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Regardless of feelings, why in the hell would a biological male need an OG/GYN? Take feelings out and put your logic hat on.

If anyone can answer this question it’s probably Luth. We should ask him.
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Not aware of his admitting anything. Haven't really paid a lot of attention lately, been busy.

Yeah, he "addressed" it yesterday and admitted to kissing men, women, small animals, Martians and everything else.
Cuomo is done, I think. The allegations of sexual harassment ring true to me and the people making them have done so timely and with credibility.
Doubt it. Dems usually get away with these things. He's the gold standard remember?
Rumor is he’s running for president in 2024 but as a Republican
Taking the Mitt Romney route?

Party realignment:

Stoic Republican Party: Members Mitt Romney, Pence.

Angry Republican Party: Member Trump.

Secretly Gay and Has No Principles Republican Party: Members Lindsey Graham, Charlie Crist.

Socialist Democratic Party: Members Ocasio-Cortez,

Sleepy Democratic Party: Members Biden.

Race-baiter Democratic Party: Members Maxine Waters.
Party realignment:

Stoic Republican Party: Members Mitt Romney, Pence.

Angry Republican Party: Member Trump.

Secretly Gay and Has No Principles Republican Party: Members Lindsey Graham, Charlie Crist.

Socialist Democratic Party: Members Ocasio-Cortez,

Sleepy Democratic Party: Members Biden.

Race-baiter Democratic Party: Members Maxine Waters.
You being a homophobe again?
Party realignment:

Stoic Republican Party: Members Mitt Romney, Pence.

Angry Republican Party: Member Trump.

Secretly Gay and Has No Principles Republican Party: Members Lindsey Graham, Charlie Crist.

Socialist Democratic Party: Members Ocasio-Cortez,

Sleepy Democratic Party: Members Biden.

Race-baiter Democratic Party: Members Maxine Waters.
All controlled by different outsiders, except for Trump.😳
I cannot imagine having problems like that, but I see no reason to hate on people who do. Maybe it comes natural for some people to think ill of other people who are different, but I don't have that need. God made us all different. Some are so different that I might not want to know them, but that does not mean I use them as an excuse to be hateful.
it's not about hate.....It's about how damn stupid it is....and those that support the idiocy
Well, there seems to be a lot of hatred for some people who just want to use a restroom.
its not for some people that want to use a restroom......are you seriously as stupid as you appear or are you trolling? If you're really this stupid I don't want to make fun of you....that would be cruel.
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its not for some people that want to use a restroom......are you seriously as stupid as you appear or are you trolling? If you're really this stupid I don't want to make fun of you....that would be cruel.

Calling me stupid does not answer the point of my post. There is no shortage of stupidity, and no reason for you to add to it as you just did.
I leave for my 7k mile road trip next month... our trip keeps getting more and more expensive.
Starting in Knoxville and going to Olympic National Park for our elopement. Then hitting up several stops in California before going to Grand Canyon and Zion before heading home. Will be camping all but 3 nights.
How long are you taking? That's a long trip.

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