Holly Warlick is CLUELESS. Our offense against the zone is absolutely STUPID. The number of dumb things we do is too numerous to list. You can't keep trying to force the ball to a center who's got three defenders around her. When Russell does get the ball, you can't stand holding it for three second with three defenders around you. Can't try to dribble through a zone like Cooper tried many times to do, along with Jones. You HAVE to have guards with the confidence to take outside shots to loosen a defense--but we don't. If we can't make three-point shots we will be in a lot of games like this--said that after the last game. Carter has a beautiful jump shot but clearly no confidence--that is bad coaching. It's not that Carter is a bad offensive player, IMO, she has not been coached/handled properly. And our defense is erratic. It is good for stretches, but then we get lackadaisical and teams roar back.
We make a TON of mistakes in every game, which is why we are continually in games like this. If a good coach had this group, we'd be beating everybody by 25. With Warlick we stumble to the end of games regularly, despite having a boatload of talent. We have a collection of players, not a cohesive, intelligent team. We are missing cohesion and we are missing intelligence. Maybe things will improve when DeShields gets her game together. We are not getting much out of her now. If that happens, it won't be because of coaching, that's for sure, just having one more talented player who starts to make some plays.