Good point. The irony is that JH is now playing the role of point guard better than ever even though she is not our point guard. When she has the ball, she often carefully assesses where everyone is and then makes a decision on whether to drive, pass or assist. As the season has progressed, she has become by far our best player at doing this. Both Walker and Miles, our designated point guards, don't make nearly enough assists compared to most elite point guards. They are good players that I like to watch, but there are too many games when each of them have between 0 to 2 assists, I think JH's height and newfound focus helps her see the entire court much better. For Miles, she is really good for a Freshman and has several years to improve her shooting and assists skills. For Walker, she has had a few games in which she is all on, with good shooting and a good assist to turnover ratio. She still needs to work on consistency.