Game Thread: (16/12) Lady Vols 74 - (12/21) Texas 70

Overall the offense showed improvement with just the couple practices last week. The 24 turnovers is tough but Texas is a quick guard team and they can rip a few passes away from you. We keep showing improvement week after week and get Burrell back we'll be tough to deal with for anyone this season.
Many of the turn overs were against pressing inbound passes. I will say that problem will be corrected before the next game. We has few turn overs from bad passes on offense than I have seen in awhile. That is a big improvement.
I'm just getting home from the Titans game 🤮 , looks like I picked the wrong game to attend today. I said these are the games Kellie needs to win, and she got it -- props to her and the team! They just did what the national champions couldn't do... and without their best player. Maybe some elite recruits out there noticed Kellie beating Vic?

Looking forward to watching this OT thriller stress-free tonight, along the the men's team spanking UNC... :cool:
This team lacks quite a bit but FIGHT isn’t one of em!

After going back through this thread I can verify they did not get it from our FAITHFUL or should they be called FATEFUL. As pretty much just a visitor on your board I must say you have more fair weather folks with orange based handles than on the men's sites. By percentage for sure. Kind of funny to go through this stuff on both sites a day after the men's bad start yesterday and this thread. Not many apologize to the players and coaches after the fact either. Funny how it is all about wins and losses until we win...... go figure.

I know I have been told a million times that every fan base has them, but it is still embarrassing knowing the general public can come on this site and read it. Especially fear the impact on recruits and their support folks. I know if I was an opposing coach I would share the address for them to use to see the kind words about our staff and especially our players on this free board.
Wow this is from an exposure event that hosts top recruits no wonder…….

But let people tell it, you know what never mind! Tweets like this (and others I have seen) imo is validation that there are a lot of people that do not want us to become what we once were. The recruits will start to see that those telling them to not look at UT has been steering them wrong! It's going to happen and it will happen soon!
Tamari played really well against a very physical Texas interior. 10 Points, 10 blocks and 18 rebounds is SEC-caliber. Last two games she has played huge minutes.
Even if she doesn't block the shot, she forces players to alter them. If we can keep her out of foul trouble she is a force down low.
We’ll done Lady VOLS…a good win over a good team 👍🧡
I need to keep up. Dye and Puckett are both really good-it is not just a team of stars. The depth is better than I thought. A great litmus test as Vic's defenses are really good. I have always liked the KJH since Missouri State and NC state days and glad she got this win.
But seriously it did seem a little like they were favoring us. We stayed on 4 team fouls for like the whole quarter. But hey home team gets the calls.

It didn't to me it seemed the calls were missed all the way around. Look at all the hand checks and body bumps missed on their guards they didn't move their feet most of the time they reached.

Also, Tamari got undercut multiple times when she was going up for a rebound and they moved under her AND let's not forget that call on Horston 👀

If the refs were favoring us i would of hate to see if they were out to get us 😂
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Wow this is from an exposure event that hosts top recruits no wonder…….

What an asinine tweet. Not only did they fire that off, they then defended themselves by saying they weren’t talking about Tennessee, but the officials. You’d have to have really poor English comprehension to swallow that nonsense. Their tweet asserts a belief in a history of preferential officiating treatment for Tennessee.

Snotty emotional potshots like that are utterly unprofessional for an event that claims to be about helping players gain recognition and exposure.
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