Gay liberals show their true colors (hypocrites)


Don't worry, I'm not going to debate anyone over this.

As a Christian I believe as God says that marriage is between one man and one woman....very simple for me.
Everyone else is entitled to believe however they want.
Apparently, you believe America should be a theocracy...
Apparently, you believe we should be teaching homosexuality in school. Because that is one of the things that will happen once gay marriage is legal.
I believe neither in public schools nor of the government intervention into what are, at their foundation, spiritual rituals.

That being said, I could honestly care less what they teach in public schools. However, you should be more concerned with your public schools actually teaching solid fundamentals as related to math, science, and grammar, prior to worrying about the apparent indoctrination of telling your kids that homosexuals are people, too. The bottom line though, I never attended public schools until college and neither will my kids.
What does attending public schools have to do with anything? I am talking about teaching a sexual perversion to children.
What I mean is, public or private it will be tought. Unless of course they attend a private Christian school.

Then send your kids to private Christian schools and keep them away from anything remotely resembling the real world. It is the obvious solution.
As I mentioned earlier, the focus on grammar should be of greater concern to you.

Who cares whether our children understand basic language concepts, mathematics, social skills, etc. as long as they are not gay, or *gasp* learning tolerance.
I have a huge problem with the "anti-gay" wing of the conservative/Republican voting bloc. My problem lies in the fact that many socially conservative Republicans so strongly cling to homophobia that voting for GOP candidates is basically eliminated as a choice for many social moderates, who might otherwise vote for fiscal conservatives due to a grasp of basic economic fundamentals.

Homosexuality and gay marriage is of little, direct moral concern for 99.99% of American adults. There are no national security implications riding on the issue and little to no implications regarding interstate and foreign trade, arising from the issue of gay-rights.
Gay marriage isn't an issue that I would base my vote for a particular candidate on. However, I would vote to support the ban.
Actually, and I can see how you misunderstood me as I should have worded it better, that wasn't really supposed to be a dig at you. Sorry about that. Although you should consider wording the original post a bit differently too.
This is true.

The video absolutely infuriated me. My mother is a small, elderly, Christian woman. While my mother isn't the protest rally type, if she ever did decide to publicly express her views. I could just see some clown treating her in such a manner.

I honestly don't believe I could have stood by and watched that guy do what he did, even to a stranger. More than likely, I would have taken a ride in the backseat of a Ford.
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nobody taught me heterosexuality in school so i'm not sure why schools would all of a sudden start teaching kids homosexuality.

it was pretty much up to me to figure out how to get the p in the v. all i was taught were the repercussions of figuring that out and/or not being smart about it.

heterosexuals have made such a complete mockery of marriage from both the civil and religious sides that it's almost hypocritical, in fact it is, to say that marriage should be reserved for the sanctity of a man and a woman, because the bible says so.

sweet, let's live our lives exactly according to a book that was written 2000 years ago in a time and area that in no way what so ever resembles anything we as a society have today. even still, especially an issue that in no way, shape, or form affects the larger majority of people in this county.

both sides are becoming incredibly annoying, but the anti-gay side always finds a way to throw their dumb in there on top of it.
Hello, again, that is why I said that I agree with you. I thought the people in the video yelling at the lady for having her opinion were being pricks. Isn't that how you feel? If so, we agree, no sarcasm there. I was totally joking about your post being articulate because you said you would knock the guys teeth out, I thought it was funny, I was laughing with you not at you on that. This is one time we agree on something so I can see why you are having a hard time buying it. I don't think I would have worded the post like you did either but I get what you are saying.
I understand. Some things you just can't say in an articulate form.

It loses something when you say, "I would be compelled to perform traumatic extraction of his incisors and molars." :good!:
sweet, let's live our lives exactly according to a book that was written 2000 years ago in a time and area that in no way what so ever resembles anything we as a society have today.

but the anti-gay side always finds a way to throw their dumb in there on top of it.
You have either never read the Bible or you do not know how to read any deeper than face value.

As this now stands, you have definitely thrown your "dumb in there on top of it".
You have either never read the Bible or you do not know how to read any deeper than face value.

As this now stands, you have definitely thrown your "dumb in there on top of it".


yeah, give me a freakin break.

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