Today - 155.6 lbs
I was as low as 144.1 last year. From October to the end of the year, I wasn’t following my diet/exercise program very well, and I’ve noticed fat collecting around my love handles and lower belly/back. I definitely want to get rid of that.
I’m restarting, with strict discipline this week - healthy foods, swimming 2-3x per week, lifting weights 2x per week, and walking 8-10k steps every day. I’m not sure how much my weight will change, but I’m 5’9” and have a pretty small frame. When I was in the best shape of my life, senior year of high school, I was 145 pounds and 9% body fat. I’m guessing I’m about 15-18% body fat right now, but I’m not sure. But now, I’m 38 with a back problem, so of course, things have changed. I’ve come a long way from 227 pounds 2 years ago, so no matter what, I should feel accomplished. Everything now is just gravy.