't. The Jews and Romans wanted to destroy Christianity but they couldn't. All they had to do was produce the body of Jesus, but they couldn't. The archeologists have been looking for evidence which contradicts the Bible, but so far it has supported it.

All of this was covered a few pages back.

The bottom line is that if you are not looking for Jesus, you won't find him. Perhaps you should study the things that prove he was who he said.

Where would one find this proof? The NT is the only evidence available, and it's far from proof. Josephus was the only non-biblical author of the time to mention Jesus, and his authenticity is highly questionable IMO.

You won't get to heaven by being a nice person or being in touch with your consciousness.

That's not how it works. Consciousness is expanded primarily through life experiences. Think of the old Peek-a-boo game we play with babies. At first the baby believes things he can't see no longer exist. But with experience, he figures out you're still there, only hidden. Its called object permanence, one of the first early awareness hurdles. But we continue developing awareness (consciousness) throughout life. That is unless we hold beliefs that prevent it. Believe it or not, no matter how old we are, there are levels of consciousness that we have not reached, while others have. IOW, like that baby, we don't know that we don't know, while others DO know that we don't know.

Jesus is a literary archetype of the level of consciousness we should all strive for. He represents the master level, AKA avatar, integral, transcendent. He even tells us himself, "All that I do, you can do also, and even greater things…". The Apostle Paul admonishes one of the churches (Corinthians?) to move on from childish things (magic or mythic level of consciousness), as only a babe should need milk, but meat is for the fully developed (rational or pluralistic). Once you reach the rational level, trying to get into heaven by believing in fables with all your might will seem somewhat childish.
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This thread reminds me of the creation debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham. The final question was something like, "Now that both of you have stated your cases, what could change your minds?"

HAM: Nothing.

NYE: Evidence.

It's obvious that you aren't going to change each other's minds, because the religious have their faith and the non-religious are looking for evidence.

Mods, since this thread is no longer about recruiting, can we declare an impasse and move it (or at least the debate posts) to an appropriate page.
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This thread reminds me of the creation debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham. The final question was something like, "Now that both of you have stated your cases, what could change your minds?"

HAM: Nothing.

NYE: Evidence.

It's obvious that you aren't going to change each other's minds, because the religious have their faith and the non-religious are looking for evidence.

Mods, since this thread is no longer about recruiting, can we declare an impasse and move it (or at least the debate posts) to an appropriate page.

I second this motion.
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This thread reminds me of the creation debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham. The final question was something like, "Now that both of you have stated your cases, what could change your minds?"

HAM: Nothing.

NYE: Evidence.

It's obvious that you aren't going to change each other's minds, because the religious have their faith and the non-religious are looking for evidence.

Mods, since this thread is no longer about recruiting, can we declare an impasse and move it (or at least the debate posts) to an appropriate page.

It's about recruiting souls, man. But, for real, it should probably be moved... i agree.

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