Tate, Kasper, Benson, Mauigoa, Formby, Sanders, Igbinosun, Fountain, Simmons, Sylvester Smith, Burley, Rojas, Ify, and Fountain are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. We even lost Kam Pringle to a poverty program with a goofus jerkoff of a HC. I’m not going to count Allen and Jackson because they were likely always heading to Georgia and Florida, but they’ve missed on plenty of their fair share of guys they led for at one point. Wingo was pretty much penciled in to this recruiting class 6 months ago as was Boo Carter and now it’s looking like they could miss on both of them and all of a sudden Georgia might be trending in the right direction for Matthews. We’ve gotta start locking those kind of guys down and push them to commit like other schools are. We’re no longer the Tennessee of the past 15 years where we just take guys as they come and finishing second for a bunch of studs is a sign we’re heading in the right direction. That happened all throughout Dooley, Butch, and Pruitt’s era too