The coach has lost control
The institution has lost control
How do you get that? Coaches routinely warn the players not to take supplements. If they do, anyway, how is that coach's fault? Grier has either a character flaw or he's an idiot. We'll find out which soon enough.
As to Porter, I don't see what that has to do with the football team. Guy lost his mind over a chick and allegedly did something incredibly dumb and dangerous. If he fired a gun under those circumstances, I assure you he will not be back on the team, under any circumstances.
Do you feel like Florida should represent the SEC East in Atlanta this year?
I just want a true UF fan's perspective on the entire situation. Thanks
Sigh, come on. If Grier did what he did and the coaches did not know and the team itself played by the rules, then that has no bearing.
And if we lose a freshman special teams player, I don't care how talented, but win our way there, then why wouldn't we?
The teams that play in that game are not selected based on the fine character of the players. Fact.
Well then, as long as you're holding UF players to the rigorous standards of FSU...nothing to see here. Ho hum. Just another day.
Let's give UF credit for lying less than lawyers, doing less drugs than Keith Richards, and breaking fewer laws than politicians.
Not even a question of lying. At least Gainesville PD didn't let the guy leave for awhile, consult someone, destroy evidence, come back with a fake story, then scratch their heads saying they couldn't figure out if it was true or not.