gay day for schools

I am not sure I mind the casualties. The longer the public school systems declines, the less competition my offspring will eventually face as college applicants and upon entry into the job market. I really hope next week they show Birth of Nation at every public school across the US, followed by a Spike Lee joint the next week, then maybe Boys Don't Cry, leaving everyone feeling incredibly akward headed in to summer break.

Mentioned it in another post but they have already shown my daughter an Inconvenient Truth, not once but twice.
Instead of Gay Day we should start looking for a cure for gayness. We spend all this money on HIV and AIDS we could afford to divert some of this money to seeking the cure for this disease also.
The cure is out there...:boobies:
I am not sure I mind the casualties. The longer the public school systems declines, the less competition my offspring will eventually face as college applicants and upon entry into the job market. I really hope next week they show Birth of Nation at every public school across the US, followed by a Spike Lee joint the next week, then maybe Boys Don't Cry, leaving everyone feeling incredibly akward headed in to summer break.

Well, I'd certainly mind the casualities but I guess if one is arguing for the greater good over the long term...
LOL, I hear ya, Hey just call your date up. :p
Can't. I told her that I would not interfere with her this weekend so that she can focus on her jump shot.

Seriously, I have talked so much trash to her, that if I lose this's over.

I won't lose, though.
Ah, one of those insert foot here eh? I've been there and done that also. You can't let her win, or you will never here the end of it. Good luck.
Ah, one of those insert foot here eh? I've been there and done that also. You can't let her win, or you will never here the end of it. Good luck.
I shouldn't need luck. However, hitting 46% of you 3 pointers, in games, is pretty impressive.
But, you're all for Gay Day? Thats scary. I was kidding. Would you propose putting damn between the field day and PT conferences?
It really doesn't matter to me nor does it bother me simply because I'm not intimidated by such things.
It should be left up to the parents to teach "tolerance" if that is what they think is right.

I think your right to an extent. My whole point is that sexuality has no place being promoted by the school system period. I do not identify myself as a heterosexual male. I identify myself as a human being. That is one folly of the gay community. They go out of their way to identify themselves as different in many cases and then complain because they are treated differently. I do not believe that people should intimidate others based on their sexual orientation, it is wrong, period. That being said You have a battle between two agendas here and schools should stay neutral on the subject and never allow special interest agendas into their midst.
I think your right to an extent. My whole point is that sexuality has no place being promoted by the school system period. I do not identify myself as a heterosexual male. I identify myself as a human being. That is one folly of the gay community. They go out of their way to identify themselves as different in many cases and then complain because they are treated differently. I do not believe that people should intimidate others based on their sexual orientation, it is wrong, period. That being said You have a battle between two agendas here and schools should stay neutral on the subject and never allow special interest agendas into their midst.

your argument could be made for many things people are trying to get into schools, like religion. Would you feel the same or is it only for homosexuality?
I think your right to an extent. My whole point is that sexuality has no place being promoted by the school system period. I do not identify myself as a heterosexual male. I identify myself as a human being. That is one folly of the gay community. They go out of their way to identify themselves as different in many cases and then complain because they are treated differently. I do not believe that people should intimidate others based on their sexual orientation, it is wrong, period. That being said You have a battle between two agendas here and schools should stay neutral on the subject and never allow special interest agendas into their midst.

your argument could be made for many things people are trying to get into schools, like religion. Would you feel the same or is it only for homosexuality?

And how exactly are people trying to get religion into school? If you are talking about Bible clubs and such, that is a totally different subject, as those are voluntary. In this case, the school is trying to force beliefs they hold to be true down the throats of the students.
I like Clinton's idea, don't ask, don't tell. :)

As far as religion in school, what's wrong with a moment of silence so that everyone can pray, meditate or do whatever they do each morning in their own way.
And at least when I was in school and "Christian" club was before or after school, not during schools hours.


Homosexual activity remains a major source of transmission of the HIV/AIDS virus.

A 1997 New York Times article reported that a young male homosexual has about a 50 percent chance of getting HIV by middle age. (Sheryl Gay Stolberg, "Gay Culture Weighs Sense and Sexuality," New York Times (Late edition, east coast), November 23, 1997, section 4, p.1)

As of 1998, 54 percent of all AIDS cases in America were homosexual men and according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) nearly 90 percent of these men acquired HIV through sexual activity with other men. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1998, June, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report 10 (1)).

Even more alarming, the Center for Disease Control & Prevention reported in 1998 that an estimated half of all new HIV infections in the United States are among people under 25. Among 13-to 24-year-olds, 52 percent of all AIDS cases reported among males in 1997 were among young men who have sex with men. (CDC Fact Sheet: "Young People at Risk," Center for Disease Control & Prevention, National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, July 24, 1998

Researchers at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver conducted a study to assess how HIV infection and AIDS is impacting the mortality rates for homosexual and bisexual men. Lead by R.S. Hogg, et al and published in the International Journal of Epidemiology (vol. 27, no. 3, 1997, pp 657-661) they reached an alarming conclusion.

"In a major Canadian center, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is eight to 20 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality continues, we estimate that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday. Under the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban center are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871."

Physical Health Risks

In addition to AIDS, there is a long list of maladies attendant upon the homosexually active population. Of particular concern is anal cancer. According to J. R. Daling, "Correlates of Homosexual Behavior and the Incidence of Anal Cancer," Journal of the American Medical Association 247, no.14, 9 April 1982, pp. 1988-90, the risk of anal cancer soars by 4000 percent among those who engage in anal intercourse.

Other maladies include chlamydia trachomatis, cryptosporidium, giardia lamblia, herpes simplex virus, human papilloma virus (HPV) or genital warts, isospora belli, microsporidia, gonorrhea, viral hepatitis types B & C and syphilis.

Emotional/Mental Health Risks

Two extensive studies published in the October 1999 issue of American Medical Association Archives of General Psychiatry confirmed the existence of a strong link between homosexuality and suicide, as well as other mental and emotional problems.

Youth who identify themselves as homosexual, lesbian and bisexual are four times more likely than their peers to suffer from major depression; three times more likely to suffer anxiety disorders, four times more likely to suffer conduct disorders, six times more likely to suffer from multiple disorders and more than six times more likely to have attempted suicide.

Many homosexual activists point their finger at homophobia as the cause of these disorders, but the most extensive studies have been done in the Netherlands and New Zealand where homosexuality is widely accepted.

Physical Abuse

A recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health has shown that 39 percent of males with same-sex attraction have been abused by other homosexual men.

A study by Susan Turrell entitled "A descriptive analysis of Same-Sex Relationship Violence for a Diverse Sample," and published in the Journal of Family Violence (vol 13, pp 281-293), found that relationship violence was a significant problem for homosexuals. Forty-four percent of gay men reported having experienced violence in their relationship; 13 percent reported sexual violence and 83 percent reported emotional abuse.

Levels of abuse ran even higher among lesbians with 55 percent reporting physical violence, 14 percent reporting sexual abuse and 84 percent reporting emotional abuse.

As outrageous as it might sound, "Most medical groups have embraced the homosexual agenda and are advocating that lifestyle despite all the scientific studies and medical evidence that demonstrate medical and psychological risks," said Joseph Nicolosi, President of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. "Homosexual activism and political correctness are clearly trumping science.

Health risks of the homosexual lifestyle

All schools should have a day of silence for all the lives this perverse lifestyle has taken.

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