General Flynn completely exonerated

Now that Flynn doesn't need a presidential pardon, will he write a tell all about his time in the WH?
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All depends on his target - if it's Trump then he'll get a big advance; if it's Team Obama then looks like self publishing options

Who would want to read a book about a two term president with super high approval ratings?
I’d just like to say that it’s heart warming to see the support of our judicial system as a non partisan unbiased consistent body with no political agenda implied in how they will respond to high profile politically charged cases 😂
Are you suggesting that the court-appointed expert opined without principle?
Looks like it ended up not mattering. The thing I’ve never understood is why did the FBI go ask Flynn about the call when they had the transcript already? That’s the part that I don’t get. Did I miss the answer to that somewhere in all this nonsense?
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Looks like it ended up not mattering. The thing I’ve never understood is why did the FBI go ask Flynn about the call when they had the transcript already? That’s the part that I don’t get. Did I miss the answer to that somewhere in all this nonsense?
Because they were trying to trap him in a lie so they could threaten/charge him with lying to the FBI.

It’s pretty obvious at this point.

Edit: not remembering a phone call verbatim isn’t what I consider lying.
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super high? LOL

I mean he finished his term with a rcp average close to 60% approval, despite the loathing by the right.

While 'super high' is subjective admittedly, he finished a full 20% higher than where Trump is right now.

It's not a stretch to say America likes Obama far more than it does Trump. Donnie still has time to turn it around...
where does the $$$ come in for this situation?

I suspect Flynn spent a huge sum on the best lawyers available to provide his "innocence". Presume his own money, but who knows.

The kind of money available to a guy like this throws shade on the justice system to "normal" people. If you haven't ever witnessed this inequity, you haven't been paying attention.
DC Circuit is 7-4 split between Dem and Republigoon appointees. Expect a rehearing en banc. Expect a reversal. Then expect a SCOTUS appeal. This won't be done before Trump exits.

I can't imagine that Sullivan will request an en banc hearing.

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