Gas Prices Increasing

He doesn't understand how much stuff is made from oil.

I can put it in a language I know he understands from past posts .. High fuel prices directly effects low income and minorities abilities to survive in this country more so than the than any other group . High fuels prices are racist and a product of systemic racism . There now he will understand . Lol
Higher oil prices are good for thousands of American workers.

Higher oil prices are definitely not good for either the majority of American workers or Americans in general. Even people who profit directly by higher oil prices lose indirectly on higher oil prices.
Here I am sitting in the line for emissions testing to renew my wife’s tags. 50+ cars sitting idling, spewing exhaust in the name of reducing auto emissions.

A year or two ago they decided Hamilton Co could quit emissions testing, but the bureaucracy still hasn't let it go. Once a law is enacted, you'll pay hell ever getting rid of it.
A year or two ago they decided Hamilton Co could quit emissions testing, but the bureaucracy still hasn't let it go. Once a law is enacted, you'll pay hell ever getting rid of it.

I told my Mom that many months ago and a few weeks ago she said she had to take her car in. What is up with that?
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I told my Mom that many months ago and a few weeks ago she said she had to take her car in. What is up with that?

No clue. Apparently they can't just say "It's over", turn off the lights, and walk away. Maybe they have to file an environmental impact statement to appease the feds and then that has to go out for endless review and comment.
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Good, I wonder if I'll get 2 or 3 since I have a fuel guzzling motorhome that gets about 7 mpg? And where is he with my latest stimulus check, I need more free money.

Stimulus under Trump = necessary evil

Stimulus under Biden 3 months later = outrageously wasteful

You Republicans would have more credibility on this issue if you would at least occasionally vote Republicans out of office who spent like the Dems do. You say you are against it, too, but you constantly look the other way when Republicans do it.
Stimulus under Trump = necessary evil

Stimulus under Biden 3 months later = outrageously wasteful

You Republicans would have more credibility on this issue if you would at least occasionally vote Republicans out of office who spent like the Dems do. You say you are against it, too, but you constantly look the other way when Republicans do it.
You're paying for it so why do I care?
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Stimulus under Trump = necessary evil

Stimulus under Biden 3 months later = outrageously wasteful

You Republicans would have more credibility on this issue if you would at least occasionally vote Republicans out of office who spent like the Dems do. You say you are against it, too, but you constantly look the other way when Republicans do it.

The big issue is that only a tiny fraction of the bill goes for payments to people - most is typical government waste. Congress genuinely earns what you consider the hypocritical because congress is a cesspool that devours money for no good purpose.
That's sort of my point. GOP and Dems do the same thing months apart and you seem to care a whole lot when it's one but not the other.
Actually professor, I don't GAS about anything that happens in Washington anymore. I've paid my my fair share of income taxes including nearly twice what uncle sam gave back to me in SS last year. The freebie money that gets tossed around is just cannon fodder for debate for people like you.
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That's sort of my point. GOP and Dems do the same thing months apart and you seem to care a whole lot when it's one but not the other.

The stimulus programs in 2020 were terrific programs. People say it may be the greatest stimulus of all time. Much different from the 2021 bill.
Stimulus under Trump = necessary evil

Stimulus under Biden 3 months later = outrageously wasteful

You Republicans would have more credibility on this issue if you would at least occasionally vote Republicans out of office who spent like the Dems do. You say you are against it, too, but you constantly look the other way when Republicans do it.
I called for the opening of the economy and society when Trump was president and I'm calling for the same thing with Biden. No payments, no bill.
Stimulus under Trump = necessary evil

Stimulus under Biden 3 months later = outrageously wasteful

You Republicans would have more credibility on this issue if you would at least occasionally vote Republicans out of office who spent like the Dems do. You say you are against it, too, but you constantly look the other way when Republicans do it.
I think everyone with a brain is saying that stimulus to pakistan for gender studies (or anything similar)is stupid.
That's sort of my point. GOP and Dems do the same thing months apart and you seem to care a whole lot when it's one but not the other.
Waiting on you to give the treatment you give Repubs to Northam and Cuomo. Until then STFU.
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Well.... he’s all about fairies and their right to see an ON/Gyn

I cannot imagine having problems like that, but I see no reason to hate on people who do. Maybe it comes natural for some people to think ill of other people who are different, but I don't have that need. God made us all different. Some are so different that I might not want to know them, but that does not mean I use them as an excuse to be hateful.
I cannot imagine having problems like that, but I see no reason to hate on people who do. Maybe it comes natural for some people to think ill of other people who are different, but I don't have that need. God made us all different. Some are so different that I might not want to know them, but that does not mean I use them as an excuse to be hateful.

Regardless of feelings, why in the hell would a biological male need an OG/GYN? Take feelings out and put your logic hat on.
Regardless of feelings, why in the hell would a biological male need an OG/GYN? Take feelings out and put your logic hat on.

I wouldn’t expect a logical answer from that guy. In my line of work, physicians routinely order tests and submit specimens to the lab that are intended to report out on females. When I say female, I am referring to the scientific definition of female not the claim of some guy who now identifies as a woman. Doctors these days are in tough spots due to fear of lawsuits by telling these people the science behind their real gender. It could be deemed as discrimination which is shocking. Anyways doctors will send samples on them regardless, but portions of the panel get rejected because the test requires DNA from vaginal fluid as a second specimen to report out entirely. Their wannabe female patient gets irate calls the lab and questions the validity of the results. There are some straight up dumbazzes these days that are increasing at an alarming rate. I could care less if someone wants to identify as the opposite sex. Live and let live. Don’t expect science to change the rules for you.
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