Friday weigh in thread (suns out guns out challenge 8/31/2025)

2022 was a rough year for me losing my dad and such. So I decided to change my lifestyle and try to get in shape. Haven't had a coke since the week of Christmas and drinking nothing but water now. On December 30th I started seeing a personal trainer and going twice a week. Weighed in at 332lb hope to see results soon. Not going to lie its tough right now going to the gym and my biggest issue will be the diet. I eat all the bad foods and an extremely picky eater.
2022 was a rough year for me losing my dad and such. So I decided to change my lifestyle and try to get in shape. Haven't had a coke since the week of Christmas and drinking nothing but water now. On December 30th I started seeing a personal trainer and going twice a week. Weighed in at 332lb hope to see results soon. Not going to lie its tough right now going to the gym and my biggest issue will be the diet. I eat all the bad foods and an extremely picky eater.
The key for me was finding foods that I liked that were better choices. If I enjoy the healthier choices as much as the bad stuff then it’s a lot easier because I’m not suffering to stay healthy.
I’ll admit it took some time to find those things and there was a lot of “ I’ll try this…..nope!”
One day at a time brother and a failure isn’t the end but rather a minor setback.

I too lost my father / best friend this year. I’m sorry for your loss.
2022 was a rough year for me losing my dad and such. So I decided to change my lifestyle and try to get in shape. Haven't had a coke since the week of Christmas and drinking nothing but water now. On December 30th I started seeing a personal trainer and going twice a week. Weighed in at 332lb hope to see results soon. Not going to lie its tough right now going to the gym and my biggest issue will be the diet. I eat all the bad foods and an extremely picky eater.
Don't get overwhelmed or frustrated. Concentrate on one day at a time.

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