Nice momentum play by Horston to end the half. She was fouled on that as well. Hit her on the wrist.
Dye and Key have to bring it in the second half. They cannot pick up stupid frustration fouls early. Basically every teams strategy has been to foul us as much as they can literally get away with and to laugh in our players faces. It gets in our heads that the officials will not call any of it and then we play down to ****** teams like this.
Vanderbilt sucks and always will. I look forward to watching Ralph get her butt kicked until she’s fired. Hate that she’s brought the UCONN style of play to the SEC. Every coach in the league needs to complain to the league about their screens. It’s total crap they aren’t called. They set 4-5 illegal screens on every possession. You have to give the offensive player a step and they never do. Our players need to take the contact and flop like the MIZZOU players.