Fulton County Prosecutor Opens Criminal Investigation of Trump Call

I recall Hillary going before congress regarding Benghazi after she was out of office. Also, calls to "lock her up" well after she was gone. I still see bumper stickers about imprisoning her.
Her behavior along with other senior officials as it relates to Benghazi was definitely criminal. That’s an objective fact nothing political about it
"Find The Fraud, You'll Be A Hero" Was A Lie: WaPo Issues Major Retraction After Audio Vindicates Trump | ZeroHedge

The Post corrected both the headline and text within the article, and wrote a subsequent report to explain how they received incorrect quotes from an anonymous source in December.

The newspaper’s incorrect quotes were attributed to an anonymous source back in December. Audio of Trump’s phone call with Watson came about after Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis announced a criminal investigation surrounding the former president’s aim to overturn the 2020 election results.

Because of the criminal investigation, Willis requested that state officials keep documents that may relate to “an investigation into attempts to influence” the 2020 election, The New York Times previously reported. -Daily Caller

Meanwhile, CNN jumped on the bandwagon - repeating WaPo's lie that Trump wanted Watson to "find the fraud," citing "a source with knowledge of the call."
"Find The Fraud, You'll Be A Hero" Was A Lie: WaPo Issues Major Retraction After Audio Vindicates Trump | ZeroHedge

The Post corrected both the headline and text within the article, and wrote a subsequent report to explain how they received incorrect quotes from an anonymous source in December.

The newspaper’s incorrect quotes were attributed to an anonymous source back in December. Audio of Trump’s phone call with Watson came about after Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis announced a criminal investigation surrounding the former president’s aim to overturn the 2020 election results.

Because of the criminal investigation, Willis requested that state officials keep documents that may relate to “an investigation into attempts to influence” the 2020 election, The New York Times previously reported. -Daily Caller

Meanwhile, CNN jumped on the bandwagon - repeating WaPo's lie that Trump wanted Watson to "find the fraud," citing "a source with knowledge of the call."

"Find The Fraud, You'll Be A Hero" Was A Lie: WaPo Issues Major Retraction After Audio Vindicates Trump | ZeroHedge

The Post corrected both the headline and text within the article, and wrote a subsequent report to explain how they received incorrect quotes from an anonymous source in December.

The newspaper’s incorrect quotes were attributed to an anonymous source back in December. Audio of Trump’s phone call with Watson came about after Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis announced a criminal investigation surrounding the former president’s aim to overturn the 2020 election results.

Because of the criminal investigation, Willis requested that state officials keep documents that may relate to “an investigation into attempts to influence” the 2020 election, The New York Times previously reported. -Daily Caller

Meanwhile, CNN jumped on the bandwagon - repeating WaPo's lie that Trump wanted Watson to "find the fraud," citing "a source with knowledge of the call."
I’d really hate sister @evillawyer from seeing this since she’s been so interested in it and all
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This 'correction' is more than a correction, it calls into question the pervasive reliance of the liberal media on anonymous sources in order to attack and undermine Republicans," Cornell Law School professor and media critic William A. Jacobson told Fox News.

Almost the entirety of the Russia collusion media effort was based on anonymous sources which turned out to be overblown at best, false at worst, after the Mueller Report was released," Jacobson continued. "This raises the question of whether these sources exist at all, or are fed the answers the liberal media wants to create the appearance of reporting for what in reality is a regurgitation of media talking points."

This 'correction' is more than a correction, it calls into question the pervasive reliance of the liberal media on anonymous sources in order to attack and undermine Republicans," Cornell Law School professor and media critic William A. Jacobson told Fox News.

Almost the entirety of the Russia collusion media effort was based on anonymous sources which turned out to be overblown at best, false at worst, after the Mueller Report was released," Jacobson continued. "This raises the question of whether these sources exist at all, or are fed the answers the liberal media wants to create the appearance of reporting for what in reality is a regurgitation of media talking points."

https://www-foxnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.foxnews.com/media/washington-posts-find-the-fraud-correction-anonymous.amp?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA=#aoh=16159224429781&csi=0&referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s&ampshare=https://www.foxnews.com/media/washington-posts-find-the-fraud-correction-anonymous

I never got the hubbub over that phone call. Did we not hear it? Even selectively, I never got the outrage.. Just seemed political to me, not criminal. There has been waaaaaaay worse that we have never heard.
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Media's Entire Georgia Narrative Is Fraudulent, Not Just Trump Quotes

According to the media narrative, the Georgia presidential election was as perfectly run as any election in history, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. To push that narrative, the media steadfastly downplayed, ignored, or prejudiciously dismissed legitimate concerns with how Georgia had run its November 2020 election and complaints about it.

That posture was the complete opposite of how they were reporting on Georgia elections prior to Democrats performing well in them. In the months prior to November, some media sounded a bit like Lin Wood when they wrote about Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Dominion Voting Systems, legal challenges in the state, and Georgia election integrity in general.

How Media Talked About Georgia Before Biden Won
Georgia’s Election Mess: Many Problems, Plenty of Blame, Few Solutions for November,” read the June 10, 2020, New York Times headline of a story by Richard Fausset and Reid Epstein about the “disastrous primary election” in June that was “plagued by glitches, but Democrats also saw a systemic effort to disenfranchise voters.”

Citing irregularities with absentee ballots and peculiarities at polling sites, the authors said Georgia’s “embattled election officials” were dealing with a voting system that suffered a “spectacular collapse.” They said it was unclear whether the problems were caused by “mere bungling, or an intentional effort” by Raffensperger and his fellow Republicans in the secretary of state’s office.
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