Marshall and Howland are both realistic candidates, Wooden...not so much.
Actually the two realistic candidates are Howland and Pearl. Since as far as I can tell neither have a coaching job at the moment.
The reason they are the two most realistic is money. UT could probably be able to hire Marshall away, but it'd be at a steeper price then Howland and Pearl.
So lets break this down, you have Marshall who is making at the moment $1.75 million. If his team makes a deep run into the tourney I'd expect his asking price to go up to at least $2.25 million. So now UT is in a bidding war with Wichita State for Marshall, and we saw the last time UT got into a bidding war with other teams coaches.
So now we have hired Marshall away for $2.5 Million, but you also have to pay the buyout fee, which I think someone stated earlier was $500K. So we just got Marshall to the tune of $3 Million.
Now lets look at Howland and Pearl, now Howland could possibly ask for a bit more then Pearl because he's been to the Final Four three times, so lets say he asks for $2 Million, cause that's what he was making at UCLA the time he was fired. We might be able to get him to drop it down to $1.75 Million, maybe not, but even if we hire him at $2 Million, we're already saving a million cause there is no buyout to pay.
Same with Pearl, he was making I'm going to assume $1.75 Million, I can't find it anywhere so I'm just guessing. So lets say for the sake of argument that Pearl asks for $2 Million as well, cause even though he might not have a lot of teams after him, he knows the UT fan base wants him back and that could put the AD in a tough position to turn him down.
If I were the AD I'd agree to the $2 Million, but his base pay will be $1.75 Million and he can have incentives to bump it up to $2 Million if he wants. While yes he might have the AD in a tough spot, he's in just a tough a spot as well.
Hart also has to take into account, that the AD is strapped for cash and any revenue would help. If you go out on the street and ask lets say 1,000 UT fans who either Marshall or Howland is, what do you think the percentage is of people that would know who you're talking about? Say maybe 25%? Now ask those same people who Pearl is, I'm going to bet your percentage will near 100%.
With Pearl they'll have instant return, you can about guarantee that ticket sells will skyrocket if Pearl returns. With Howland and Marshall you might see a moderate increase. So do you take a sold out TBA or a half sold out TBA?
So again this all boils down to money, get the best available coach for the right price, and your best available options are Pearl and Howland. Now I know this is a long post and a lot of IFs, but it's something to think about.