Well, this is disappointing to say the least. Their highly touted defense gave up 70+ points on their home court, and Florida was lighting them up from outside.
Tennessee will go nowhere with these crappy guards. Carter was the best of the lot...and she was at best the 3rd best guard on the court (that Greek girl and the Florida gunner were both way ahead of her). Cooper's bball IQ is practically in the negatives, and don't get me started on Deadwood Reynolds.
Diamond also shows that she's not an elite player. She's good, but she doesn't deserve her name to be mentioned as one of the top players until she fixes her attitude and becomes more of a leader.
Graves...God bless her. 19 rebounds and she fought like a beast, but with this collection of junior varsity brick laying guards, she will never have room to operate inside. Russell is a great magician who can consistently perform disappearing acts.
This team is going N-O-W-H-E-R-E until the guards show that they deserve their scholarships. Collectively, they still weren't as good as the Greek girl.