Sure he’s not just hyping up June 8th? i think that’s when Georgia HS kids can start training again.Rusty, I.e. Secking, is over on dog pound or whatever hyping up June for ga. I’m thinking Mondon has told them he’s in unfortunately. Would make sense with Secking showing up here yesterday with that confidence
The fans over there are guessing the commitments he’s talking about. Sounds like they think they’re getting 3. I can’t read secking’s post, only the responses to it.Sure he’s not just hyping up June 8th? i think that’s when Georgia HS kids can start training again.
Just some randos, Rusty ain’t in it. Not sure what news they’re talking about though.The fans over there are guessing the commitments he’s talking about. Sounds like they think they’re getting 3. I can’t read secking’s post, only the responses to it.
So with Rusty’s news...
I don't handle myself well, and I know I don't...I say a lot of things on here that I regret later. I am a pretty straight shooter in life, but I hold a lot of things in, or at least try to be more diplomatic...which is incredibly frustrating..I don't do that here as much as I should. I pretty much post whatever pops into my head.She usually handles herself very well, I sometimes jump in anyway, can’t help myself..
That's the bar? 100%? Lol 10 post above you is a post proclaiing that we are getting this kid and Mims directly because of statements from AV.
I have three kids at home under 6. White knuckling this $hit.
Rusty made a comment about his camera batteries being low meaning he has filmed several commitment videos.
Looks like the next few weeks could be really good around here.. See what happens.
Checking my camera batteries now..
Carry on