I’m so jaded at this point that losses don’t hurt me at all other than just the realization that we aren’t going to be any good this year or next, most likely. It definitely sours college football for me in general, but individual losses, which used to ruin my weekend, are just part of life, now.
After years of hoping that this would be “the year” only to enter October grossly disappointed, I decided a more logical approach was probably better than ignoring what my head tells me and going with what my heart hopes for.
Looking back on the past several years, my head told me we weren’t as talented as we hoped at times, and we would very likely be outcoached in many of those, but I somehow managed to convince myself going in that we would defy all odds and overcome teams with equal/better talent and superior coaching. This year, I decided to expect for the worst and hope for the best rather than let disappointment sneak up on me. I understand if that approach isn’t for everyone.