I agree Leach isn't being moved - they have no other option but Geer and if she moves back to 2nd, Gaffin or McClain take her place in the outfield - and there is a domino effect to such a move. McClain can't hit and Gaffin is needed to pitch too much.
But McSwain can and has been removed from 3rd. Overstreet is probably only marginally better as a fielder, but Lockman at catcher can ably fill the catching duties.
Leach will be ok long-term. Her errors come from her being in a hurry. She needs to slow down in her mind. I'm less sure about McSwain. She too often doesn't know which base to throw too. Ralph has repeatedly spoken of players not knowing what they are going to do with the ball if it's hit to them. He's talking about her.