You can't be serious.
the problem with you libs is that you've had the clintons as an example for so long, you can't think that someone can actually serious or sincere. given mccain's history, i would say that he is being serious.
do you really think mccain is scared to debate obama? he'll wipe the floor with him and use his ears as a squeegy (sp)
it's true his recent populist rhetoric isn't endearing himself to conservatives. If you're referring to the Keating 5, McCain's role in that was dismissed as minor and irrelevant.
Considering McCain was part of the Keating 5, the idea that he would go to Washington and provide leadership on a banking crisis would be funny if he wasn't trying to be serious.
This is a bad move on several levels.
1. Its already looking like Obama wanted to do this as a joint announcement and McCain cut him on it.
2. It is playing into the hysteria of the MSM, great for campaigning but bad for our situation.
3. Its going to polticize this event, whether he likes it or not.
4. It makes us look weak that we cannot handle a debate during this event.
Who do you think it hurts more, McCain or Obama?
Now we have President Bush addressing the nation tonight to push his bail out plan.
I say if each candidate is serious about distancing themselves from Bush and his economic policies, they should use the debate Friday where 100 Million people will be watching to discuss the merits of their plans and ideas.
The president has a bully pulpit, and these guys have a substantive debate. I think they could shape this debate more effectively debating it in fron of 100 million people better than they could sitting on a congressional committee.
I think it is idiotic to postpone the debate if these guys really do think they have a plan and it is best.
Now we have President Bush addressing the nation tonight to push his bail out plan.
I say if each candidate is serious about distancing themselves from Bush and his economic policies, they should use the debate Friday where 100 Million people will be watching to discuss the merits of their plans and ideas.
The president has a bully pulpit, and these guys have a substantive debate. I think they could shape this debate more effectively debating it in fron of 100 million people better than they could sitting on a congressional committee.
I think it is idiotic to postpone the debate if these guys really do think they have a plan and it is best.
Depends on how the MSM runs with it? If they show that Obama tried to do this as a joint statement and McCain pulled a stunt, I don't think it is going to play well with the American people (actually I think it will kill his bid).
If the MSM doesn't run with that angle I think it will hurt Obama.
Considering McCain was part of the Keating 5, the idea that he would go to Washington and provide leadership on a banking crisis would be funny if he wasn't trying to be serious.
Remember MSM is all about ratings, so they may not run the angle? Obama is getting out in front too much for them right now.